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Wake Forest bid an emotional farewell to George E. “Skip” Prosser after his death from an apparent heart attack on July 26, 2007 at the age of 56.

Prosser was named the head basketball coach at Wake Forest in 2001, and led the team to an ACC Championship in 2003.

From those who knew him when he was just starting out in West Virginia; to fans at Xavier; to Wake Forest students and alumni; even to Tar Heels and Dookies, Skip Prosser touched countless lives. He will be remembered for his outstanding character, his love for family, and the impact he had on and off the basketball court.

More than 1,000 entries were posted in a guestbook for Prosser. They are preserved here as a permanent memoriam.

Please note: This guestbook is no longer open for new comments.


Guestbook Entries:

July 26, 2007 – 10:24 PM

Skip will be missed. A sad day for the entire Wake Forest community.

Jim Willis

July 26, 2007 – 10:44 PM

Thank you, Coach Prosser, for your leadership at Wake Forest. You will be missed by the Wake Forest community. Our hearts go out to the Prosser family.

Kimberly Marshall

July 26, 2007 – 10:46 PM

Coach Prosser was an excellent coach who always took the time to speak to you, either at practice or a clinic. The profession lost a great teacher and coach. Rest in Peace Coach Prosser

Coach Scott Ewing

July 26, 2007 – 10:47 PM

To the Prosser family. My thoughts and prayers are with you. May God bless you and keep you, the team and the Wake Forest community.

Kendall Price

July 26, 2007 – 10:50 PM

There are no words to justify such a tragic and unexpected loss of such a wonderful person, coach, friend, and leader. Skip gave the Wake Forest family so many memories that will forever last along with his legacy. My personal favorite was December 20, 2003, when the Deacs beat the Tar Heels in triple overtime. Thank you for making people so excited about Wake Forest basketball, thank you for taking young men and turning them into amazing athletes with incredible character, and thank you for so many other lasting memories. Prayers to the family and to Wake Forest.

Brett B

July 26, 2007 – 10:52 PM

My thoughts and prayers go out to Coach Prosser’s family and friends tonight.We’ll miss you, Coach.

Mary Kate Hurley

July 26, 2007 – 10:52 PM

Skip Prosser will be missed, among other things, for his unique personality and the care he showed for those around him.His weekly in-season emails to the WFU student body in recent years were a joy to read, full of his witty expressions and earnest excitement for the position he held. His post-game remarks made the ride back to campus a lot of fun.

Sincerest thoughts of support and healing go to the members of the Prosser family and all of the communities that hold them dear.

Matt Imboden

July 26, 2007 – 10:54 PM

What a great pleasure it was being a student during your coaching years at Wake Forest. Skip I am forever grateful to warm pizzas on cold nights in the parking lot at the Joel, for fist pumps at the beginning and end of big games (win or lose), for emphasizing the class that consititues the Wake Forest program, skipping class to go hear your luncheons at Bridger during the season, and for your loving Skipisms along the way! I was there the day you were announced Wake Forest head basketball coach 7 years ago and I will be gathered on the Quad tonight with everyone that you touched, rememebering the great man, teacher, coach, and friend you were to all of us. May God bless your family.

Lolly Hemphill

July 26, 2007 – 10:55 PM

I am very sorry for this terrible loss for Wake Forest. I had great respect for him and the way he conducted himself during games. Skip Prosser will be missed by the entire ACC family. My special condolences to his family, to his former players, and to those who had great expectations of playing for him for the first time this season.

Duke fan

July 26, 2007 – 10:55 PM

My prayers to his family and all of the Demon Deacon Fans. I am deeply saddened. Sam Cederas
Raleigh, N.C.
gopack@ null

Sam Cederas

July 26, 2007 – 10:55 PM

When I went to basketball camp, he would say, “if you can’t be on time, be early!” He was the nicest coaches I have ever met. I am very proud that I received the “Mr. Hustle” award from him in 2006. I have a picture of Coach Prosser and some of my friends that I will always love. I thank him for everything he did for Wake Forest basketball. As my parents said, he was a truly classy individual that brought much respect to Wake Forest. We will always love him!

Lee Hamilton Pratt

July 26, 2007 – 10:56 PM

We couldn’t have had a better coach to represent our university, but Skip may be missed more because of everything he did for the Wake Forest community. He will be sorely missed.

Laura (’03) and Matt (04′) Morgan

July 26, 2007 – 10:58 PM

As a wfu alumni, I was shocked at the untimely passing of Coach Prosser. My thoughts and prayers go to his family and to the faculty and students who knew him personally.

Lori Walker

July 26, 2007 – 11:00 PM

There was never a time that I didn’t walk by him and he didn’t smile and say hey. He was a gentleman and will be truly missed. Our prayers are with the Prosser’s and the rest of our Wake Forest family

Brad (’06) and Emily (’05) Garner

July 26, 2007 – 11:01 PM

He was a great coach, a great person, and a great representative of Wake Forest University. He will be missed.

Thomas Bissette ’94

July 26, 2007 – 11:01 PM

Skip – You defined my four years at Wake and never hesitated to stop for a second and talk to us either on campus or right before a big game. I can’t thank you enough for all of that. You will be missed Skip.

Rick DeMaio

July 26, 2007 – 11:01 PM

We were blessed to have him serve Wake Forest. He will be greatly missed.


July 26, 2007 – 11:01 PM

Coach Prosser did a great job of making Wake Forest basketball exciting and competitive. I attended WFU during the Childress/Duncan era, but watching Josh Howard and CP3 run up and down the floor was unlike anything else. He was a class act, a great recruiter of talent and young men, and a winner. He will be missed.

David Grubb ’97

July 26, 2007 – 11:02 PM

The basketball family has lost a great coach and man. Our thoughts and prayers go out to his family and friends at this time.

wvu fan

July 26, 2007 – 11:02 PM

As a retired faculty member, know that the Wake Forest Community has lost a wonderful and valuable member. Skip represented all that was good and great about Wake. My prayers and thoughts go out to his family. He will be missed

Buddy Herring ’68 JD 71

July 26, 2007 – 11:03 PM



July 26, 2007 – 11:03 PM

Skip was much more than our basketball coach; he was a true ambassador for everything about our university. He will be missed for everything he has done for our school.

Jeff Merski

July 26, 2007 – 11:05 PM

My prayers go out to the family for your loss. May God bless. Coach Prosser will be missed.

Leroy Collins Jr.

July 26, 2007 – 11:05 PM

Skip, for never hesitating to stop what you were doing to say hi, for your quick one-liners and witty sense of humor, and for all you did for Wake Forest and our community, I thank you.We will remember you always.

Gerard McMahon ’07

July 26, 2007 – 11:06 PM

Coach Prosser was one of the best coaches in the country and I was looking forward to watching him coach for many years to come. This is a sad day for everyone. Our thoughts and prayers are with his family, friends, and the Wake Forest community.


July 26, 2007 – 11:06 PM

Skip was what is best about life. His goals were for others to better themselves.

Rick Karlsruher

July 26, 2007 – 11:07 PM

Wake Forest basketball has been a part of our lives for over 30 years. I have always admired the players and coaches for their work ethic and sportsmanship. Skip epitomized Wake Forest athletics, and I will certainly miss him

Parent of 2 Wake Forest graduates

July 26, 2007 – 11:07 PM

Skip Prosser was a talented coach and great person by all accounts. This is a very sad day. I am praying for his family during this time. You will be missed greatly.

Brenton Gilbert

July 26, 2007 – 11:07 PM

Thank you Skip for everything you contributed to the WFU family.

Todd White 1986

July 26, 2007 – 11:07 PM

My son and I attended three father/son basketball camps that Coach Prosser ran personally. At each of them, he made sure that everyone understood one of his most important sayings, “Never delay gratitude.” What a sad way to learn again the truth in that saying. My son and I, along with the entire Wake community, celebrate your life today, Skip, and wish you Godspeed on your journey. God just got himself one heck of a coach and teacher. We will miss you.

Ed Triplett (’88)

July 26, 2007 – 11:08 PM

As a dedicated Wake basketball fan, the loss of Skip, an admired man and coach will be greatly missed. My heart and prayers go out to his family and the entire Wake Forest Community. I always loved how he never coached a game without his gold tie. He will always be remembered.

Jaime Kosinski ’98

July 26, 2007 – 11:08 PM

I’m absolutely heartbroken. I feel like one of my brothers passed away. God, please bless Skip’s family first and foremost and our Wake Forest family too.

Lawson Deaton

July 26, 2007 – 11:09 PM

Skip Prosser was such an incredible ambassador for Wake Forest — class, humor, education, fierce loyalty, and the perseverance to continue to work towards any goal that was set. I was always proud to have him as a representative of My School. Basketball was great fun, and Coach made it even more so. I will miss him as a coach, but more for the man with values and as a teacher. Deepest condolences to his wife and sons, and the entire Wake Forest family.

Sarah C. Shoaf, D.D.S (’76)

July 26, 2007 – 11:10 PM

Thank you Skip for truly representing what Wake Forest University is all about. You were living proof about how many lives one person can touch through their morals and values. WFU and the rest of the world lost an incredible person today, and we will miss you Skip


John W. Cross ’04

July 26, 2007 – 11:10 PM

It is certainly a sad day for the Wake Forest community. He will be missed by all. Our thoughts and prayers are with the Prosser family.

Emily and Gary Cagle

July 26, 2007 – 11:10 PM

Coach Prosser’s e-mails never failed to get me excited about the upcoming games, and always made me feel like I was part of a greater community of fans. This past summer he attended a chemistry demo show to cheer on some of his players in the classroom. I was so surprised to see him there, thinking that most coaches wouldn’t take the time for something so silly as a group of students playing around with chemicals. But the Coach was truly a remarkable man who set an example for us all, and he will be greatly missed around the forest of wake.

Shannon, class of ’09

July 26, 2007 – 11:11 PM

Coach Prosser was more than a good basketball coach…he was a great human being. His wit, charm, and passion endeared him to all whose lives he touched. I always felt a great deal of pride because he was, and is, part of the Wake Forest family. Our grief is monumental, but our memories will last forever, coach. Rest in peace.

Tom Siffringer

July 26, 2007 – 11:13 PM

I can’t express how shocked and saddened I was to learn of Skip Prosser’s untimely passing. He was a good man. We couldn’t have asked for a better representative for our university. My thoughts and prayers go out to his family, his team and the entire Wake Forest community.

Jonathan Bennett Class of 2001

July 26, 2007 – 11:13 PM

Though I never attended Wake Forest, I have always had a great respect for the way the basketball team and Skip Prosser have conducted themselves. He was a great role model for the players and the community. He was basketball at his finest and my thoughts and prayers go out to his family and players and the Wake community.Mark Priceman
San Diego State ’06

Mark Priceman

July 26, 2007 – 11:17 PM

Here’s to a beloved member of the Wake Forest family, Coach Prosser. We will miss him dearly, especially his dry wit and passion for the game. I met him one time at an alumni event in Charlotte and told him I made it to every home game I could. He replied, “I try to make all the games as well.” A newly signed Justin Gray, still in high school, was standing beside him, trying to act serious and stifle a grin. It makes for a nice memory. Rest in peace, Coach.

Patrick Lemons

July 26, 2007 – 11:17 PM

We most more than just a coach today; we lost a leader, an ambassador for our school, and a man who loved his family above all else. Skip found the best in people and he never met a stranger.Our prayers go to Nancy and the family, for they surely have lost more than we have. Go Deacs!

Sterling Griggs class of 1992

July 26, 2007 – 11:18 PM

Coach:Never got the chance to meet you but have followed with marvel at the amount of enthusiasm you were able to generate amongst the Wake Forest faithful. You will forever be know as the coach that started a true homecourt advantage in Winston Salem. Well done!

Tate Maddox (’00)

Tate Maddox

July 26, 2007 – 11:21 PM

I was a freshman for Skip’s first year at Wake, and I was blessed to enjoy four years of watching him coach one of the best, classiest programs in the NCAA. Skip embodied the best of Wake Forest, and made me proud to be a Demon Deacon.
During Screamin Demon sign-ups my senior year, Skip told us, “This is your team. This will always be your team. The good times you have at the games this season, you’ll always remember. You make a difference to this team.” Skip may be gone, but the Demon Deacons are still his team, we’ll always remember the good times we had with him, and we’ll always remember the difference he made to everyone at Wake Forest.

Ann Tucker ’05

July 26, 2007 – 11:23 PM

Our prayers to his family, his team and the all Wake Forest fans. He was a class act.

UVa fan

July 26, 2007 – 11:24 PM

I am deeply saddend by the passing of one of basketballs best coaches. He not only took over a Wake team but he made them winners again. I know the entire Tarheel Nation joins me in mouring the loss of a not just a great coach but a great man. May God bless the prosser family.

Carolina Fan

July 26, 2007 – 11:24 PM

Thank you, Mrs. Prosser, Mark and Scott, for sharing your treasure with all of us Deacon Fans. We got a glimpse of the amazing husband and father Skip was to you. How lucky you were! As hard as this loss is for us, we can only imagine the depth of your suffering. We think of you tonight with much compassion. May God hold you close.

alumna ’71

July 26, 2007 – 11:29 PM

My son and I attended his Father/Son basketball camps. At our first one, after lunch in the Pit, my son spilled his drink. As we were cleaning it up, Coach came by and grabbed some napkins to help, and said to my son “Don’t worry – happens to me at least once every day!” A little thing, sure, but it confirmed my opinion that this was a man who genuinely cared about the kids he was working with.I’ll miss you, Coach.

Dennis Sykes ’80

July 26, 2007 – 11:32 PM

Thank you Skip for helping make Wake Forest my home away from home. I always loved to see you eating with students in the Pit, walking amongst us on the quad, and delivering doughnuts in the middle of the night as we waited for tip-off. You will continue to be a role model for my life. May God bless your family and give you eternal peace and rest.Class of 2006

Joseph Bumgarner

July 26, 2007 – 11:34 PM

I was out of college before Coach Prosser joined the ACC, but I’ve seen plenty of UVA-Wake games on TV since then. From everything I’ve seen and read and heard, he was well-loved by everyone who met him. As a fellow member of the ACC family, my heartfelt condolences go out to Coach Prosser’s family and all of the Wake Forest community for your loss.

A Wahoo Alum in Richmond

July 26, 2007 – 11:34 PM

What can you say. Skip is a great man! I met him at the 2004 Final Four. My original seats were in the rafters and after GT beat OSU, there were a ton of seats in the lower level so I changed seats. After sitting in the seats for a few minutes I realized I was in the section for NCAA coaches as I was surrounded by many DI coaches. After sitting in the seats for a few minutes I noticed someone down the row looking at me. I was wearing my WF polo and didn’t recognize the face. The person leaned over to someone beside him and before I knew it, Skip was looking at me a few seats away. I then realized the first person to spot me was his son, Mark. I spoke with Skip for about five minutes about the season and how I wished I was there to watch the Deacs play. He said he wished I was there to watch the Deacs as well. He was very gracious and was very kind to take the time to speak with a fellow Deac. I will always treasure my brief encounter with Skip and will always remember him as a great ambassador for WF. RIP Skip. You are truly missed.

Blake Buckingham 1993

July 26, 2007 – 11:38 PM

Shocked and heartbroken…those were my immediate emotions after hearing about Coach Prosser’s passing. What a great guy, coach, teacher, and orator. My prayers go out to his family, and all those affected his passing.

Kevin B. Bullard – UNC Grad

July 26, 2007 – 11:39 PM

The Wake Forest community grieves the loss of a great man today. Coach Prosser was a man of highest character on the basketball court and in life. I was most impressed with his strong devotion to his faith. I would often see him at mass on campus even on a Sunday night after a big game. His strong convictions were evident in every aspect of his life. He will be missed greatly!

Alisha Tomlinson DeTroye ’00, PA ’04

July 26, 2007 – 11:39 PM

To the Prosser family:All our love, thoughts and prayers are with you all now. We are all hurting now as one very large family around you.

May God’s comfort be with you all.

WFU ’83

July 26, 2007 – 11:40 PM

Living in Cincinnati, we were honored and privileged to have Skip here for all those years coaching the Xavier Musketeers, and running the summer camps my boys attended. He was truly a class act in every way, and his sudden death is hard to take. Our prayers go out to his personal family and his Wake Forest family.

Ted Lucien

July 26, 2007 – 11:41 PM

Please know that your loss is shared by thousands of people. Your husband/father was a great man who did noble work – he chose to coach and teach young people. His impact in the ACC has been positive and will be long lasting; State fan’s hearts go out to you and to all of the WFU family.

An NC State Alum from Raleigh

July 26, 2007 – 11:41 PM

Everyone should wear their tye dye tomorrow. Skip was the impetus for the tye dye nation so let’s show him we stand behind it!!!

Deana Smart

July 26, 2007 – 11:43 PM

My condolences to all of you who knew Coach Prosser in recent years. He was my high school history teacher, and of course I was thrilled as a fan of our basketball team, which did so well, but I have so much gratitude for the way he taught and made us think about history. I have watched his basketball success from a distance these past years and was so happy for it to happen to such a smart and good person.

Suzan (CCHS Class of 1984

July 26, 2007 – 11:45 PM

Prayers, condolences and love to the Prosser family and to the staff, players and all associated with Wake Forest who were privileged enough to know Skip Prosser. He will long live on in our memories and in our hearts.

Will Blair, Class of 1990

July 26, 2007 – 11:46 PM

I am not eloquent in my words, but even if I was, I don’t think there are words to express what Skip meant to Wake Forest. He was much more than just a coach. He truly loved his players and the school and truly loved by his players and the school. My memories of my time at Wake will always include him and the excitement he brought to the basketball court. I proud to have his name and legacy associated with my alma mater. Thanks Skip for all the memories. My thoughts and prayers go out to his family. May you rest in peace.

Jenny Kabarec ’04 MSA ’05

July 26, 2007 – 11:46 PM

I’ll miss you Skip. I’ll never forget the pre-game emails or the fist pumps after a big win. I’ll always be proud that Wake had a coach – a teacher – like you to represent us. It’s been a pleasure these past couple years and my prayers go out to your family and friends. You were well and widely loved, deservedly so.After every big win, I’ll know where to find you. See you on the Quad at midnight. Go Deacs!

Brooks Morgan – 2009

July 26, 2007 – 11:47 PM

What a tremendous loss for Wake Forest. Coach Prosser was a rare jewel, a kind man who cared about others. He lived the WF motto “Pro Humanitate” (for humanity). My prayers are with his family and team. My heart is sad but thankful for having known him.

Janice Byrd, WF Mom

July 26, 2007 – 11:47 PM

A great and gracious man gone way too soon. Thoughts and prayers to his family

James Moore

July 26, 2007 – 11:48 PM

He gave a lot to wake basketball, truly will be missed!

Jessica Clodfelter

July 26, 2007 – 11:49 PM

I’ve always said you can tell a lot about a person by how they treat a pesky student reporter. Coach P was always helpful and generous with his time when I covered the Deacs for the OGB.Even when the team was losing, Coach Prosser gave us a clean, academically oriented program about which we could be proud.

The Wake Forest community lost a great asset today.

Jason Mazda, ’05

July 26, 2007 – 11:49 PM

Coach-Thank you for creating hope and excitement while fueling our passion for Wake Forest basketball. Of course it’s awful for the ACC to lose such a talented and gifted coach, but what’s even more terrible is that this world lost one of the most classy and well respected, flat out “good guys” it has ever seen. I’ll hold my Prosser bobble head even nearer to my heart now! My deepest prayers to the Prosser family.

Lindsey Dortch

July 26, 2007 – 11:52 PM

As a student, I always got excited to see an email waiting from Coach Prosser. How many other kids could say they got emails from their school’s sports coaches? If you saw him around campus, he’d always give a friendly ‘hello’ and be more than willing to talk about anything with you. If you sent him an email, you’d have a reply waiting for you when you got back to your computer. Even camping out for games, only someone as special as Skip would come by with some pizzas. Despite all his successes on the court, it is this I will always remember about Skip Prosser. God bless you Coach, my prayers go out to his family and friends, and may you rest in peace.

Erik Risendal (’08)

July 26, 2007 – 11:52 PM

Thanks for all you did for wake forest basketball. You made wake exciting to watch and always represented the university well. The fan base grew so much when you became head coach. You are one of the finest coaches wake has ever seen. You will be missed.

Trey Newstedt

July 26, 2007 – 11:55 PM

You will be missed Coach Prosser.

Todd Timmons ’07

July 26, 2007 – 11:59 PM

Thoughts and prayers to Skip’s family and the entire WFU community. Rarely do you find such class and professionalism in sports today; a true loss.

John DeMaio

July 26, 2007 – 11:59 PM

My prayers go out to his wife and sons and to the WFU family. An extraordinary man was taken away today. ACC Basketball will never be the same.Duke Fan

Sheila Barber

July 27, 2007 – 12:00 AM

Coach P
Thanks for all the talks and words of Widsom. May God Be With your Family and Friend at this Time. You came to Wake Forest and You Wake the Nation. I will miss You. I Will MISS YOU!A Friend, A Fan, For Life

A Dear Fan-

July 27, 2007 – 12:04 AM

My association with Wake Forest is from my sister who is the head coach for the field hockey team. I met Coach Prosser on several occasions and he always impressed me by how kind he was to everyone he met. He seemed to be quite the family man and I can tell one of the more popular figures at Wake. I learned of the loss on the site and was instantly saddened. From a distant California, we all are sending our best wishes for his family in this difficult time. I am just very glad to have met such a wonderful person and coach and will miss his positive influence in the sporting community. God bless his family and friends.

David Averill

July 27, 2007 – 12:06 AM

Coach Prosser embodied everything good in college athletics, but most importantly, LIFE. My thoughts and prayers are with the entire Wake Forest community, and the Prosser family.

A Duke Guy

July 27, 2007 – 12:07 AM

skip was an asset to the wake forest family. he will be greatly missed.

Caroline S.

July 27, 2007 – 12:07 AM

From the time I sold Skip something in the bookstore as a freshman to his first screaming demons address to the last basketball game I attended, I knew he was a good man. He did a lot of great things for Wake Forest whether his teams were in first place or last place. We will miss him greatly.Charles, class of ’07

Charles B Barham IV

July 27, 2007 – 12:10 AM

The news as hit us all like a ton of bricks. Things were looking so good for Wake basketball, and for Skip. He surely was a great coach, and a great man. He will be missed. His family will be kept in our prayers!

Biggest Wake Fan

July 27, 2007 – 12:11 AM

A true asset to the WFU community was lost today. My heartfelt sympathies go out to the Prosser family. Skip, you will be missed dearly.

WFU Alum ’00

July 27, 2007 – 12:11 AM

We were deeply saddened to hear of the untimely passing of Coach Prosser. His class, integrity and love for the game of basketball were second to none. The Wake Forest Family has lost not only a great coach but a great ambassador for the University. Our hearts go out to his family, players and friends. His spirit will live on in all of us who had the privilege to watch him coach.

The Gunter Family

July 27, 2007 – 12:11 AM

As a University of Kansas alumna I never met Coach Prosser. But, I know he was held in high regard by all other teams, coaches and fans as a man with integrity, intelligence and honesty. He cared deeply for his family, school, associates and his players and they all cared deeply for him in return – who could ask for more?!? Schools, players and fans across the country are sharing in your grief and we want to express our condolences to the Prosser Family and to his collegiate family, too. As a person and as a Jayhawk I wanted to let you know how universal his appeal and persona were – we’re so sorry for your loss.Laurie Evans
University of Kansas Jayhawk, class of 1968

Laurie Evans

July 27, 2007 – 12:13 AM

As a Georgia Tech fan, facing the Wake Forest basketball team has been for years one of the scariest prospects of the season. Our hearts go out to Skip’s family, and we all mourn the all too early passing of a very respected opponent. It was a shock, it was too soon, and it is a tragedy.


July 27, 2007 – 12:14 AM

I was so saddened to hear of Skip Prosser’s sudden passing. What a wonderful teacher, coach, mentor, and representative of all that is RIGHT in college athletics. My heart goes out to his family, the university, and the student-athletes who will surely miss him.

Lisa Jabara, BA, 91

July 27, 2007 – 12:20 AM

My son, graduated from WFU in 06, because of him & his roommate(John Buck)
I got hook in WFU b-ball, I had an opportinity to meet Coach on a few occasions at Church services, at every time, he was very cordial & took time to chat. Although I attended UTEP, I’m a DEAMON DEACON at heart. Thanks Coach.
To the family, may GOD be with you, and we will keep you in our prayers.
The Martinez Family
Jacksonville, NC

Mr. Ismael Martinez

July 27, 2007 – 12:41 AM

Skip made my first year at Wake Forest unforgettable on so many levels, with the exciting season, motivating speeches, unbridled enthusiasm, emails to the students, and positive outlook on the team regardless of the current situation. You will always be remembered in the heart of the Loyola, Xavier, and Wake Forest communities, and you will be missed on the court.

Robert Bloomer

July 27, 2007 – 12:41 AM

It was ironic that I chose to wear my tye-dye shirt today. I remember when Skip was named head coach and wondered – who is he? Over the years, I grew fond of his coaching style and admired his teams’ tenacity and their sportsmanship they displayed both on and off the court. Skip’s presence will be sorely missed.Chris Mason
NCSU ’89 & ACC Basketball Fan

Chris Mason

July 27, 2007 – 01:02 AM

Godspeed, coach.

A Wahoo

July 27, 2007 – 01:04 AM

From the athletics family at Cleveland State University to the entire Wake Forest community, I wish to express our deepest sympathy to the Prosser family, Ron Wellman and the entire Demon Deacon community at this difficult time. Wake was here at Cleveland State for the first round of the NCAA tournament in 2005. Skip and his staff as well as Ron Wellman and his were the nicest, most professional group we have had the opportunity to work with. Please know that we all feel the pain of losing such a great human being far too early.God Bless

Lee Reed

July 27, 2007 – 01:08 AM

I am truly deep into my heart i just wanna say that i am so sorry for all the wake forest fan to lose a good coach on sudden tragic on July 26,2007 wow i have this shiverness in to my body when i type that date and i have a reason to be sad and have a reason to be emotional about coach prosser passing from us….coach prosser was a good coach and a good man to everybody and his heart will always be with me forever..he will always be a demon deacon forever and it wont be the same anymore.May god be with you and your family..My deepest condolences go out to his family and his 2 sons. R.I.P COACH

Kevin(High school Junior)

July 27, 2007 – 01:10 AM

Although our time together at Wake was cut much too short, we will forever be Demon Deacons together. You were a great coach, and a better man. You will always be in our hearts.

John Xenakis

July 27, 2007 – 01:10 AM

During one of his first basketball camps at Wake, I stood at a basketball goal in the corner of the gym and handed balls to younger children who could not get their own rebounds. Later on, when the camp assembled, Coach Prosser asked me to stand up and told the camp the story. I had no idea he had been watching. He told us, “Character is who you are when no one is watching.” At that age, when I naively wanted to be a professional basketball player, that action meant a great deal to me. Skip, you may not be down here watching us directly, but the lessons that we all take from your presence will allow us to have character and all of the positive attributes for which you so strongly stood.

Rest in peace.

Michael Jones

July 27, 2007 – 01:33 AM

Coach Prosser coached in the conferences of both of my favorite teams. I saw him firsthand many times in the Rielly Center in Olean, NY as the head coach of Xavier, as his Musketeers would always stick it to my beloved Bonnies. At WFU, Coach Prosser led a great program who always played Carolina tough, even in the down years.

My heart goes out to Coach’s family, friends, and the Wake community. I am still in shock, I can’t imagine how it must feel for all of you.

UNC and St. Bonaventure Follower

July 27, 2007 – 01:49 AM

Skip and Nancy were classmates of mine in the 1968 graduating class of Carnegie High School. I was playing golf with some high school buddies a couple of years ago when there was mention that Skip might be up for the head coaching job at the Pitt. We were all hoping he would come back to the area to coach. We really hadn’t seen him since high school but we were proud that one of our guys from old Carnegie High had done so well at the collegiate level. In high school he was one of the most intense basketball players I ever saw. He would go 1000% until the final whistle. There were a lot of people from his hometown following his career. I was really sorry to read about his passing today. My condolences to Nancy and their sons.
With SympathyBob Rodi
Carnegie High School
Class of ’68

Bob Rodi

July 27, 2007 – 01:58 AM

I had the pleasure of speaking with Coach Prosser a handful of times. It was mostly small talk, but it was clear he showed a genuine interest in every person he ever crossed paths with. I’m deeply saddened by this loss. Thoughts and prayers go out to Coach’s family and friends.

Ryan Gordon

July 27, 2007 – 02:06 AM

What a wonderful coach and an even better person whom I would have liked to have met. I went to a lot of Carolina basketball games when they played Wake Forest. I have lived off and on in Pittsburgh for a while and I always thought it was cool that he didn’t forget where he started out, I am from West Virginia so it was nice to see someone start there and make the big time so to speak and still be a class act. I hope that he is remembered as someone who truly cared.


July 27, 2007 – 02:07 AM

I never met Skip, I’m just a Wake Forest fan all the way in Wisconsin, probably the only fan in Wisconsin. My heart goes out to his family and to the Wake Forest community. We love you Skip, Rest in Peace. Amen.

James K

July 27, 2007 – 02:17 AM

I met you at a coaching clinic. I appreciate all you have contributed to the game and life. I always respected the way you moved up from the high school level through college. In Indiana we love basketball and you were one of the best. You will be remembered, hopefully you can see some of you in the way I coach.
Thanks for everything Coach,
Nathan Owen
Okeechobee High School, Okeechobee, Fl

Nathan Owen

July 27, 2007 – 02:35 AM

I was a freshman when Skip stopped me to talk about Lawrenceville, NJ (my hometown). He didn’t need to, but he wanted to…it was then that I understood he cared about Wake Forest as a school and its students. He was a man we all wished we could be…he cared about the school, its students and his players…Skip Prosser was Wake Forest and we lost a great man way too soon. I will always remember my conversations with Skip whether it was it was in Benson, the PIT or Sportsline…he was truly a man of greatness. Thank you Skip. We will always miss you.

Adam Alterman

July 27, 2007 – 02:36 AM

My son had the good fortune to meet Coach Prosser when he was filming the basketball games for WakeTV during his 4 years at Wake Forest. He shared a photograph with me that was taken several years ago with the coach. When we spoke tonight, he told me what a gracious man he was when dealing with all of the students. Our family sends it’s deepest sympathies to the Prosser family. You will be in our thoughts during the coming days. It is indeed a loss for all of the Wake Forest community.

Nancy Cox and Matthew Cox ’06

July 27, 2007 – 03:35 AM

Dear Prosser family,
My heart aches for you. I’ve followed Skip’s career for years and have always loved him. I was so excited to welcome him to the ACC. Blessings and huge hugs from the Duke community.


July 27, 2007 – 03:44 AM

To the Prosser Family and the Wake Forest Community,I am a Duke grad (’06) and have always held Wake Forest University and Coach Prosser in the highest regard. I am shocked to hear such tragic news this morning and I want to express my most sincere condolences. My heart goes out to you all.

Andrew Schmidt

July 27, 2007 – 04:52 AM

I was shocked and could not believe what had happened to Coach Prosser. My prayers and condolences go to the Prosser and WFU households in their time of need. Sadly, this illustrates to us that life is short and that tomorrow is promised to no man. Let those close to you know that you love them; you may not get another chance.May the Lord grant you eternal peace, Coach.

Nima Ghazai

July 27, 2007 – 05:06 AM

<<My heart goes out to Coach Prosser´s family and the entire Deacon community.

WFU grad in Germany

July 27, 2007 – 05:10 AM

Unfortunately, I did not get a chance to meet Coach Prosser. But somehow I feel like I had a decent sense about his character and overall sense of humor and grace. Coming from a dedicated ACC Hoops supporter on the West Coast of California, I just want to say I am sad and extend my heartfelt condolences to anyone taking the time to read this. I am so sorry you lost your coach.I feel for the loss of the WF community and wish you all the best. He will certainly be missed, the tip of the iceberg in terms of how people will appreciate this devoted family man and teacher.

With love and respect.

Seth Jacobs
Los Angeles, CA

Seth Jacobs

July 27, 2007 – 05:46 AM

TO THE FAMILY:I am very sorry for your lost you have my deepest simply.May GOD be with you and I will keep you in my prayers. THE ROSEBORA’S FAMILY.


July 27, 2007 – 05:51 AM

Our daughter, a WFU student, has told us many times what a wonderful person Coach Prosser was on campus and how kind and caring he was to the students. What he did for WFU went well beyond being a coach, as he showed his players, the students of WFU and, indeed, during the nationally broadcast tournament, the whole nation, what true integrity and grace under pressure are all about! We are so proud of him, as he helped to enforce the pride we already have in our school, which goes way beyond any sport. We are thankful for the time he spent with our students at WFU. Our sympathies to his family, as we know he will be sorely missed. The Kidner Family

The Kidner Family

July 27, 2007 – 05:55 AM

We ask for God’s comfort for the Prosser family in this time of terrible and tragic loss. Wake has lost a fine person who led by example.The Roehrig Family, Middletown, NJ

The Roehrig Family

July 27, 2007 – 06:08 AM

Our daughter Leslie Pack (WFU MBA ’05), two of her friends, my wife and I had lunch with Skip in 2005 as a result of a business school fundraiser. We were impressed that he was such a true gentlemen and very genuine. He didn’t know us at all, but he made us all feel like he was our friend. We will all miss him yet feel very grateful we had the opportunity to know him.

Leon & Elaine Pack

July 27, 2007 – 06:28 AM

I will never forget Coach Prosser. I was at Xavier when he was there. He was that kind of person that everyone was drawn to. My heart aches for his family and for everyone who enjoyed watching him coach. He loved what he did and I wish we had more people like him. R.I.P.

What a man!

July 27, 2007 – 06:29 AM

“It’s not whether you win or lose, it’s how you live your life”….Thanks for teaching this to our children, Coach! You will be missed.

Mother of a WFU student

July 27, 2007 – 06:35 AM

May God’s blessings be with the Prosser family and the Wake Forest family at this tragic time. Although I was affiliated with another ACC school, I had a great respect for Coach Prosser and his desire to be more than just a basketball coach.He didn’t just develop players — he developed men in the way they should go. We need more coaches like him, and the sports world is forever diminished by his passing.

My prayers are with you all.

Michael Simpson

July 27, 2007 – 06:37 AM

Coach Prosser’s enthusiasm and sportsmanship inspired my daughters, my wife and I to fall in love with
Wake Forest and college basketball. Some of our most cherished memories will be the trips to Winston-Salem to see the Demon Deacons play. Our prayers are with the Posser family and the whole Wake community.

Randy Wilde

July 27, 2007 – 06:44 AM

Oh My gracious!! What a sad day for all of us. I didn’t know him, but I’m so sad for our community, his family, and the college basketball team. My deep condolences to the Prosser family and to Wake Forest University He seems to be a very good and considerate man, and will be truly missed. God Bless.

Jan H. Ruff

July 27, 2007 – 06:46 AM

As a Xavier grad and a deep admirer of Coach Prosser’s style, Cincinnati is mourning the loss of one of the greatest coaches in XU’s history. My condolences go out to the entire WF community.

Mike Engel

July 27, 2007 – 06:47 AM

To the Prosser and Wake Forest University Family:Your ACC family mourns with you. I am so sorry for your loss.

M Porter

July 27, 2007 – 06:54 AM

I remember my first year at Wake when I slept in my friend’s car for three nights to ensure a great seat to the Wake v. Duke basketball game. It was a miserable wait, but Coach Prosser came out with players to deliver pizzas to the fans and talk with us…it made it all worth it! He was always so classy on the court and friendly whenever you ran into him on campus, it always made you feel like he cared about you as an individual. Coach Prosser, you will be missed. All of my thoughts go to Coach’s family at this time…he was an absolutely amazing man and Wake Forest is so lucky to have had him be with us!

Much love,


Devin Kidner

July 27, 2007 – 07:14 AM

My sympathy to Prosser and Wake Forest families. He was clearly a class act, a great coach and even better person. Jim Mitan


July 27, 2007 – 07:15 AM

My thoughts go out to Mr. Prosser’s family. Please know the ACC community is here for support.


July 27, 2007 – 07:20 AM

To the Wake Forest family:
All of us mourn with you today. Skip was someone any one of us would have been proud to call “coach.”To Mark and the Prosser family:
I worked briefly with Mark at Wofford. You were an example of the same class that your father always showed. I am so sorry for your loss. Carrie Davis
Duke ’00

Carrie Davis

July 27, 2007 – 07:21 AM

Truly a sad day for the college basketball community. Coach Prosser embodied all that is good in college athletics. I’ve rooted for Wake for a long time and enjoyed watching the Coach Prosser led Wake teams. My heart aches for the Prosser family and the Wake community.

MAC (Duke fan)

July 27, 2007 – 07:23 AM

Coach Prosser was a class act. He will be missed. My thoughts and prayers are with his family.


July 27, 2007 – 07:27 AM

May God bless you Skip.

RB “Duke Fan”

July 27, 2007 – 07:29 AM

I am so sorry to know of Wake Forest’s loss. Skip worked with integrity and charm while at Xavier. I’ll not forget his principled stand on a dismissal of two students on academic grounds, students who might have been instrumental to basketball success one year. He did the right thing. May God bless his soul and his family, including Wake Forest.

David P (Xavier fan)

July 27, 2007 – 07:30 AM

Coach Prosser and his family are very important to the people of Cincinnati. The friends and colleagues at University Hospital in Cincinnati would like to send our sympathy and prayers for the Prosser family.

University Hospital Cincinnati

July 27, 2007 – 07:31 AM

I admired Coach Prosser and will be praying for his family. He will be missed and he did make a difference in his life. I am a Duke fan but will be pulling for the Deacons and Prosser family. In Christ

Jack Lynch

July 27, 2007 – 07:40 AM

Skip was a great guy and a great person to be around. He lived life. We will all miss him greatly.

Rick Decker

July 27, 2007 – 07:40 AM

I was at work yesterday, when I heard the news of Coach Prosser’s passing. I gasped when I read the news and a coworker came running. When I explained what had happened, my coworker said, “Oh, but you didn’t know him personally?” I responded, “No, but I felt like I did.”My deepest condolences to the Prosser family. The Wake Forest community and the basketball community grieves for the loss of Coach Prosser. He will be deeply missed!

Martha Lynch (’00)

Martha Lynch (’00)

July 27, 2007 – 07:42 AM

Our trips to Wake Forest to visit our daughter also introduced me to Wake Forest basketball. I was especially impressed by the student participation, with which Coach Prosser is credited. He was excellent example of what a coach should be: an honorable man with the skills, integrity, and grit to lead young players to greatness.
We all mourn his passing. God bless his family and Wake Forest. RIP.

Sharyn Koplish

July 27, 2007 – 07:46 AM

I was deeply saddened by the death of Coach Prosser. He apparently has fulfilled God’s purpose and has been taken home for his reward. God bless his family, the Deacons and the entire school family. He will be greatly missed.

Brenda Emmons (Duke Fan)

July 27, 2007 – 07:48 AM

The Prosser Family, the Wake Forest Community, the city of Winston-Salem, the state of North Carolina, the ACC, and the NCAA has today lost one of the finest men to ever be associated with the grand tradition of collegiate athletics. Coach Prosser carried the perfect balance of Demon Deacon Pride and reserved humility that made him the model of what a great coach and a great man should be. To all, and especially the Prosser family, we lift our thoughts, our prayers, and a ‘glass of the finest’ to honor Skip Prosser.

Branston and Sarah Williams (’02 – ’03)

July 27, 2007 – 07:50 AM

Skip was our captain at Xavier and every Muskie fan was proud and respected Skip when he took the Wake Forest job. We continued to follow and cheered his success because he was such a positive impact around campus. Our thoughts and prayers go out to his family and friends. He will be greatly missed.

Michael W. (Xavier 2001)

July 27, 2007 – 07:51 AM

I didn’t know coach Prosser personally, but I respect who he was and what he accomplished. My heart is saddened by his family’s and his community’s loss. Coach will continue live on and inspire us, in our hearts and minds.

J.P. Jarvis

July 27, 2007 – 07:51 AM

I pray that Nancy and the WFU athletic family will find peace in knowing that God is in control and will be your comfort in this time of sorrow. In all my meetings with coach “Skip”, he always had time to share. May God bless him and welcome him into His loving arms.MSG Thomas

Frank Thomas

July 27, 2007 – 07:53 AM

Skip was a great representative of the university. He always handled himself with dignity, class, good humor, a wink, and a smile. We shall forever miss the unique charm and positive influence that he brought to so many.

Josh Young

July 27, 2007 – 07:53 AM

How devastating; however, Skip left us with nothing but good things to remember him by. Our prayers are with the Prosser family and the entire WFU family.

WFU Parent

July 27, 2007 – 07:57 AM

I’m in shock. I know our grief as a Wake Forest community does not compare to the grief his wife and sons are feeling. It is pretty evident by all accounts that he was so respected not only by Wake Forest, but by the ACC and college basketball in general. What a testament to a life when the whole country begs for it not to be true!

’01 grad

July 27, 2007 – 07:57 AM

Great coach!

Duke Fan

July 27, 2007 – 07:57 AM

Mrs. Prosser, Scott & Mark, please know that my family’s condolences go out to you all at this time. I believe your husband was one of the “best ever” on the court and more importantly off the court. He will be missed by the fans everywhere no matter what their affiliation. God Bless.

Michael Pond (Duke Fan)

July 27, 2007 – 07:59 AM

Despite attending a rival ACC school, I have nothing but admiration and respect for Coach Prosser. He will be truly missed by all college basketball fans. My deepest sympathies to his family and the Wake Forest community.

Andrea Z

July 27, 2007 – 08:00 AM

I watched Skip coach the last several years and his passion for the game was unbelievable!! Even though I was always pulling for the team in light blue when I watched him I still respected him!! Truly a great guy! He will be missed all over the tobacco road region and the ACC!! Today we all Demon Deacons!!


July 27, 2007 – 08:00 AM

My son called me and I could not believe what he told me. Skip made a difference with my son while he was at Wake as he did with many students. Skip was a unique person and will be missed.

Alan Alterman P’06

July 27, 2007 – 08:02 AM

What Skip said about Chris Paul is also true for Skip – if he had never coached a game at Wake, it would be a much better place because he was there. I was fortunate to spend some time with Coach over the last six years and wanted him to be our coach until he coached no more. Even those of us who didn’t see him often will miss him so. My and my family’s deepest sympathies and condolences to Nancy and his family.

Jeffrey Batts ’81, ’86

July 27, 2007 – 08:02 AM

Even though I have always been a Duke fan, Skip Prosser was my favorite coach. I’ve seen him many times when Wake Forest played against Duke and in the ACC tournament. I still find it hard to believe. My prayers are with his family and those close to him. He will be missed tremendously!!

Becky K Norris

July 27, 2007 – 08:02 AM

Coach Prosser’s death is a true tragedy. Beyond his obvious leadership and basketball skill, he was such a fine man, so nobly motivated. I hope his family, friends, teammates and the WFU Community can take considerable solace in the way he lived, which remains a model for all of us to emulate.For many decades, I have been a Blue Devil. Today, however, my heart is with Wake Forest.

Roy Kiefer

July 27, 2007 – 08:08 AM

I work in the Athletic Office at George Mason University. On our trip to the Final Four my son saw Coach Prosser and asked him for a photo together. It’s a moment our family will cherish. Prayers to his family and the Wake Forest family.

Debby Gregg

July 27, 2007 – 08:12 AM

We will never forget the fist pump before every basketball game!

E.P -’06

July 27, 2007 – 08:13 AM

I believe that this event, already in less than 24 hours, symbolizes the greatest aspect of the Wake Forest community. That is, that we are simply not a community, but a family. Yesterday, as phone calls and emails were flying about, I took a moment to reflect upon the impact that Skip has made among our family of Wake Forest fans. He mobilized the Deacon Nation, had elderly ladies wearing tie dye, and sparked a fire that was missing in our family. I remember watching him coach the WVA game in 2005 as we went into triple overtime, and being amazed at his ability to inspire and motivate not only our players but the fans. Thank you, Skip, for all you did and continue to do, even in your death, for the Demon Deacons. I “raise a glass” and will wear my tie dye in honor of you.

Claire Boyette (03)

July 27, 2007 – 08:14 AM

I met Coach Prosser at a local coaching clinic. He had come “home” to Wheeling to put on a clinic for the high school coaches in the area. He was funny, intense, patient and very willing to share with us. I have seen him twice since then at regional clinics and, of course, followed his teams on TV. Wake has lost a great teacher and a great man.

James Davis

July 27, 2007 – 08:15 AM

Wake Forest is most fortunate to have had Skip Prosser as long as we did. He exemplified character, class, and was a true gentlemen. We are grateful he came our way.


July 27, 2007 – 08:16 AM

I am a devout Tar Heel, therefore I love basketball. Therefore, I truly respect Coach Skip, what he did for WFU and what he did for college basketball. And from all indications, he was a better person than he was a coach; and he was an excellent coach. I hope all UNC fans join me in being a little bit “Demon Deacon” during this time. God bless Coach Skip, his family, and the entire WFU community.

Dave Harrington

July 27, 2007 – 08:19 AM

Skip Prosser was a great coach and a great man who emphasized teamwork and sportsmanship. He will be missed as a coach and as a great influence on his players and the ACC community as a whole, as well as the university. When Dave Odom left, I was crushed, but Skip Prosser was an excellent replacement. All the Demon Deacons are in mourning today – rolling the Quad is a great tribute.

Deirdre Parker Smith ’83

July 27, 2007 – 08:21 AM

As a 2006 Wake grad, most of my fondest memories were of the basketball games, which Skip Prosser managed to infect with an exuberance and joy of competition that was reflected in thousands of students, including those on the court. Through his incredible coaching skills, he became a legend at Wake Forest, instilling school pride and love for basketball in all of us. We will miss him greatly, and mourn for the loss of an iconic man.

Margaret Blades

July 27, 2007 – 08:21 AM

For Skip:Your absence has gone through me
Like thread through a needle.
Everything I do is stitched with its color.
-W.S. Merwin For the Prosser Family and all of us in the Wake Family:Do not stand at my grave and weep,
I am not there… I do not sleep.
I am the thousand winds that blow…
I am the diamond glints on snow…
I am the sunlight on ripened grain…
I am the gentle autumn rain.
When you waken in the morning’s hush,
I am the swift uplifting rush
Of gentle birds in circling flight…
I am the soft star that shines at night.
Do not stand at my grave and cry—
I am not there… I did not die…-Unknown

Jason Grimes

July 27, 2007 – 08:25 AM

What a shock to hear about the passing of Coach Prossner. My heart goes out to his wife, his boys and the rest of his family. Wake Forest, stay strong. God will see you through!
Sherl Cannady (a Tarheel faithful always but today the heart is with the black and gold).


July 27, 2007 – 08:27 AM

Skip Prosser was a great coach – Wake and the entire ACC were lucky to have him. Although I didn’t know him he seemed like a decent and kind person as well. His passing is a loss to us all.

M (Duke 77)

July 27, 2007 – 08:27 AM

Mrs. Prosser, Scott and Mark,
Although your pain and shock must be overwhelming right now, please be encouraged in knowing that your husband and father was a blessing to all who knew him and to so many who watched him coach from a distance. We are praying for you and your family.

Cameron St. Clair, WFU \’95

July 27, 2007 – 08:29 AM

Skip was a great coach, excellent recruiter, and a class act in the way he represented the ACC. You could just look at him and tell he absolutely loved coaching the game of basketball. He will be missed. My prayers go out to the family, his players, and the entire WFU Family.

UNC Grad ’00

July 27, 2007 – 08:31 AM

My heart goes out to Skip’s family, friends, and players. My prayers are with all of you.


July 27, 2007 – 08:31 AM

In a sport with many less than honorable men, Coach Prosser was without a doubt one of the good guys and a class act. The loss of him not only affects Wake Forest but the ACC and the game of College Basketball as a whole. We should consider ourselves lucky to have been witnesses to his life. My prayers go out to his family, friends, and all of the players and fans he touched during his life.

Vincent M. Piperni (UMD ’99)

July 27, 2007 – 08:32 AM

My deepest condolences to the Prosser family. He is a man of high values, deep love, and great compassion. Wake Forest has lost a great man.

Jack Hudson 1976

July 27, 2007 – 08:32 AM

Deepest sympathy to the Prosser family.

Amy WFU ’92

July 27, 2007 – 08:34 AM

Great coach and by all accounts a better man who can be remembered only with fondness and admiration.

CPK 1991

July 27, 2007 – 08:34 AM

I never knew Skip, but I often saw him at mass. I can say without a doubt that he demonstrated the following prayer in his daily life.”Lord, make me a channel of thy peace;
that where there is hatred, I may bring love;
that where there is wrong, I may bring the spirit of forgiveness;
that where there is discord, I may bring harmony;
that where there is error, I may bring truth;
that where there is doubt, I may bring faith;
that where there is despair, I may bring hope;
that where there are shadows, I may bring light;
that where there is sadness, I may bring joy.
Lord, grant that I may seek rather to comfort than to be comforted;
to understand, than to be understood;
to love, than to be loved.
For it is by self-forgetting that one finds.
It is by forgiving that one is forgiven.
It is by dying that one awakens to eternal life.
Amen.Skip was ( and still is) a channel.
My prayers and thoughts go out to Nancy, Scott and Mark, and the entire Wake Forest Basketball Nation. Thank You Skip. . .

Thomas Charles Hynes

July 27, 2007 – 08:34 AM

Our thoughts and prayers are with the Prosser family. God bless


July 27, 2007 – 08:34 AM

My deepest concerns and prayers go out to Skip’s wife, sons, and family. This is truly a tragic end for such a remarkable person. The community of WFU will have to pull together. I am not so worried about WFU at this time. I know they are strong and will overcome this. My focus is on the family and we need to pray for them.

WFU Staff

July 27, 2007 – 08:36 AM

Although not knowing Skip personally, My mother and I taught with his sister. We know of all his accomplishments and have followed his career. I would always sub for Cindy (his sister) during March Madness when I lived in Ohio. We followed Xavier then when I moved to Virginia and work at UVA, Wake Forest was a rival, but I always cheered for his team anyway. He was a great coach to watch and am sure he inspired many players and sports fans alike. My brother thought he was one of the best coaches. I pray for the family and all the players and friends that will miss him.

Robin Maxwell

July 27, 2007 – 08:38 AM

I was devastated to hear of Coach Prosser’s death. He was an incredibly kind and inspirational man; our campus was so lucky to have him. My heart and prayers go out to his current team, his former players, and, most importantly, his family. We will miss him terribly.

K. Cates (Class of ’02)

July 27, 2007 – 08:39 AM

My heart goes out to the Prosser family as well as the WF community at this time. Losing Skip Prosser is a great tragedy and will be felt throughout the entire basketball community.

Joshua Owen

July 27, 2007 – 08:40 AM

I remember the excitement around campus when they announced Skip would be our new coach back in 2001. He never let us down. He provided our school with great victories and some of my most memorable moments in college. He will be greatly missed!

Adam Dovico ’04

July 27, 2007 – 08:41 AM

You will be missed. Our thoughts & prayers are with the family and WFU.

WFU Mom 07′

July 27, 2007 – 08:41 AM

Coach,thank you for being such a great representative of Wake Forest. As much as anything or anyone, you and your basketball program helped define my years at Wake; I am not able to think of my days at Wake Forest without thinking of you. Thanks again, and God bless.

Phillip Go

July 27, 2007 – 08:41 AM

I didn’t know Coach Prosser personally, but admired his leadership, which was evident in how he ran his basketball camp each summer. He seemed to take great pride in watching young players develop and always stressed disciplined. That’s why my son kept coming back for several summers. Coach Prosser will be missed. God Bless.

Stephanie Overton

July 27, 2007 – 08:43 AM

As with everyone, the first feeling was shock followed immediately by sadness. Skip spent 15 wonderful years with our basketball program (both as an assistant and a head coach) at Xavier and we were sorry to see him go, but glad that if he had to leave it was to another fabulous school. He will be missed tremendously by all (not just the basketball faithful) which shows just how wonderful he truly was. What an amazing person! Our hearts go out to his entire family.

long time Xavier fan

July 27, 2007 – 08:43 AM

He was a class act and a great coach. My sympathies to his family and to the entire Wake Forest community.

UNC-CH ’73

July 27, 2007 – 08:44 AM

Thank-you, Skip for making my time at Wake Forest so memorable. For making me feel like I was more than just a fan, or a student. For giving us something important to root for. For giving people like John Buck a chance. Thanks for the hilarious press conferences. Thanks for coming out early before the game to talk to the student section. Thanks for getting us excited about being Demon Deacons. Thanks for everything, Skip. Joe Martinez, c/o 2006

Joe Martinez

July 27, 2007 – 08:46 AM

Skip Prosser coached and lived life Pro Humanitate. My deepest sympathies to his family and to his Wake Forest family. Dan Ferezan ’68

Dan Ferezan

July 27, 2007 – 08:46 AM

As a teacher, coach, former Wake Forest employee and student, I strongly identify with Coach Prosser. Our prayers are with the Prosser Family. I always have admired Coach Prosser’s ability to focus on the ABCs: Academics, Basketball, Character. Coach Prosser always managed to keep these three facets of his coaching in balance. He had the right perspective. After games, I would always relish in his wonderfully crafted one-liners or historical references. Wake Forest lost a legend far too soon, but his legacy will live on.

Colin Creel ’96 WFU

July 27, 2007 – 08:46 AM

You’ll be missed Skip. You were a great representative of Wake Forest University.

Jim Hefferan (JD ’03)

July 27, 2007 – 08:47 AM

Carrying my (then) 3-year-old son down the steps in the field house last year, we almost collided head on with Coach Prosser. In typical gracious form, he stopped and asked us how we were doing, and asked my son if the Deacs were going to win, as if we were his invited guests to the football game. He made us feel welcome in such a classy and warm way, and from that point on, my son instantly recognized Skip on TV and would always say “that’s Coach Prosser–we know him.”He will be greatly missed and he was a great role model and coach. My sympathies and prayers go out to the family.

Guy Beaver ’83

July 27, 2007 – 08:47 AM

We were certainly blessed and fortunate to have Coach Prosser at Wake.I’m so grateful for the time he was with us.

Prayers of comfort to his family

Denise Jackson, ’93

Denise Jackson

July 27, 2007 – 08:50 AM

I returned to WF for grad work in 2001, the same year that Skip Prosser came and overnight reinvigorated what it meant to have school spirit. Thanks to him, we all felt more at home in our Deacon skin, and TV audiences across the country came to see and hear the vigorous cheers of Tie-Die Nation. Skip brought the game back to the students, and by the way he held himself on and off the court, the way he treated his players, his colleagues, and all those he met, he represented us superbly. He was taken from us way too early. Thank you to his family for sharing him with Wake Forest. His last lesson, it seems, is to teach us how to get by without his material presence.

Emily Brewer, ’98

July 27, 2007 – 08:50 AM

My prayers are with the Prosser family.
We are all richer for his life and poorer for his passing.

L Johnson Duke’74

July 27, 2007 – 08:51 AM

A loss for his family and a loss for college basketball fans. No matter what ACC school you cheer for, the ACC suffered a major loss and just got weaker because of it.

Cralen Davis – NCSU \’97

July 27, 2007 – 08:53 AM

As a member of the ACC family, I want to express my sincere condolences to the Prosser family and the Wake Forest community. As competitive as we are in sports, a loss such as this transcends that competitiveness. We all hurt when we lose a good man, a good coach and a good father. Remember that he may be gone from our sight, but he will live forever in our thoughts. Skip Prosser was a class act, representing Wake Forest and the ACC in the finest fashion. He will be missed.

R. Smoak Clemson ’75

July 27, 2007 – 08:53 AM

Today we are all Demon Deacons. My prayers go to Skip’s family and to all of our friends at Wake Forest.

Garry Crites, Duke \’05

July 27, 2007 – 08:55 AM

My heart goes out to the family and the entire Wake Forest community. Coach Prosser was special and it showed. We have lost a good person and coach, but how lucky we are to have experienced his gifts first hand. God Bless . . . .

Janet Britt

July 27, 2007 – 08:55 AM

I am so sorry to hear about this. He was a great man and such a presence on the campus of Wake when I was there. I know how much he meant to his players, our school and to all of us Wake Fans. God Bless.

Jenny E Billings ’06

July 27, 2007 – 08:56 AM

I did not know you, Coach Prossser, but I know that you changed lives and made history for everyone here at Wake Forest. You lit the way for the best in all of us. Thank you. Heartfelt wishes to the Prosser family in your loss and gratitude for sharing someone who showed us both integrity and love.

Mary Martin Niepold

July 27, 2007 – 08:56 AM

I came to Wake Forest the same year Skip came to Wake Forest, so in many ways he is inherently tied to my time on campus. He meant enormous things to the basketball program as well as the overall culture of campus. Anyone would be hard-pressed to find a nicer guy. My heart goes out to the Prosser family. The campus, and our lives are a little less bright without Skip around.

Brian Beglin ’06

July 27, 2007 – 08:56 AM

I am a Duke guy but I am so very sorry about this terrible loss. My hopes and prayers are with the Prosser family and with Wake Forest. A truly fine school and Skip seemed to me to be a truly fine man. God bless.

T.R. Gay

July 27, 2007 – 08:57 AM

As a follower of Wake Forest basketball games since my daughter (class of ’09) became an enthusiastic Screamin’ Demon, we are saddened by the loss. Our prayers are with the Prosser family and the Wake Forest community during this difficult time.

Mary and Richard Schwartz

July 27, 2007 – 08:59 AM

Our prayers are with the Prosser family, the entire Wake Forest community, and all those who admire honest, decent, and extraordinarily gifted people. Skip was one of the most intelligent coaches and great motivators this conference has ever had, and he will be missed by all of us.
Although altogether too short, it was a life well-lived, a life that touched many others in a good and positive way, and a life that should be celebrated as he is remembered.

Wally Hurst, Duke \’76

July 27, 2007 – 08:59 AM

My condolences to Skip Prosser’s family. I was very impressed with Coach Prosser and the Wake Forest team. They acted in a very professional and sportsman-like manner on and off of the court. Skip Prosser will be greatly missed. Amy L. Reid

Amy L. Reid

July 27, 2007 – 09:00 AM

I had the chance to meet Skip many years ago. I was just out of school, working for a sneaker retailer, and we were at a Coaches Clinic. At the time, Skip was coaching at Xavier, and was running through some of the drills he used for his full court man defense. I’ll never forget the passion he put into his explanations, even at a demonstration level. The man truly loved the game, and he won my respect and admiration. As a Duke fan, I was glad when he came to the ACC. Even though he was only here a short time, he did much to hold up what we expect the ACC to be. Skip, my prayers are with you and your family. You will be missed!

Jim Bonczek

July 27, 2007 – 09:01 AM

Mu prayers are with Coach Prosser’s family as it is with all the Wake community, Tom Ussery

Tom Ussery

July 27, 2007 – 09:01 AM

Coach Prosser– you are the definition of a Demon Deacon. Always a class act, you led us all by example. You weren’t just the coach of the basketball team, but a coach for all the entire Wake Forest family. I’ll never forget beating Duke at home that first time and rushing the court. The speech you made while we rolled the Quad later that night has stayed with so many of us.Thanks for teaching us the true meaning of school spirit and constantly reminding us that a team doesn’t belong to any one player, coach, or person but to the University. You said our name is on the front of the jersey because it’s our team. Our hearts are heavy because you were our coach. You will be missed.

Jennie Harris ’06

July 27, 2007 – 09:02 AM

My heartfelt condolences to all. Skip Prosser did things the right way and Wake was easy to root for as my second favorite ACC team. He left us far too soon.

Larry Osborne

July 27, 2007 – 09:06 AM

The Prosser and Wake Forest family are in my thoughts and prayers. Coach Prosser was one of my favorite coaches to watch. He was a class act and will be dearly missed. He was most certainly taken from this world too soon. I envision him dancing with angels and our Lord.

Honor Gifford

July 27, 2007 – 09:06 AM

Skip Prosser continued to make us proud to be Deacs. Our prayers are with his wife and sons and the extended Wake Forest family.

Bob and Linda Waddell

July 27, 2007 – 09:08 AM

Skip was a great man and will sorely be missed. R.I.P. Skip.

Daniel B.

July 27, 2007 – 09:10 AM

My heartfelt condolences to the Prosser family and the Wake Forest community. I was an undergraduate at the University of Dayton when Coach Prosser was at Xavier and met him on several occasions. I was then a graduate student at Duke when he began his tenure with Wake. Being a fairly visible fan at Duke and involved with ticketing, I again had the pleasure to meet Coach Prosser and was shocked that not only did he remember me from Dayton, but took the time to ask after some friends of mine that he had also briefly met. He was truly one of the great men in all of college sports, and did things the right way. He was concerned with more than just winning… he cared about his players and those around him. It is tragic that he will not be a fixture in the ACC for years to come, and our prayers are with the Prosser family and Wake Forest University.


July 27, 2007 – 09:10 AM

I am a Penn State University grad but love the game of b-ball. I will always remember Coach Prosser as a well liked / respected coach by everyone in the business as well as outside of the basketball world. I purchased the Tie Die Nation 100th anniversary basketball T-shirt in 2006. I also bought the same shirt for my brother in law and 2 friends. We all wear it proudly! Now more then ever I will wear it in HONOR OF COACH SKIP PROSSER and what he meant to all basketball junkies like myself. He showed us how to CARE / SHARE / HONOR / RESPECT everyone no matter who they were. I can only pray that Wake Forrest University finds a new coach that comes close to having the same characteristics as COACH SKIP PROSSER. My family will keep Coach Prosser in our nightly prayers as well as his family. They need our help as well. From the Penn State family to your family, WE ARE TRULY SORRY!

Denny Parastino

July 27, 2007 – 09:11 AM

It is certainly with a heavy heart and a profound sense of disbelief that I extend my heartfelt condolences to the Prosser Family. As Director of Alumni Activities at Wake Forest and on behalf of the Office of Alumni Activities, I want to express our appreciation to Coach Prosser for his genuine willingness to reach out to Wake Foresters by traveling to and speaking at Wake Forest Club events around the country and indeed the world. His passion for basketball, for Wake Forest, and for life in general were evident in the remarks he delivered and the engaging ways he interacted with Wake Forest alumni and friends. Skip was a man of great integrity, character, and intellect, and, although his time with us was much too short, we at Wake Forest are grateful to be the beneficiaries of his gifts and his friendship.On a more personal note, I want to thank Skip for giving my family and me incredible memories that we will hold on to forever. We’ll never forget the thrilling 3 overtime win against the Tar Heels in December 2003 or being crowned ACC Champions later that season. Most importantly, we will remember that Coach Prosser taught us by example to handle adversity with dignity and win with humility. What better life lessons could he have taught us.

Minta A. McNally ’74 P’02 ’06
Director of Alumni Activities
Wake Forest University

Minta A. McNally

July 27, 2007 – 09:11 AM

I always admired that professionally Coach Prosser was first a teacher and second a basketball coach. My prayers go out for his wife Nancy, sons Scott and Mark, and all of those who knew and loved him personally. May they all be strengthened and find peace and comfort.

Eli Seed

July 27, 2007 – 09:12 AM

My heart goes out to the entire Wake Forest Family. You are in our thoughts and prayers.


July 27, 2007 – 09:15 AM

Thoughts and prayers go to the family of Skip Prosser, one of the finest to be associated with Wake Forest. We were lucky to have him while we did, and will miss him always.

Charlie Hibbert ’00

July 27, 2007 – 09:15 AM

Our hearts are heavy here in Winston-Salem. Coach Prosser brought so much life to our community and it is tough to imagine moving on without him. God bless his family and our family…a great person left us way too soon.

Henri Fitzgerald, JD ’03

July 27, 2007 – 09:18 AM

Thanks for all you did for Wake.
You were a class act and there will NEVER be another one like you.
Although you left us so early in life – your legacy will last forever and will continue to touch all of our lives.

Bill Croom – ’73

July 27, 2007 – 09:19 AM

To Coach Prosser’s wife and sons and to the extended Wake Forest community, I am so sorry for your loss. I never knew Coach Prosser personally but as a fan/alum of another ACC school, I watched him from a distance. His humor and energy will be missed. I lost my father unexpectedly when he was 57 a few years ago. I watched my mother grieve and watched her support network surround her with love and comfort. Today, even as an “unknown extended support network” I, and page after page of comments on this guestbook, grieve with you and pray for comfort for you and your family.

Rick Denton

July 27, 2007 – 09:20 AM

My prayers are certainly with the Prosser family. I pray that you seek God’s comfort and know that the entire Wake Forest family is praying for you!Andrea M. Jones
WFU ’07


July 27, 2007 – 09:22 AM

Skip was a wonderful coach and fine gentleman. He raised the level of integrity of ACC coaches. I was always impressed with preparation of his teams, both on the court and academically. My condolences to his family and WFU.


July 27, 2007 – 09:23 AM

Last year I was returning to Greensboro on a flight coming through Atlanta and Skip was on the same flight home with me. (I am a Carolina fan at heart but I have married a wonderful woman who is a Wake grad and therefore we go to every football and basketball games.) I took a moment to introduce myself and express how excited I was in looking forward to the upcoming basketball season. Skip was extremely friendly and instead of keeping to himself he was very warm and inviting. He didn’t hesitate to talk to me about his promising freshmen class and of course, he crack a sarcastic quip or two. I’ll never forget that. He made a lasting impression on me and I’m proud to say that I met him. If only for a short time. But then again, God only gave Skip to his family and the world for only a short time. We’ll miss you very much.My condolences go out to the Prosser family and Deacon nation! Let’s represent the Deacons proudly this basketball season.

Scott Thompson

July 27, 2007 – 09:24 AM

A quick smile…I have a son who has always looked up to Coach Prosser…I work here on campus and have met Coach several times…my son would ask from time to time if “THE DONALD” had been in…one day I talked with Coach P and told him that I didn’t know I was waiting on the “TRUMP” of Wake Forest…I proceeded to tell him the story of how my then 8 year old thought he looked like Donald Trump…Coach just laughed and said yeah tell him that’s a good one he had not had that compliment before…
I will miss Coach Prosser and how he has built up the basketball program…he put several smiles on many faces and brought many up to possibilities they would have never had if he had not been a part of their life!Our thoughts and prayers go out to the Prosser family and to the entire faculty of the Basketball program…
They are a wonderful group of people and our hope is that Coach Battle,Coach Muse which I have great respect for keep the spirit alive and help the basketball program to keep moving forward…

Renee Livengood Family

July 27, 2007 – 09:28 AM

Our prayers are with the Prosser family in their time of loss.Skip was an outstanding representative of the University, a true Renaissance man. I hope I can raise my son to be half the man Skip was.

Kathy Bryant ’86

July 27, 2007 – 09:28 AM

See you on the quad up high, Skip. I’ll bring the TP.Justin Berthelot ’04

Justin Berthelot

July 27, 2007 – 09:29 AM

Even though I am a Maryland Terps fan, I always admired and respected Coach Prosser. I always said I would want my son to play for him. He will be missed greatly.

Rick Nash

July 27, 2007 – 09:29 AM

Coach Prosser was a blessing to me and our family. I will always remember how gracious he was during his Father Son basketball camps to each camper regardless of ability, age or even their favorite college. He set an example for all that we should attempt to achieve and he lived his life as a challenge to all of us. In a true example of Pro Humanitate he live his lives to the benefit of others. Skip you will be truly missed. MR ’84

Mark Roberts

July 27, 2007 – 09:31 AM

Thanks for all you have shared, and and given. Thanks for all you will continue to share, and give. You never met my daughter, but you gave her a gift today. We love ya :)

Charley and Jordan B.

July 27, 2007 – 09:32 AM

I was deeply saddened by the news of Skip Prosser’s untimely death and my thoughts and prayers are with him, his family and the entire Wake Forest community.

Bill Callaway – Duke \’73

July 27, 2007 – 09:32 AM

The Wake Forest Community will deeply miss this man who brought so much of himself to our campus. He always taught his players to play hard but to play fair. He taught them to win but also to to study and to win at the game of life. He was a gentleman and a coach. He will be deeply missed. His time at Wake Forest was far too short. We all will miss him.

William Angle “70

July 27, 2007 – 09:32 AM

Coach Prosser will be missed greatly. I was in his history class at Wheeling Central High School in 1984/85 and cheered at his basketball games. My prayers go out to his family, team and coaches. Coach Prosser was a class act.
Gretchen Linn, Dallas, TX

Gretchen Hamm Linn

July 27, 2007 – 09:33 AM

I was shocked and saddened to hear of Skip Prosser’s passing. Although a Blue Devil, Skip was a tremendous asset to the ACC family and was one of my favorite coaches to watch. He will be greatly missed.


July 27, 2007 – 09:33 AM

Our thoughts are with the Prosser and Wake Forest family.Site Owners / Deja Blue

Site Owners

July 27, 2007 – 09:33 AM

First of all I want to let the Prosser Family know that they are in my prayers. Of all of the Wake basketball coaches he was MY FAVORITE! I loved watching him coach as well as listening to his press conferences and interviews that he did on the radio.

Jeff Corbett

July 27, 2007 – 09:34 AM

Sincerest condolences and sympathy to Skip’s immediate family and “family” at Wake Forest. I hope you find some comfort in knowing that so many are sending caring thoughts your way at this sad time.

Duke fan in Raleigh

July 27, 2007 – 09:39 AM

My thoughts and prayers go out to the Prosser Family and everyone else associated with Wake Forest University. The ACC is one big family in and of itself and Coach Prosser will be missed dearly.

Joshua Williams – UNC ’01

July 27, 2007 – 09:39 AM

I graduated from Wake in ’04, and it seemed that every time I would pass Coach on campus, he always looked up and said “Hey there, how are ya?” While this was just a passing greeting, I don’t know any other high-profile Division I basketball coach who would take even those 2 seconds to say hello to random students on campus. He truly cared about Wake, the students, his players – the entire Wake Forest community. He will truly be missed – my thoughts and prayers go out to his family.

Jeffrey Graham

July 27, 2007 – 09:40 AM

I want to send my wholehearted condolences to the Prosser family. An unbelievable tragedy to a wonderful man, coach and teacher. Living in ACC country, it hurts to know that one of “OUR” coaches has passed…no matter what school you are a fan of, when someone of great substance as Skip was, passes…it effects us all. He will be missed. And without a doubt, I’ll be pulling for boys in Black and Gold!!


July 27, 2007 – 09:40 AM

Coach Prosser, always upbeat and smiling, was such a positive presence. I saw him in many situations, and one could tell how his personality infected those around him. His Assistant Coaches also reflected Coach Prosser’s character. I have so many memories of seeing him somewhere on campus and having him speak openly to me in a sincere way. I deeply appreciated his ability to be very personal with an average Joe on the street like me, or an ESPN reporter. His loss leaves an enormous vacuum. We’ll miss you coach! Go Deacs!!!

Craig Fansler

July 27, 2007 – 09:41 AM

Coach, you were 1 in a million. May the angel of Peace be with each fan, faculty member and family member during this trying time. I am sure the words in heaven are “Well done, my true and faithful servant”.Employee

Katherine Davis-Cooke

July 27, 2007 – 09:42 AM

Coach Prosser made us proud to be Deacons.

David Wagoner ’86, JD 90

July 27, 2007 – 09:44 AM

Great coach, better man: That completely embodies what you meant to our community. You and your family will always be in our hearts.You helped define my first two years at Wake and the years to come just won’t be the same. Meeting you on multiple occasions was a constant treat. You were truly an asset to this university and to the game of college basketball. Coach, you will never be forgotten.


EG ’09

July 27, 2007 – 09:45 AM

Although I did not attend WFU (went to UNC-CH and UNC-Charlotte), I am deeply saddened by the loss of Skip Prosser. He represented everything that a great coach (and person) has-hard work, dignity, kindness, and humility. He served as a great role model for us all.

Bryan Clark

July 27, 2007 – 09:46 AM

My heart goes out to the Prosser family and to the Wake Forest community. Skip Prosser was a class act in all respects. He is going to be genuinely missed, and you can rest assured that he will never be forgotten.

’01 Duke Grad in Atlanta

July 27, 2007 – 09:48 AM

“…Who knows the great enthusiasms – the great devotions, and who; if he wins, knows the triumphs of high achievement and who, if his efforts are checkered by defeat, at least fails while daring greatly so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who know neither victory nor defeat.”My condolences to the WFU basketball family.

MPS – ‘00

Michael Southern ’00

July 27, 2007 – 09:51 AM

I remember Coach Prosser from his days at Xavier in Cincinnati when I’d take my boys to his basketball camps. He always had time to share a smile, a kind word, or a basketball tip. A basketball aficionado and a true gentlemen. My thoughts and prayers are with the Prosser family.

Mike Schuerman

July 27, 2007 – 09:52 AM

I was born and raised a Blue Devil to the core, but decided to attend WFU undergrad. I remember when we beat Duke in double overtime, I found myself yelling things at Coach K and the Devils and couldn’t believe it. Coach Prosser was the only one who could’ve gotten this out of me. When it was speculated that he might leave Wake, I wrote him a letter and hand delivered it, explaining how he had switched my allegiance as I never thought would happen. Coach Prosser personally wrote me a letter back saying how much my words had touched him and that he wasn’t going anywhere. This is the type of man he was- so very genuine and responsive. Whenever seeing him on campus, he would always speak and thank US, the student fans, for helping the team. The last time I saw Skip, he was at a restaurant with his wife and drinking a beer and coffee! I said, “What are you drinking there Coach?!” and he answered, while chuckling, “It keeps me awake!” This busy man always made time for his family and students and will be so greatly missed.

Juliet Lam

July 27, 2007 – 09:52 AM

I will never forget the last time I cried over Skip Prosser. It was the end of my senior year, a year in which Skip had done the unthinkable in the ACC. The Deacs had just gone undefeated at home in ACC play and had given me that first taste of victory over Duke that I had so fervently longed for. I was a part of the now defunct Freakin Deacons, the rowdy students known for taunting the opposing bench and starting the cheers that picked up through the arena. Word on the street was that Pittsburgh was trying to lure Coach away from campus, back to an area of the country where he had grown up. It was a terribly rainy day, and myself and a group of 60 or so Freakin Deacons gathered outside Coach’s office with signs and t-shirts professing our love and support for him and begging to stay. I wrote email after email to my sorority sisters and friends encouraging them to flood Skip’s inbox with love and praise. And at the end of the day, when Skip announced he would be staying, that his commitment and love for Wake Forest had prevailed, I sat in my room on campus and cried.Skip, these tears today are for those years you gave us. Thank you for believing in our school. Thank you for the smiles, the encouragement, the crazy autograph requests I always seemed to come up with, and the wisdom and poise of a true man. Your legacy lives on…

Alex Snyder (’03)

July 27, 2007 – 09:53 AM

As a life long fan of Wake Forest, the University, and a huge Demon Deacon athletics supporter, I am heart-broken for the Wake Forest family. My heart goes out to the players, coaches, and the whole Demon Deacon community. May we play with new devotion, to honor the man who devoted his life to our Demon Deacons.

S. Bowen, (MA ’01)

July 27, 2007 – 09:54 AM

I will miss Skip Prosser. Any coach who can make the following post-game comment: “He wasn’t a maestro out there this evening. He was no Leonard Bernstein” reveals a man much broader than just a basketball coach. A class act through thick and thin. A sad time for Wake Forest.
David Levy (WFU faculty)

David B. Levy

July 27, 2007 – 09:54 AM

I am truly sorry about the loss of such a great individual as Skip Prosser. I know that he had such an impact at Wake and will continue to make an impact even though he is gone. My prayers go out to the friends and family of Skip Prosser as well as the entire Wake Forest community.

Mei Brasel

July 27, 2007 – 09:55 AM

The world has lost a great man. There will never be another Skip Prosser at Wake, or in college basketball, or in this world. More than a great coach, he was a leader of men; a man of sound and guiding principles; with a steadfast moral beacon to guide all Deacons.Godspeed, o captain. Farewell, Skipper.

WFU Alum, ’03

July 27, 2007 – 09:56 AM

Skip, we all love you. May you find happiness as you become in touch with God. Forever and always our coach!- Van Nguyen, Class of ’08

Van Nguyen

July 27, 2007 – 09:57 AM

God Bless you Skip. To the family and to all of Skip’s friends my thoughts and prayers are with you at this very tough time.


July 27, 2007 – 09:58 AM

Skip was a great man and never hesitated to start up a conversation with a student he didn’t know. This is a sad loss for everyone. My condolences go out to the Prosser family.

Matt ’07

July 27, 2007 – 09:59 AM

Skip, you will be missed. You resurrected Wake Forest basketball with the most fundamental ingredient… character. Win or lose I was always proud of our coaches and our team. My prayers go out to your family as they struggle through this very sad time. I’ll never forget the times I would see you at the Village Tavern and you were never to busy to say hello. You left us too soon, Skip. God bless.

Dirk Faude ’83

July 27, 2007 – 10:02 AM

We were all blessed to have had him in our lives.


July 27, 2007 – 10:02 AM

I hope the Prosser family feels better soon. Sorry.

Lee Hamilton Pratt

July 27, 2007 – 10:03 AM

I was shocked and deeply saddened by Coach Prosser’s death. Truly a loss for us all. May he rest in peace and may God comfort his family.

Maggie Barrett

July 27, 2007 – 10:04 AM

My heart goes out to the Prosser family, the WFU basketball and athletics family, and to all the students, faculty, and alumni at WFU. Skip Prosser was a class act and a great basketball coach. From everything I’ve heard, he was an even better person. He will be missed by every fan in the ACC.

Rebecca Wilusz, Duke ’07

July 27, 2007 – 10:07 AM

I am shocked and saddened to hear of Coach Prosser’s death. Please know that the whole ACC family is grieving with you and will hold the Prossers and Wake in our hearts.

LC, Duke ’94

July 27, 2007 – 10:07 AM

Coach Prosser and the Demon Deacs helped to shape my experience at Wake Forest. I remember speaking with my freshman year roommate on the phone before we arrived at Wake Forest and asking her why she chose Wake. Without hesitation, she said it was because of the school spirit. That is exactly what I found when I arrived on campus, and it became a very important part of my Wake Forest experience. Though I never thought I would proudly wear a black and gold tie dyed shirt, it became a privilege. Coach Prosser and his team helped to create that atmosphere at Wake Forest. I am forever grateful for all the memories. Mr. Prosser will be greatly missed. My thoughts are with his family.


July 27, 2007 – 10:08 AM

I’m stunned by the news. My sincerest and deepest sympathies to the Prosser family and the Wake Forest community. Such a tragedy.

Wii Kountis

July 27, 2007 – 10:09 AM

Although an avid Duke fan, I was deeply saddened to hear of Coach’s passing. A friend of mine worked a camp with him a few summers ago and spoke highly of his character and integrity. I respected him very much.

Thomas Wells

July 27, 2007 – 10:11 AM

The way that Skip Prosser affected so many in the Wake Forest community was truly remarkable. From the first day of his time on our campus, Skip preached that this team belonged to the students – and under that motto, he left us all with memories that we will never forget. Thank you, Skip – we will miss you.

Mathew Reynders \’03

July 27, 2007 – 10:11 AM

Our WFU family has lost a valued and much respected member. My heart is filled with sadness for his family and our school. He represented everything WFU stands for and loved his players as his extended family.

Fran Joyce Garrou/class of ’60

July 27, 2007 – 10:12 AM

The “little engine that could” lost a gifted locomotive yesterday. When my age deacons were students, we were spectators to the Charlie Davises on the court. Coach Prosser opened the Wake Forest experience to all – made us part of the game. It looks like he was Nancy’s first and only sweetheart. Many seem to find of piece of Prosser fabric in their hearts today too. It also looks like the boys carry his legacy with similar strength and conviction. A young gift to us has left too early but he woke a wide-reaching Wake nation as he gave at 300% – may we do the same! Each Wake student can claim personal contact with this great gift of a man. Each of us Alum and parents feels we can too. The skies must be heavy with many prayers for the Prosser and extended Wake Forest family. Love and great thanks!

Wendy C Eavenson, ’74, P’09

July 27, 2007 – 10:12 AM

I am saddened for Coach’s family, friends and school. I had the pleasure of attending the Wake Forest-Marquette game back in ’03 in Milw. As an MU follower, I want say we all have reason to be proud of Coach and Wake Forest.

Stuart Crane, Milwaukee

July 27, 2007 – 10:13 AM

Our hearts go out to the Prosser family and the Wake Forest community. Coach Prosser was a class act and most assuredly a great coach. He will be missed by all.

David Ahern, Duke ’99

July 27, 2007 – 10:15 AM

He was a true gentleman and a credit to Wake Forest, the ACC, and the entire world of college basketball. We were distressed to learn of his passing. Royce Riddick

Royce Riddick

July 27, 2007 – 10:15 AM

I am a tried and true Deac’s fan…and although football is the season coming up, I always look forward to basketball. This season is going to be really weird without Coach Prosser…He has led this school for several seasons now & it’s going to be different, to say the least, with a different coach on the bench…I know Coach would want us to know that things are going to be OK though…and they will.

Elizabeth Anne

July 27, 2007 – 10:16 AM

I remember first meeting Coach Prosser at my freshman year orientation in 2001. He and Coach Grobe were new to Wake Forest that year, just like the 900 new freshmen he was speaking to that evening. The impact he had on the team and the program was immediate. He brought the fire back to the students and gave us a reason to cheer again at games. We will be forever indebted to this man and all he did for the school.

Pat Walsh, ’05

July 27, 2007 – 10:16 AM

Like many of you, I am honored to have been an avid Wake Forest fan for the entirety of Coach Prosser’s tenure. It is truly hard to believe that the life of such a world class gentleman, coach, and friend has been cut short. I am proud to be associated with a coach that embodied all that is good about college sports: hard work, integrity, humility, fun, and the success that comes as a result.To me, Coach’s legacy will go on forever in a myriad of ways. Many of my best college memories are of Wake Forest basketball: Josh Howard’s entire senior season, the 2003 triple-OT win at Carolina, wins over Duke, the 2005 buzzer beater at State, and the list could go on and on. Much of the future success of the program must be attributed to the foundation laid by Coach Prosser as well. I will always remember how cool it felt to be able to casually converse with the head basketball coach around campus, and he never failed to make time to talk with anyone who was interested. His wit and overall decency were unmatched.

I’ve learned a lot about basketball and character from Coach Prosser, and I hope everyone else has too. My prayers go out to his family.

Brendan Bowen ’05

Brendan Bowen

July 27, 2007 – 10:18 AM

My prayers go out to the Prosser family and the Wake community. Even though I’ve been a lifelong Duke fan, I had immense respect for the way Skip conducted himself on and off the court.

Michael Hall

July 27, 2007 – 10:18 AM

Coach was an outstanding man and a great teacher to the young men he coached and to the game he loved. Our thoughts and prayers go out to his family and the Wake Forest community. May God bless each of you.

Les Hutchinson, VA Tech Class of 1980

July 27, 2007 – 10:19 AM

Skip had star quality. He was a celebrity in the special needs community, generous in many many ways. But his celebrity rubbed off as a mutual gift back to us. We were his spirit, and he ours. I mostly appreciated that my WFU student had such a wonderful, academic, passionate, humane role mode. Imitation is the most efficient form of education, and his example was accessible to all of us.

Bill Donohue

July 27, 2007 – 10:19 AM

As a Duke fan, I watched Skip’s Wake teams quite often. They were always a very classy and respectful team. He did a tremendous job, not only in making his players better basketball players, but he also taught them how to be men. My prayers go out to him and is family.

c.c. Mailen Scranton, PA

July 27, 2007 – 10:20 AM

A class act in what can be such a slimy sports world. What a terrible loss for coaching, the sport and ACC basketball. My hearts and prayers go out to my friends at Wake, the town of Winston-Salem and college basketball fans everywhere. He will be missed. From a Tar Heel,
Go Deacs.

Stephanie Newton

July 27, 2007 – 10:20 AM

Shocking and sad news. Skip Prosser will be missed by the WFU community. What a great coach and an outstanding man. Our deepest sympathy to the Prosser family.–Melissa & Joe Cantrell (’94)

Melissa Cantrell

July 27, 2007 – 10:21 AM

Skip Prosser was a terrific man, and it is hard to find words to put together to express the loss that the entire community feels. Last night’s quad-rolling was one of the most powerful and somber moments I have experienced. God bless Skip, his family, friends and all who were blessed to have known him.

George McLeod

July 27, 2007 – 10:23 AM

Coach Prosser led with great skill, passion, dignity and concern for his players and community. He will be missed in ways that we may never fully appreciate.

Duncan J Farmer, Duke Law 73

July 27, 2007 – 10:23 AM

Our deepest sympathy goes out to the Prosser family and the entire Wake Forest community. What a shock to lose such an amazing man in the prime of his life! May God replace the grief with joyful memories of the life Skip lived.

Susan, Duke ’84

July 27, 2007 – 10:23 AM

I am shocked and truly saddened by the news of Coach Prosser’s death. My thoughts and prayers are with the players and other members of the Wake Forest basketball community. The University and the ACC has lost a great coach and a wonderful person. As a Carolina graduate and avid Tar Heel fan, I respected Coach Prosser and his tremendous contribution to the Demon Deacon basketball program and the ACC in general. He will be missed by all.

Todd Lucas UNC ’77

July 27, 2007 – 10:24 AM

Terrible, terrible news. More than ever we need to support the Deacs over the next couple of years as they move past this tragedy. Condolences to the Prosser family from a group of Babcock (business school) alums in Memphis.

Alumni in Memphis

July 27, 2007 – 10:25 AM

My first memory of Skip Prosser is how he would come to campus at 2, 3, even 4am to pass out Krispy Kreme Donuts to the students camping out for basketball tickets. He was impressed by our commitment, but it was actually his excitement and energy which motivated us all.

Sally (Johnson) Pitts

July 27, 2007 – 10:25 AM

I was stunned yesterday to hear the news of Skip Prosser’s passing. My daughter, an incoming freshman, and I are avid Deacon fans and we have great respect for the kind of coach and man that Prosser was. He instilled in these young men that “can do” spirit and the expectation of playing with a kind of dignity that we love. We will miss him and we are praying for his family.Cecelia Foy-Dorsett, “88

Cecelia Foy-Dorsett

July 27, 2007 – 10:34 AM

I am deeply saddened by the loss of Coach Prosser. He was truly a class act both on and off the court. The ACC and Wake Forest have lost a wonderful ambassador. Being a Duke fan for most of my life did not prevent me from liking Coach Prosser. I admired his on-court demeanor and his strength of character.

L Lowe

July 27, 2007 – 10:34 AM

The day that Skip was introduced as the new Wake Forest men’s basketball coach, I happened to be on your campus on business. I wanted to run over and try to convince him to reconsider. As a Xavier grad, basketball fan, and member of the church Skip attended here in Cincinnati, I wish there were more people like Skip in sports, and in the world. Cincinnatians share Wake’s sense of loss.

Dan Hurley, Cincinnati, OH

July 27, 2007 – 10:35 AM

What a singularly good human being he was. Our deepest condolences to his family, and the entire Wake Forest community.

Amy-Duke \’81

July 27, 2007 – 10:40 AM

At a time when leaders are so hard to find, we have truly lost a great one. His contribution not only to basketball, but society will always be remembered.
Coach Prosser, you were a class act and because of employees like you, Wake Forest will always be a place where “Class is always IN”.


July 27, 2007 – 10:40 AM

I will always remember Skip’s enthusiasm and joy of life. He represented our university with genuine class and high integrity. He was a friend to all students. I was proud that he was our coach and will miss him dearly. My thoughts and prayers are with the Prosser family.

Adam Jacques ’02

July 27, 2007 – 10:45 AM

Tributes to Skip Prosser, He was truly a role model for how to run a program the right way. As much as he loved the game, he was even more focused on how to make his players better people. He wanted to make sure they left with their diploma and would go on to be productive members of their community and good family men.¡¨
Duquesne athletic director Greg Amodio, former Xavier assistant AD
To me, he combined being a celebrity with just being a normal, friendly guy better than anyone I’ve seen in my life. He was phenomenal. I can remember when I had my (health) incident in ’98, how concerned he was. He called my house when I was rehabilitating. He called the office. He told me exactly what he was doing when he heard the news of what happened to me.
Miami coach Charlie Coles Skip, without question, was one of the classiest coaches out there, and a really good coach. In his heart of hearts, he was always a high school coach.
Moeller coach Carl KremerIt’s a big loss for the world. He was one of the best guys.He cared about the walk-ons as much as he did his star players; he treated them equally. He always taught me to never blame the kids, that we should figure out what we were doing wrong. He was just special.
Mike Sussli, former Xavier assistant with Prosser. It’s unfortunate more people didn’t get to know him. For a public figure this was an example of what you would want any public figure to be. Too often we’re reading about public figures who betray a trust or take advantage of their positions, and Skip was genuine from Day 1.
Former Xavier athletic director Jeff Fogelson, who hired Prosser as head coach at XUI know he also had a passion for the next chapter of his life after basketball. He was so looking forward to being able to be with Nancy and the boys more, to travel and do things that interest him beyond basketball. He was really looking forward to that, and now it’s sa…

Tributes to Skip Prosser posted on

July 27, 2007 – 10:45 AM

I was shocked and saddened to learn of Skip’s passing yesterday. He was the face of Wake Forest basketball for my entire college career and someone who embodied leadership, passion, and integrity. He will truly be missed. My deepest sympathies go out to the entire Prosser family.

Jon Laws ’06

July 27, 2007 – 10:46 AM

Skip,Thank you for your leadership and teaching both your players the fans what it means to be a Demon Deacon. My experience at college would not have been as great as it was without you. You taught us one of the greatest lessons of all…TO BELIEVE.

Thank you for everything!

NYC Alum ’05

July 27, 2007 – 10:47 AM

We loved Coach Prosser. Our daughter was a cheerleader during his coaching period and we saw how the tye die nation grew! I have a “Skippy Bobblehead” that we got out before every game. It was tradition. We have seen Coach Prosser at the Loop and how he interacted with the students there.
We looked forward to any quotes in the newspaper whether the team won or lost because Coach Prosser always said something witty or historical that made you think. He will be greatly missed. We were so proud to see his players graduate and walk across the lawn to get their diplomas! Academics first! Our love to his family. We are a better Wake Forest community because of our time with him.


July 27, 2007 – 10:49 AM

It speaks volumes of Coach that he is being remembered more for his character than wins and losses. His passing puts life and sports in perspective. Congratulations on a life well lived Skip! You will be missed and Godspeed to your family.


July 27, 2007 – 10:50 AM

I have been fortunate to attend several Wake/Duke games in Winston Salem, and on one occasion we always got there early to watch the shoot around. Coach Prosser spoke to us for a while, and welcomed us to LJVM Coliseum. He was a class guy, and he will be missed. My condolences to the his family and the entire WFU community.

Tony M.

July 27, 2007 – 10:53 AM

My heart goes out to the family and friends of Skip. He was a shining example of what college basketball is and should be, both on and off the court. He will be greatly missed in the ACC. My prayers are with the family.

Chris, NCSU ’05

July 27, 2007 – 10:55 AM

I will truly miss seeing Coach Prosser at the WFU Football games. I used to pick on him about cheering for the Deacs on the field. It would only take one time and then, he would be out of his seat cheering them on. After that, I never had to ask him again. He was funny, down to earth and approachable. He also was the basketball’s team biggest cheerleader. Even when we had a bad season, he still had the same enthusiasm like we were undefeated. Watching him being fired up on the sideline, fired me up! I will miss you Coach Prosser. My prays and thoughts are with you and your family! GO DEACS!

Fonda Bryant

July 27, 2007 – 10:56 AM

What a wonderful man. I am praying for the repose of his soul and for strength, comfort and peace for all those he loved.


July 27, 2007 – 10:56 AM

Our thoughts and prayers go out to the Prosser family. May you find some solace in knowing how much Coach Prosser touched the lives of so many, in such a profoundly positive way.
God Bless.

WFU alum, ’90

July 27, 2007 – 10:58 AM

Coach was a true class act, as is WFU. You were fortunate to have each other.Tom Parker
VT ’81

Tom Parker

July 27, 2007 – 10:58 AM

It was an honor and a pleasure to have Skip at Wake and I am grateful that we all the the opportunity to meet him and work with him. My thoughts and prayers are with his family and our entire Wake Forest family as we grieve the loss of this amazing man.


July 27, 2007 – 10:59 AM

I was extremely saddened to here of your passing, Coach! I am writing this to you to thank you for all the great memories that you allowed WF to have with our basketball team. You continued a great tradition of great ball from a small school, and we are so honored to have had you stand as our leader in black and gold.Devastated….the deacon will drop many tears for you!

David Sharpe

July 27, 2007 – 11:00 AM

What a great coach and I’m sure an excellent man, I enjoyed watching his teams play my beloved Hokies. My thoughts and prayers go out to the Deacon Nation and the Prosser Family.Born & raise Hokie, Blacksburg, VA

Rob Simmons

July 27, 2007 – 11:00 AM

Just looking back at all the e-mails he used to send us before the big games… he really was connected to the students unlike any other… Skip you will be missed

Dan ’09

July 27, 2007 – 11:01 AM

Skip: Your quotes in print were classics. We were so proud to have you as our coach. God speed to you as our thoughts and prayers are with your very special family and your team. We will miss you greatly.
Dr. L. (faculty emeritus)

Dr. L. (Faculty Emeritus)

July 27, 2007 – 11:03 AM

It is just too difficult to express my feelings about our shocking loss. My sympathies extend to everyone on Wake’s
campus….may God be with you all in this trying time. Skip was one of the good ones taken too soon just as our friend Bill Starling was a few years back. I share the sorrow you all feel at Wake Forest.

Dennis Wilson….’73

July 27, 2007 – 11:04 AM

I’m sure the entire Duke community joins me in sending condolences to the Prosser family. A great loss for all of us.


July 27, 2007 – 11:06 AM

Skip was the embodiment of “class.” You always knew that he would do and say the exact right thing, representing the best of WF, time after time.I just wish so much that we had more time to admire you and learn from you. I’m so glad you were a Demon Deacon.

Kevin (’84)

July 27, 2007 – 11:08 AM

I am still in shock and deeply saddened by Skip’s death. He was a great ambassador for Wake Forest. I have been to hundreds of basketball games. He coached in the 2 greatest college basketball games that I have ever personally seen-the triple overtime win over UNC in 2003 and the double overtime win over Georgia Tech in this year’s ACC tournament. Yet, I think his greatest legacy will be the really good person that he was both on and off the court. “The Joel” won’t be the same this season, but I will be there cheering as hard as I can. Thanks, Skip, for a job well done.
Steve Stewart
WFU ’73

Steve Stewart

July 27, 2007 – 11:09 AM

Both my parents went to Wake, so I grew up going to basketball games. Odom certainly had some good teams, but the atmosphere that Skip brought was unparalleled. I will miss his intelligence, his passion, and his enthusiasm.

Ryan ’09

July 27, 2007 – 11:10 AM

RIP Skip Prosser..You did an awesome job with the men’s b-ball team….GO DEACS! Yuniko (Class of 06)


July 27, 2007 – 11:10 AM

I went to the US Merchant Marine Academy (Kings Point) with Skip, I was a year behind him. Although he was not a prolific scorer on our b’ball team, he was our favorite because of his grit/determination and his ever-present smile when off the court.What a tragedy for the Kings Point, ACC, and WFU families.

My thoughts and prayers are with his family during this terrible time. I hope they will have some solace from the sheer number of condolence messages at this site.

Fair winds and following seas to you, Skip. You lived our motto, “Acta non verba.” (deeds, not words)

May God collect you in his arms this very day.

Mark Gould, KP ’73

Mark Gould

July 27, 2007 – 11:11 AM

Condolences to the family and friends of Coach Prosser. He will be sadly missed in ACC country.

ARR Duke ’93

July 27, 2007 – 11:11 AM

Coach Prosser will be greatly missed by WFU, the ACC, and all of college basketball. He was a first class man and our prayers go out to his family and everyone at Wake Forest.Peace

Bill S, VT ’92

July 27, 2007 – 11:13 AM

I was raised Black and Gold by family members who went to WFU. My family will miss Coach Prosser’s presence and leadership.


July 27, 2007 – 11:13 AM

Skip Prosser was the embodiment of what can be right about college athletics. He was a coach, but more importantly a teacher. He represented Wake Forest well and will be missed by all of us in the ACC and beyond.

Steven Sachs, Duke 1969

July 27, 2007 – 11:15 AM

He always cared about us, the students, and would say how the team belonged to us. He was very personable and accessible to us, despite holding such a tough and high profile job. Everyone seemed to have a story of running into him on campus or seeing him in the Pit. I remember as a freshmen, a friend and I walked past him wearing a Screamin’ Demons shirt. He stopped us, complimented our shirts and thanked us for our support. Talk about lighting up a freshman’s day- or year rather. We will miss you Skip.

Alex Osteen (\’09)

July 27, 2007 – 11:17 AM

Skip was a credit to college coaching, and made all of us in the ACC proud. Great coach, and a great man. He will be missed, and our thoughts and prayers go out to his immediate family, as well as the entire Wake community. God bless.(From an NC State and Duke alumnus)

Keith Harrison

July 27, 2007 – 11:17 AM

This is a time of deep grief and sadness for our community right now. It is still unthinkable to picture our campus without his beaming face walking through the PIT to eat with students or stepping onto the Joel’s court to thunderous applause from the Screamin’ Demons. I wear my Old Gold and Black today with pride to honor him as a respected member of our Wake Forest family. He left us far too soon and my heart is now with the friends and family whom he loved so much.

Shannon Philmon ’07

July 27, 2007 – 11:20 AM

My buddy who played a lot of pick-up basketball used to walk around with a basketball in his backpack. One day Prosser walked by him, looked at the backpack with books and a basketball in it and said, “What more could you need?”R.I.P.

Stephen Tatum

July 27, 2007 – 11:21 AM

Coach Prosser was an important part of the wake forest community – for prospective, current and past students alike. he will be greatly missed.

a devoted demon deacon

July 27, 2007 – 11:21 AM

Coach Prosser taught us how true fans support a team, and more importantly, how peers support other peers. The Tye Dye Nation will never be able to replace what Skip brought to Winston-Salem in 2001. Here’s to a great game of basketball when we meet you in Heaven.

Kris Bennett (’04)

July 27, 2007 – 11:21 AM

Coach Prosser was a real class act and genuine person. I loved to hear his press conferences and comments before and after games – always with class and great humor. My family is Duke and FSU – but we will all miss Skip.

Brian Johnson

July 27, 2007 – 11:25 AM

As a radio commentator for Duke, I had the pleasure of getting to know Coach Prosser very well over the last few years. His passing is almost incomprehensible to me.
He was a wonderful a man as I’ve had the pleasure to know. In the scheme of life, we have to keep reminding ourselves that we were blessed to know him at all. I truly wish it weren’t that way. I wish I could always see his face break into a smile when he saw me. Know that he and his family will always be in my thoughts and prayers.

Matthew Laurance

July 27, 2007 – 11:31 AM

As avid Carolina and ACC fans, we have been so deeply saddened about Coach Prosser’s passing. Class, character, a sense of humor – that’s what we think of when we think of Coach Prosser. Our sincere condolences to the Prosser family and the Wake Forest University family. And, for all of us who believe in all the good and right things about sports, we will miss Coach Prosser tremendously.

The Flynn Family

July 27, 2007 – 11:31 AM

Coach Prosser was a class act. He will be missed in the ACC. My condolences to his wife and family.

Nan Cole, Duke ’79

July 27, 2007 – 11:31 AM

As a high school basketball coach in Michigan, Coach Prosser gave me the opportunity to come to WFU and work his camp in 2003. Receiving a personal invitation from him to coach at his camp will always rank as a highlight of my career. Coach Prosser is a coach that all coaches should strive to be like. Thanks for the opportunity of a lifetime!

J.D. Armstrong

July 27, 2007 – 11:33 AM

Deepest condolences to your family from an NC State grad and from all of the Wolf Pack family.


July 27, 2007 – 11:34 AM

This is a very sad day for ACC basketball fans. All of us will miss Skip and grieve for his family, Wake Forest basketball fans, players, staff and school. God bless you coach Prosser.

jim sabiston

July 27, 2007 – 11:40 AM

Most of the reporting of the life and death of my friend Skip has been about more recent years. I graduated with and played basketball with Skip at Carnegie High School just outside of Pittsburgh. Though at the time we did not know how successful he was going to be, he still demonstrated a quality a little different from your average teen. He was captain of the team and for good reason, he was the leader. He was a very good defensive player but could also score if needed but he always played in a manner that was team oriented. Skip was very popular with students and teachers. Nothing flashy or over the top could be used to describe him. He was just a good guy and a good friend. He came from a solid family where I believe he learn to love teaching from his mom, who was a teacher and he learned discipline from his father. I remember spending many a summer afternoon after we played on the playground courts in that area going to Skip’s and drinking sweet tea that his mom would have waiting for us and receiving some words of wisdom from his dad.I think the last time I spoke with Skip was at least 10 years ago. Just one of those things where life takes people in different directions. However, I can say for certainty to his wife and boys that everyone here in the town of Carnegie are very proud of Skip and his accomplishments, both on and off the court, and that our hearts go out to you and your entire family.

May God Bless,

Jack Steinhart

Steiny 07/27/07

Jack Steinhart -HS friend

July 27, 2007 – 11:40 AM

While I never had the privilege of meeting him personally, Coach Prosser always struck me as one of the true gentlemen of the coaching profession. His passion, enthusiasm, and love for both his players and the game were readily apparent. He will truly be missed.

Jeffrey Zimmerman, Duke ’97

July 27, 2007 – 11:42 AM

Our hearts and prayers go out to his family and loved ones and may god bless them.


July 27, 2007 – 11:42 AM

Deepest condolences to the Prosser and WFU family! Coach Prosser will be missed and was admired.-UNC Grad

T. Quantá Holden

July 27, 2007 – 11:45 AM

Coach Prosser was a visible fixture on the court, but also on campus- I have countless memories of seeing him in Benson and at 10 pm catholic mass every week. He was a genuine person and a quick wit. He will be missed as much for his coaching as his presence among the Wake family each day along the quad.


July 27, 2007 – 11:52 AM

I’m a Xavier grad, and was lucky enough to be there for Skip’s last two seasons with X. My best memory of him was seeing him every afternoon in the cafeteria, eating with his players and coaches. He’d talk to anyone that wanted to give him their advice for the team. We was just a stand-up guy.


July 27, 2007 – 11:56 AM

Thanks Coach…for everything! Thanks Nancy and sons for allowing Skip to be a part of our family as well.

Bryan Watts

July 27, 2007 – 11:57 AM

Coach Prosser was the personification of class. He will be sorely missed, but never forgotten!


July 27, 2007 – 11:57 AM

Coach Prosser was one of the best, both as a coach and as a human being. He was a great representative of
Wake Forest, the ACC, and the game of college basketball. All of us will miss him.
Nancy S. Marks, Duke 1954

Nancy S. Marks

July 27, 2007 – 12:04 PM

I first met Coach Prosser at ACC basketball media day several years ago, as a writer for U. Va.’s student newspaper. Never having spoken to ACC coaches in such close quarters, I was pretty nervous.A little while into the coaches’ interview session, I saw the media clear out from around Coach Prosser’s table and decided to take the bold step of sitting down to speak with him one-on-one.

We talked for about 10 minutes — just the two of us — about coaching, family, his players, the “student-athlete” and the ups and downs of a season. He treated me as a journalist in spite of my obvious youth. Before then or since, I’m not sure I have spoken to someone with more respect and standards for the game, for his players, or for life.

In recent years, I’ve had the opportunity to have a few more conversations like that with him.

Skip, you will be sorely missed — by your family, fans, and the countless people that you touched in even the smallest ways throughout your life.

Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. God Bless.

JPM, Virginia ’07

July 27, 2007 – 12:06 PM

We are deeply saddened by the loss of Coach Prosser. Although we did not know him personally, we felt a kinship with him resulting from a common history. We, like Skip, grew up in Pittsburgh in working class families. We can relate to his Pittsburgh heritage although we preceded him by a generation. My wife’s maternal relatives lived in Carnegie, Pa and in the Wheeling, WV area where Skip began his coaching career. Pittsburgher’s are certainly not renown for their skill in the use of the English language, but Coach was an exception. His intelligence and humanity, as was his humbleness, stood out and certainly he was a good coach. We have often commented on Wake Forest’s ability to select and hire outstanding coaches who can rise to the top in tough ACC competition. Coach Prosser was a prime example.

We will miss you, Coach. Although your life was too short, you certainly lived it well.

Our heartfelt condolences to the Prosser Family.

August and Joan Pike

August Pike

July 27, 2007 – 12:13 PM

Our condolences to Coach Prossers family, and to the WFU family.
He will be greatly missed!!!

Gary McDowell Family

July 27, 2007 – 12:15 PM

Deepest condolences to the Prosser and WFU family. He will be greatly missed. As a Duke fan in Northern Kentucky, I saw him take Xavier to great heights and was pleased when he got the Wake Forrest job! We all lost a Great man and Great leader!

Randy Burnett

July 27, 2007 – 12:21 PM

Our thoughts and prayers are with the Wake Forest family and the immediate family. May God be with you during this difficult time.

Michelle Cumming

July 27, 2007 – 12:23 PM

I am praying for the Prosser family and the Demon Deacon community! Skip brought a new level of enthusiasm and spirit to Joel Coliseum, and Demon Deacon basketball will never be the same!


July 27, 2007 – 12:23 PM

Coach Prosser will be greatly missed here at the university as well as abroad. My prayers are with his family and all of those who were effected directly or indirectly by his passing.

Trayonna Floyd

July 27, 2007 – 12:25 PM

My thoughts and prayers go out to the Prosser family and the entire Deacon family. Skip was truly a man of character and integrity. He will truly be missed.

Kathy Conlan

July 27, 2007 – 12:26 PM

I am so thankful that we were graced with Skip’s presence the last 7 years. He will never be forgotten and the pain we now feel will not quickly diminish. I pray that the Lord will give strength to his wife and sons and that the Wake Forest family will be a constant support.

Grant Hendrix

July 27, 2007 – 12:30 PM

Coach Prosser was a class act wherever he coached. He will be missed by many. My condolences to his wife, and sons, Scott & Mark. As a Wheeling Central Catholic High School fan and a fan of wherever Coach Prosser was coaching,I will truly miss following his career.

Becky Murphy, Wheeling, WV

July 27, 2007 – 12:31 PM

Coach Prosser will be missed. His commitment to excellence on and off the court is something to aspire too.

Chris Thacker – Duke 94

July 27, 2007 – 12:34 PM

I really don’t know what all I can say that will give justice to the memory of Skip, but I’ll just say that it was a privilege to have him as the head coach here for six years. I’ve been a Wake fan since my family moved to Winston in ’89 and I bleed Old Gold & Black. Skip made me proud of my basketball team, and more importantly proud of my school and all that Mother So Dear stands for.I will miss you Skip, but I will NEVER forget you.


Paul Kennedy (Class of \’04)

July 27, 2007 – 12:38 PM

I am a Wake graduate. One of the things that makes me proudest to be part of the Demon Deacon community is the emphasis placed on becoming a great all-around person.As others have said, Skip was a tremendous person and left an impression on all of those who came into contact with him. He was a lot more than a coach… he was a great representative of what humanity can be and of Wake Forest University.

I am saddened deeply by his early departure and send out my heartfelt wishes to his friends and family. I am so proud of Skip and the legacy he leaves behind. There will never be another one like you. Thank you.

God Bless.

Michael Held WFU grad-’04

Michael Held

July 27, 2007 – 12:40 PM

Taken from our team, and recruited to the Lord’s team…My heart, my thoughts, and my prayers go out to the Prosser family, Wake family, and all of those who are affected by his passing. He was one of the best, on and off the court. We’ll miss you, Coach.

A saddened Duke fan

July 27, 2007 – 12:43 PM

Today more than ever we are reminded of what it means to be part of Wake Forest. Skip was a great coach and one of our biggest fans. We will never forget what he brought to our lives.

BJL ’03

July 27, 2007 – 12:48 PM

A sad day for basketball fans everywhere. Our hearts go out to his wife and children. May God bless you and help you through this time.


July 27, 2007 – 12:52 PM

Having grown up in Cincinnati, I remember Coach Prosser from back during his days at Xavier. He was given the unenviable task of filling the shoes of Pete Gillen, a coach beloved on the local scene for his success and his wit. Skip stepped right in and didn’t miss a beat, as we all learned very quickly that he was cut from a similar, if not a more graceful, cloth than his predecessor. His departure to Wake Forest was viewed then as a significant loss to the community, but being a Duke fan and an ACC fan in general, my sense of loss was tempered because I knew the conference was gaining a tremendous individual who would positively affect both the kids he coached and the ACC community in general. His charm, his professionalism and his nuanced sense of humor lit up our little ACC universe and made us all feel a little more proud to have a guy like Coach Prosser on “our side”.This is a terrible loss to everyone who loved Skip – even those of us who really didn’t know Skip, but merely “knew” him from how he carried himself in public; which is to say we have lost a man who more of us would do well to emulate. Godspeed to you, Coach. We all selfishly wish we had more time with you.

A Xavier and Duke Fan

July 27, 2007 – 12:52 PM

My thoughts and prayers go out to the family of Coach Prosser and his family at Wake Forest. I do believe he will be coaching in heaven and guiding you this coming basketball season.

Linda from Cincinnati

July 27, 2007 – 12:53 PM

As an up-coming sophomore at Wake from overseas I was not blessed to share as much time around this man but I never heard a bad thing about him. People always hate on coaches yet even my Duke and UNC friends had nothing bad to say about Skip. He made being a person, a friend, and I’m sure a husband and father more important than his job or a resume and that is what our world needs. Skip was truly a member of campus; I recall seeing him working out in the gym with us average joes, always reading…. I am disappointed not to have had a chance to encounter this great man personally but it is apparent that God used him in many ways. Know that his accomplishments in life have touched many, and that his character, integrity and graciousness will not be forgotten. As I return to Wake and we return to basketball I can assure you that no one’s heart will not tear in his memory. Jesu ana juwa, na Jesu na penda mama na watoto ya Skip. God knows, and God loves you, Skip’s family. Prayers from Africa….

Mark Hoover

July 27, 2007 – 12:54 PM

There are too few men of the caliber of Skip Prosser not only in college basketball, but in the world. He will be missed.

Duke alum

July 27, 2007 – 12:55 PM

I had the pleasure of meeting him on one occasion. It will always remain a truly great moment in my life b/c of the positive light he shared with me. Great coach, even better man. I don’t think I ever heard Coach Prosser complain about anything. He was positive no matter the situation. More people in the world need to adopt that attitude!God rest his soul and shine his spirit upon those who can learn what life is truly about.


Joe VT/2000

Joe Felton

July 27, 2007 – 12:57 PM

Skip I didn’t know you personally but based on your words you were full of wit, humor, and life. My heart aches for you and your family and the Wake community. Enjoy the front row views of basketball games that only heaven could provide, and save us all a seat.
God Bless Skip you will be missed!Brian
A Winston-Salem Dukie and Wake supporter for life


July 27, 2007 – 12:59 PM

I did not know Skip Prosser and only became interested in Wake Basketball in the last few years as my nephew became a student there and a proud Screaming Deacon. In a time when coaches and athletes can be such poor role models, his family and the entire Wake Forest Program should be proud that Skip Prosser represented them so well. God Bless all who loved him. He touched more lives than he knew.


July 27, 2007 – 01:00 PM

Senior year will not be the same without Coach Prosser. Thought and prayers go out to his family and everyone in our Wake Forest community.

Brittany WF ’08

July 27, 2007 – 01:03 PM

May God bless the family of this outstanding man and the Wake community in general at this time of great and unexpected loss.The outpouring of praise from his colleagues who knew him well is testimony to what a fine man Skip Prosser was.

The Duke community mourns along with all of Skip’s family and friends. All of you are in our prayers.


July 27, 2007 – 01:05 PM

I never had the pleasure of meeting Coach Prosser, but I had the pleasure of watching him coach for the last six years. I am going to miss seeing him on the sidelines in the future. Skip was a great coach, but an even better man. My thoughts and prayers are with the Prosser family. I can’t imagine what they most be going through right now. I’ll miss you coach!!

Eric Hendrix

July 27, 2007 – 01:07 PM

Our heartfelt condolences to the family of George E. “Skip” Prosser and the entire community of Wake Forest University. Skip will be fondly remembered for Deacon Club events, summer basketball camps with our two sons, and the unifying theme of the “Tie Dye Nation.” I struggle to remember a time when laughter was not present when you shared time with Skip. He appeared to be one of the few individuals I have made acquaintance who knew how to balance family, career, friends, and his faith. In the heat of battle, media pressures, and job offers, he was the only one who seemed to be at peace. What a rock he has been for his family and for our Alma mater. We join with the thousands Skip has touched to say, “We will remember you always.”

Joel and Shirene Gentry \’84

July 27, 2007 – 01:10 PM

I am a Duke fan, but have always had a lot of respect for Wake. Skip built a program that represents honor, excellence and pride. I am a big Wake fan, second only to Duke, because of Prosser and his players.

John ’01

July 27, 2007 – 01:13 PM

Our thoughts and prayers go out to the Prosser family. We are saddened at the loss of such a good person and a great basketball coach. Coach Prosser represented the Wake Forest community well and was a “class act”. He will be missed.

Andrew Petrilli and family

July 27, 2007 – 01:13 PM

On my way to yoga class in the Miller Center, many times I would encounter Coach Prosser as he was walking to lunch. One one occasion he asked me when the Secrest Artists Series was going to bring “something Irish” — I jokingly responded by that I would book “something Irish” if he would promise to bring the entire basketball team with him to the concert — he said we had a deal! He personified the character of Wake Forest and will be sorely missed.

Lillian Shelton

July 27, 2007 – 01:18 PM

Before the game, Coach Prosser emailed the students telling them to meet him on the quad after we beat Duke. We did – and he kept true to his word addressing the students as he always had as one collective member of the team, the sixth man. That night I had the privilege of shaking Coach Prosser’s hand and I will never forget it. God bless Coach Skip Prosser and my prayers go out to his family and friends.

Jon WF ’06

July 27, 2007 – 01:24 PM

Great ManGreat Coach

RIP Coach


July 27, 2007 – 01:29 PM

As a long time Dukie, I always enjoyed playing the Wake because I knew they would well prepared and would give 110%….and that they would do things the right way with integrity. I guess they just mirrored their coach, huh? He not only will be missed but how can he be replaced? Impossible.

Doug Beckstett

July 27, 2007 – 01:30 PM

Coach, you will be greatly missed.


July 27, 2007 – 01:36 PM

There are many wonderful memories Skip provided during my time at Wake. However, my favorite Prosser story takes place years before I arrived at Wake Forest.My father taught philosophy at Xavier University while I was growing up. One day he came home and told me of a basketball player who persistently came to class five minutes late. My dad repeatedly explained to him how disrespectful this was and kindly asked him to arrive on time, but the player continued to arrive late every day, taking his seat in the front row. Frustrated, my father finally went to speak with the basketball coach. The very next class the student arrived five minutes late, only to find his coach sitting in his seat waiting for him. The player was never late again.

It wasn’t until years later, as a Wake undergrad, when I learned that our beloved basketball coach was the same individual. His dedication to academics and to everyone associated with the school was something I will always admire.

Nathalie Davis, ’05

July 27, 2007 – 01:37 PM

God speed Coach, you will be missed

Andrew MBA ’06

July 27, 2007 – 01:37 PM

The loss of a gentleman and quality individual. Condolences to his family and friends, to Wake Forest, the ACC and all sports.

Doc the Dukie

July 27, 2007 – 01:39 PM

It has been said many times that the ACC is like a big family and I agree. Any time a family loses a child, we all grieve and I agree. But life is about “making” memories. Coach made many good ones for us all.

George Shutt

July 27, 2007 – 01:43 PM

No matter how much success he achieved, Coach Prosser was always one thing at every level he coached – a great teacher.Growing up in a small town in WV, I was fortunate enough to have Coach Prosser as a teacher at Wheeling Central Catholic. Academics always came first and it was so great to see as I followed Coach Prosser that his morals & standards never changed. He was the same person yesterday as he was teaching high school.

Our condolences go out to his family, WFU and it’s surrounding communities and to those of us who had him first back in Wheeling.

Thank you for sharing him Nancy, Scott & Mark.

God speed Coach !!!

Wheeling Central Catholic HS ’83

Jeff Parrill – Bradenton, FL

July 27, 2007 – 01:44 PM

I will never forget the times I had the privilege to meet with Coach one on one.He brought a level of integrity and class to WFU. Thank you for the memories! My condolences to the entire Prosser family.

Mike Breedlove-Sports Tours

July 27, 2007 – 01:44 PM

You will be deeply missed Skip. We loved you here at Wake. R.I.P


July 27, 2007 – 01:45 PM

I will most remember how Skip would sometimes come out to the quad after big wins and thank the fans. After beating #4 UNC during the great 2004-2005 season, there were students chanting “Skip, Skip” as he walked away from the quad that night. He was great to the students.


July 27, 2007 – 01:46 PM

I grew up in Northern Kentucky and was, therefore, a little familiar with Skip when he came to Wake after my freshman year. Never could I have imagined, though, the wondrous events that would transpire under his tenure. In the time since his passing, many stories have been shared recounting the sincerity and humility with which he fiercely lived his life. An avid reader, an inspiring public speaker, and an unquestionable fan of humanity, he was – and continues to be – a great representative for Wake.

Joseph Bennett, ’04

July 27, 2007 – 01:49 PM

Being a die hard Tar Heel fan, it hurts bad when we lost one of our (ACC) family members. He seemed to be a really great friend, coach, and I’m sure, a great husband and father. Many condolences go out to Nancy, Scott, and Mark. The lives he touched and changed for the better, maybe GOD has work for Skip to do in Heaven. I hope to see him again there.

Michael Swaringen

July 27, 2007 – 01:51 PM

What a tragic and shocking loss!
I never got to Meet Skip Prosser.
But as a fan of a rival school I always thought Coach Prosser was a class act and a great addition to the ACC’s BB coaching fraternity. My thoughts and prayers go out to his family, his friends, and to the entire Demon Deacon Nation.

David Livingston – Duke alum

July 27, 2007 – 01:55 PM

I was fortunate enough to be able to watch Coach Prosser guide my Alma mater, Xavier University. One quote of his that I carry with me always: “You might never be the smartest, biggest, quickest, or most talented, but there is no excuse for you not to be the hardest working.”My sincere condolences to his wife, his children, and his Wake Forest family.

Cody Reeder

July 27, 2007 – 01:57 PM

God bless the Prosser family. Coach Prosser was one of the best men in the ACC and in college basketball. He won’t be forgotten.

Alice Mauroner, Duke ’76

July 27, 2007 – 01:59 PM

I was lucky enough to have met Skip Prosser right before I joined the Coast Guard. Being a long time Wake fan, it was a real honor to meet him. I was humbled by him as he shared stories of his time in the merchant Marines, like we were long time friends. He was a great person and will be missed dearly.

Alex Moore

July 27, 2007 – 02:00 PM

I’m sure that I speak for the rest of us when I say that the Virginia Tech community mourns your loss. Skip was a good coach and teacher, but most importantly, a good man and role model to the young men that came through the university doors. Our thoughts are with his wife and sons.

Danny S.

July 27, 2007 – 02:02 PM

Coach Prosser was a great guy and an awesome coach. He will truly be missed!


July 27, 2007 – 02:03 PM

With all we see wrong in both sports and our world it is truly a shame to lose a man who represented all that is right with our world. Coach brought the proper prospective and integrity to sports and life in general. This is tremendous loss to his family, the Wake Forest Community, the ACC and all who came in contact with him. I am proud to have my son as part of the Wake Nation and to be touched by this man. Our prayers go out to his family and all he touched. We are all better for it, 56 is just way to young to leave us.

Matt Sikel

July 27, 2007 – 02:03 PM

Skip Prosser embodied all that is good and noble about collegiate coaching and being part of a “family” that is Wake Forest. Remember Jim Grobes’ first year as our football coach? Our first game against East Carolina? Who was leading the cheers as time expired and we had beaten the Pirates – our BASKETBALL coach, that’s who! Our “family” has been blessed to have Skip with us (for too sort a time) and our players and students are better citizens for having been with him. May God bless Nancy and his boys, and continue to bless our great University during this period of intense sadness and heartbreak.

Vern Pike ’58

July 27, 2007 – 02:08 PM

I have met Coach Prosser on two occasions, both times in the midst of enthusiastic young Deacon fans. After an exciting win at the Joel a few years ago, my sons and I had gathered with several families at Elizabeth’s pizza place near campus. When Skip and his wife came in to eat dinner, the kids all immediately ran to their parents to see if they could ask Coach Prosser for an autograph. He was so patient and generous with them when they interrupted his dinner. He took the time to sign autographs for at least 10 young deacon fans that night. When my son attended summer basketball camp, Skip also took all the time needed so every camper and parent, including myself, could have an autograph and photo opp.
As painful and shocking as this is for the Wake Forest community, it must be incredibly more trying for the family – our prayers are with them.

Bev Bradley ’83

July 27, 2007 – 02:11 PM

I am shocked and saddened as if I had lost a family member or dear friend. Wake Forest has been a special part of my life since my days there as a student. I have always been proud to be a Demon Deacon. Coach Prosser understood and embraced what makes Wake Forest a special place and he will be part of our memories forever. God Bless him and his family.

Geoffrey Gill 1988

July 27, 2007 – 02:16 PM

Our hearts and prayers extend to his family. He was a true diplomat of NCAA coaches, on and off the court, while invoking the values of life. We sincerely thank you Coach Prosser, for implementing a program that deserves a great deal of credit for doing things the right way.

John Donnelly, Wake ’83

July 27, 2007 – 02:17 PM

My thoughts and prayers go to the Wake Forest Family . I met coach the North Carolina coach clinic in 2002 or 2003 Taron Downey was on the team, Coach Taron was in high school and middle school. When I met him he said nice thinks so say about Taron Downey. Even the other coaches at Webb said he was the nicest coach they had talked to in some years. May God bless him, his family, the team and Wake Forest fans. — Ulysses Ramsey Jr (Tarheeels and Webb warriors)

Ulysses Ramsey Jr

July 27, 2007 – 02:18 PM

My thoughts and prayers are with the Prosser family in your time of grief. Skip was a great man who was more than just a coach. He was a teacher and role model for all those who played for him at every level. God Bless!

Joe Lefkay (Wheeling Central 1983)

July 27, 2007 – 02:19 PM

Professionally, and as a Duke fan, I have had great respect for the level of play Coach Prosser brought to Wake Forest and to the ACC. As a fan of sports, I admired that he did it the right way. My prayers will be with his family, players and staff and to all of his loved ones and mourners. This guestbook message is quite like the others and that may be the most telling part.

Mike Collins

July 27, 2007 – 02:19 PM

What a sad time for the Wake Forest and Xavier communities! I was lucky enough to attend Xavier while Skip was our coach. He was just a tremendous representative of XU’s values and truly embodied the class that was expected of players and students. When he left Xavier, we envied Wake Forest for getting Skip as their coach. I have been so pleased to see that he was just as well loved there as we still love him here. Hopefully his family knows that our prayers are with them.

Kerry from Cincinnati

July 27, 2007 – 02:19 PM

Coach Prosser was first class in everything he did. He was a joy to watch coach. He was the best. After losing my own father 7 months ago, it just don’t seem fair that this happens.


July 27, 2007 – 02:20 PM

Skip Prosser was a savior for Wake Forest basketball. His coaching and teaching (after previous head man Dave Odom) was outstanding. I would have loved to have seen him coach & teach Tim Duncan. (Just like I would have loved to have seen Tom O’Brien coach Phillip Rivers). Prosser’s loyalty and love for Wake Forest was demonstrated by turning down offers from hometown school Pittsburgh and Cincinnati University during his tenure in Winston-Salem. Wake was blessed to have a duo like Jim Grobe and Skip Prosser at the helm. I’m sure Jim Grobe will continue to exude the class and teaching ability that both he and Prosser exhibited. God’s blessings to Skip Prosser.

Chuck – Just a BIG ACC fan…

July 27, 2007 – 02:20 PM

As a Duke fan, it has been a privilege to watch Coach Prosser lead, teach, and compete on the court. He has been an outstanding member of the ACC community and will be missed greatly.I offer my sincere condolences to his wife, his children, and his Wake Forest family.

Don Allison

July 27, 2007 – 02:20 PM

My deepest sympathy to the Prosser family and to Wake Forest University. Coach touched all of our lives and brought joy to this community and the fans. His smile and spirit will forever be a part of my memories. God speed coach…

Deputy Jeff

July 27, 2007 – 02:23 PM

Dear Prosser Family,
Coach Prosser was a blessing to the Wake Forest community. His incredible enthusiasm and love for his team, the WFU students and the school as a whole were an example to us all. He leaves a legacy that will not be forgotten and cannot ever be replicated. Thank you for sharing him with us. Our prayers are for you in this difficult time in your lives. We love you. We will miss him.

Erin Talabay ’05

July 27, 2007 – 02:25 PM

Coach Prosser was not just a great coach, he had become the face of the university, the finest ambassador of a school that strives to do things the right way. Although I didn’t know him personally, I feel as though I did. His death has hit me as hard as if he were family. And really, I guess in a sense, he is family. Thanks for all the lessons, basketball and life. You are missed.

Bob Bevan, Class of 1974

July 27, 2007 – 02:26 PM

I know a lot of fans question the large sums of money and prestige these D-1 coaches receive. But, one thing many fans don’t understand is the unfair expectations these coaches endure. The long nights, and weeks recruiting and being away from loved ones; the pressure to win… Maybe this will shed some light on the extreme toll taken on these coaches at any D-1 sport to perform at the highest level in their respective coaching profession. Skip was a true gentlemen and a true sportsman. I will miss seeing him this season on the ACC sidelines.

Andy Kansas

July 27, 2007 – 02:29 PM

I would just like to say it was a privilege watching Coach Prosser, and he will be greatly missed. I am an avid Duke fan, but if I would have to pick a second favorite it would be Wake Forest because of Coach Prosser. God bless his soul and his friends and family.


July 27, 2007 – 02:31 PM

Godspeed Coach. Thank you for everything. You will not be forgotten.Go n-éirí an bóthar leat!

WRD ’05

July 27, 2007 – 02:34 PM

Coach Prosser’s dedication and enthusiasm for Wake Forest basketball had a big impact on my time at Wake. I remember him coming out to bring pizzas and Krispy Kreme donuts to ticket camp outs, reaching out the students to be more involved in the team, and attending Mass on campus. He was an incredible coach, teacher, and person. He will be missed a great deal. My thoughts and prayers go out to his friends and family, as does the entire Wake Forest Community’s.

Jessica Fegan, WFU 2003

July 27, 2007 – 02:37 PM

Thank you for being such an inspiration to us all on how to live life to its fullest, on the importance of doing well in the classroom and on the basketball court, and on truly making us proud to be a Deacon.You often said “It is a great day to be a Deacon.” While yesterday and the days to come may be sad days in Deaconland, we appreciate all the memories we have and the memories yet to made thanks to all you showed us as a “friend, teacher, coach.” Due in large part to your inspiration, character, and example, Wake Forest and Wake Nation will again see the sun rise on days when it is great to be a Deacon.

God bless to Nancy, your sons, and all family and friends.

Burns Family

July 27, 2007 – 02:38 PM

Coach Prosser will be missed.

Daniel Massoglia

July 27, 2007 – 02:38 PM

Your lessons will live on in our hearts and you will never be forgotten. A Great teacher, a better coach, the best of people.


July 27, 2007 – 02:38 PM

May God comfort the Prosser family and the Wake Forest University family at this sad time. We thank his family for sharing him with the Deacons. He will be sorely missed.


July 27, 2007 – 02:40 PM

Skip Prosser was such a great man and was taken from this world much too early. A was a great coach and an even better teacher to the kids that played for him. He was an inspiration to all and will be remembered for how great of a person he really was. Coach Prosser will be missed dearly.


July 27, 2007 – 02:41 PM

I woke up this morning hoping it was all a bad dream, but it wasn’t. Coach Prosser is gone. He was a gentleman, a scholar, and a class act. We are all so very fortunate that he was a part of our lives. Gone too soon, but never forgotten.


July 27, 2007 – 02:46 PM

I have watched Wake Forest basketball since before I could even speak, and by far Coach Prosser has been one of the most valuable and influential coaches. He was such a good soul and such an amazing coach and he will surely be missed by all.

Rebekah Myers

July 27, 2007 – 02:48 PM

I don’t really know what to say here. I am saddened by the loss of our coach and my thoughts are with his family during this tough time. God Bless.

Devon Larking

July 27, 2007 – 02:50 PM

I have had the honor and privilege of meeting Skip on a number of occasions, both professionally and socially. He, at his own expense, came over to Scotland for coaching seminars on three occasions, the last one just last year. My memory of Skip is of a brilliant basketball coach from raw beginners to elite performers, a scholar who was always willing to learn as well as teach, but above all a true gentleman. To Nancy and the boys, all those in Scotland who met him will be saddened for your loss.

Keith Ritchie, Scotland

July 27, 2007 – 02:55 PM

Skip Prosser was the coach during my days as a student at Xavier. He always represented the university in the best possible way and it was obvious that he had succeeded in doing the same at Wake. All my best to the Prosser family.

Jayson Pratt

July 27, 2007 – 02:57 PM

I was in the Charlotte airport when I looked up to see Coach Prosser walking my way. I greeted him but did not expect that he would say much to me. However, he stopped and talked with me as if he had always known me.He really made me feel that I was as important to speak with as anyone else he met.

Gerald Brandon, Jacksonville, NC

July 27, 2007 – 02:58 PM

Having both parents who attended Wake Forest, I was raised to bleed Old Gold and Black. I am a huge basketball fan and by watching Skip Prosser come and take our team to the top, he automatically became my hero. It is such a shock within my Wake Forest-addicted family. We will never forget the amazing coach and the amazing man that he was. His family is in our prayers.

Hannah Wynne

July 27, 2007 – 03:01 PM

Skip was a great man and a wonderful representative of the school. He was a coach, and ran a team, that we could be proud of. He’ll be greatly missed.

JM class of 2000

July 27, 2007 – 03:05 PM

My sympathy to the Wake Forest Family, and to the Wife and Children of skip, he will be missed.Duke Fan

Matthew Key

July 27, 2007 – 03:13 PM

My deepest condolences to Coach Prosser’s family and friends! I’m blessed to have worked with Coach Prosser and even more thankful to have known him. He truly was a remarkable human being that was representative of everything the university prides itself in. With unparalleled wisdom, humility and personality on and off the court, he was the epitome of class and the premier example of what every coach should be.Upon graduation, he wished me luck and success in life. Coach Prosser, congratulations on yours. You tightened the bond within the WFU community and made us proud to be a Screamin’ Demon. With every “rolling of the quad,” we pay homage to the man that the WFU Family, and the nation, grew to respect and love. Today, he continues to part wisdom and reminds us not to take life for granted. Thank you for all of the smiles and memories Coach. You are surely missed.

Kristy Fletcher (\’04 and former WFU athletics employee)

July 27, 2007 – 03:20 PM

Condolences to the Prosser family. Know that you are in many peoples’ thoughts and prayers.I attended Wake during the Odom years. While it was an exciting time for Wake basketball with players like Childress, Rogers, and Duncan – you can see the difference Prosser made to the program even when watching games on TV. The increased participation of the student body in the Screamin’ Demons and everyone’s obvious love of their team and coach is so evident you could feel it through the television.

Prosser was a class act and a great person. He truly embodied Wake’s values and I can only imagine the number of students whose lives he has positively affected.

Heather Teague (Class of ’94)

July 27, 2007 – 03:20 PM

Thank you COACH for the wonderful life you gave to basketball. I will never forget meeting you at 5-Star and the way you treated every coach. You will be greatly missed by all in the basketball community. My condolences go out to your family. I know that you will be missed not only in the basketball community but society has lost a great role model for young men.

Coach Keith m. Schofield

July 27, 2007 – 03:21 PM

In my mind, the best thing about Skip wasn’t anything he did for our basketball team. What I always admired about Skip was how visible he was on campus. I saw him in the Miller Center, jogging in Kentner, eating in the PIT, and attending Mass with Father Jude (he usually slipped in 5 minutes late). When I saw Skip he was approachable, friendly, and genuine. He was a part of the campus community and the Winston-Salem community to a remarkable degree. That’s what I always admired about Skip.

John Sanders

July 27, 2007 – 03:22 PM

To Coach Prosser’s Family, Friends, and all who were touched by him,I met Coach when he was at Xavier. He was a delight to meet and discuss almost any topic. A true class act that will be sorely missed.

W&M ’83; Duke ’89

Kurt Baumberger

July 27, 2007 – 03:22 PM

As a big fan of the ACC and a bigger fan of wonderful “true” people, I just wanted to say I believe Skip was a champion in all respects. He was a wonderful representative for the league and for all good things a coach could be. I could only wish to have a positive impact on as many lives as I’m sure he’s touched. Thanks Skip for everything! We’re going to miss you, but certainly not forget you!Condolences to the entire Prosser family.




July 27, 2007 – 03:26 PM

I have been a Wake Forest basketball fan for a long, long time. No-one brought more class, excitement, enthusiasm, thoughtfulness, perspective or professionalism than did Skip to our program. You will be sorely missed but we will build on the legacy you leave behind as you would clearly want.God’s speed to you Coach and may God comfort your family.

Paul Powell JD82

July 27, 2007 – 03:27 PM

Coach Prosser made me proud to be a Demon Deacon. Always a great guy and class act on and off the court, he was a true gemstone in the Wake Forest community. My prayers are with his family at this difficult time and I hope they know how much the entire community shares in their grief. Coach Prosser will never be forgotten. God bless.

Jackie – WFU ’07

July 27, 2007 – 03:30 PM

I’ve been an ACC fan all my life, and to me there has been nothing better than tobacco road. Thank you Skip for being such a wonderful and teaching coach to the kids at Wake Forest. You will truly be missed in the sport by all of us. My thoughts and prayers go to your family in their time of sorrow.

Dottye Hurst

July 27, 2007 – 03:30 PM

Our prayers go with the Prosser family and the entire WF family. Coach Prosser took the time to make everyone feel important-from his players to the youngest ones attending his basketball camps. He will be greatly missed. God Bless

TS ’82

July 27, 2007 – 03:31 PM

I got the opportunity to go abroad last spring which was amazing but also made me miss basketball season. I emailed Coach Prosser before I left and told him how much Wake basketball means to me and wished him good luck for the season. To my surprise, he emailed me back the next week! He took the time to respond to a student which completely shocked me but that’s just the type of man Coach Prosser was. He never took a moment for granted and treated everyone with respect and gratitude. His email touched me very dearly and his impact at our school and in our community will never be forgotten. Thank you Coach for all you have done and we will miss you. My thoughts and prayers go out to his wife and sons… thanks for letting us be a part of your family these past 6 years.

Ashley, ’08

July 27, 2007 – 03:31 PM

I am very fortunate to say that Coach Prosser was my coach for my entire 4 year stay at Wake Forest. He was not just the coach to the team, but a coach to the entire student body, especially the Screamin’ Demons. I loved how he would always spend time with the students, who he considered the 6th man. Our Wake Forest family has truly lost a great man!My prayers and wishes are with the Prosser family

Terrell (Class of 2006)


July 27, 2007 – 03:32 PM

From a State Nation member to The Wake Nation — our hearts go out to you in the passing of Coach Prosser. Not only is this a lost for Wake Forest but for The ACC and college basketball as well!GOD bless the Prosser family! Please know that Skip will be remembered in the many basketball season to come.

Ken Clifton

July 27, 2007 – 03:38 PM

I am still extremely shocked and tremendously saddened by Skip’s death. Coming from a lifelong Duke fan, I truly respected him. He was a stand up guy and a special coach. My thoughts are with his family and past and present players.

Ryan S.

July 27, 2007 – 03:40 PM

We attended team camp at Wake a few years ago and our staff and players were touched by a speech that Coach made to the entire camp. He was down -to-earth and made you feel that you and your team were special. Our sympathy is with his family.

Trinity HS

July 27, 2007 – 03:42 PM

I am a University of Maryland alum but still grieve the loss of Coach Prosser with you. College coaches inspire, lead, serve as role models and help shape school pride in profound ways and I trust that Coach Prosser was no exception. May fond memories replace your tears with smile and keep waving the black and gold in Wake pride.


July 27, 2007 – 03:43 PM

I am a Duke alum and fan who lives in Winston-Salem. I am deeply saddened by his passing and wish to pass my condolences to his family.
He was not only a great and classy coach but also a great individual. Wake, the ACC, and Winston-Salem will miss him.


July 27, 2007 – 03:45 PM

I’ve been an ACC basketball fan since the 60’s and have always liked the Deacons as my #2 team right after my Blue Devils. Skip Prosser was a class act and I know all ACC basketball fans mourn his passing. My thoughts and prayers go out to his family.

Randy Lamm

July 27, 2007 – 03:53 PM

Skip Prosser will be missed. My thoughts and prayers are with the family and WFU


July 27, 2007 – 03:59 PM

Skip was not only a great ambassador for Wake Forest, but an excellent role model. May we all incorporate some of Skip’s attributes into our own lives and forever remember Coach Prosser. Skip, you will be missed!

Casey ’05

July 27, 2007 – 04:02 PM

My best friend growing up went to Xavier and knew Coach Prosser from working in XU’s SID. When Coach Prosser came to Wake, my friend repeatedly told me what a great man Wake was getting and that he would do everything in the right way. Just last fall at a WFU football game, I took 2 of my boys up to see Coach Prosser as he was chatting under the bleachers. He came over and shook their hands and told them he really appreciated their support. Coach Prosser was a tremendous person and the genuine article. We will miss him.

– JD, Class of \’94

July 27, 2007 – 04:02 PM

What a shock and what a shame! Not only was Coach Prosser a wonderful coach, but a wonderful human being. He met my 13 year old daughter Sara Worth at a Wake Forest Days event in Rocky Mount, NC 4 years ago and they had been pen pals ever since. We will both miss him terribly.

Fred Hodges

July 27, 2007 – 04:04 PM

Skip was a great ambassador for Wake. We will miss him. Thank you to the Prosser family for sharing such a wonderful man with us. Our thoughts and prayers are with you.

Jerry Franke

July 27, 2007 – 04:07 PM

As a Duke fan, I was upset when Skip was hired because it would make WF a much tougher opponent.My heart goes out to the Prosser’s and the rest of the WF community.


July 27, 2007 – 04:14 PM

Everyone in the ACC family is saddened and grieving with Wake Forest upon the sudden and unexpected passing of Coach Prosser. What a terrible blow. I am reminded of the shock I felt upon learning of Len Bias’s death.
A great competitor and from all reports a wonderful man has left the court. Condolences to the Prosser family and to Wake Forest University from a Duke alum.

John Tate

July 27, 2007 – 04:17 PM

My heart and prayers go out to the Prosser family. Remember to put your trust in God. Thank God for His faithfulness and gratefulness and that His mercies are new every morning. No matter what we go through in life whether it is good or bad, God knows our hearts and He will heal us that are brokenhearted. God is good and we thank God for the life that he gave coach Prosser.

C. Shaw

July 27, 2007 – 04:18 PM

As a Duke fan and alum, one of the reasons I believe the ACC is the class of college basketball is due to the collection of phenomenally talented coaches and the flair that each has for the game. The ACC has lost a great coach and a great man. My prayers go out to the Prosser family and Wake Forest University.

Mike (Duke ’06)

July 27, 2007 – 04:19 PM

Public figures are often asked how they would like to be remembered. In this difficult time, I hope Skip’s loved ones can take some solace in how he is being remembered by his Wake Forest family as well as the rest of the nation…a true gentleman, leader of men, man of the people, amazing husband and father.Wake Forest University and this community are better because of Skip Prosser.

My prayers are with Skip’s family and loved ones.

Dave Valliere (’95)

July 27, 2007 – 04:19 PM

He seemed like one of the true good guys in coaching, a great coach with immense integrity. My condolences to his family and friends.
–Tom (Terp Fan)

Big Loss

July 27, 2007 – 04:24 PM

I met and talked to Coach Prosser once. It was in a sandwich shop after game. My daughter Kim (’05) was a student at the time and he was more concerned about her and WFU than the game. Just by talking to him for a few minutes I realized he was a regular guy; a man’s man, educator, coach.
As he was quoted about his coaching record: “I didn’t have a career record.
The players won those games” That alone is a reflection of the type of person he was. My deepest sympathy to the family.

Bill H.

July 27, 2007 – 04:34 PM

As the director of a modest outreach in W-S, I was somewhat shocked to look up from the podium during June’s graduation to see Coach Prosser in the audience. Our school is second chance high school that targets disenfranchised teens. Skip and Nancy came to see 5 obscure kids, get their high school diploma.

David Morgan \’80

July 27, 2007 – 04:36 PM

My deepest sympathy to Mrs. Prosser and her two sons. Our Wake Forest family has suffered a terrible loss. Coach Prosser was a gentleman as well as a good coach. Our faith tells us that he is in a better place, but he will be missed by Wake Forest. Let us go forward in his memory.

Andy Ciriaco ’76

July 27, 2007 – 04:42 PM

I have been a WFU basketball fan all of my life -even though I spent 7 years as a UNC student- and I love going to the home games! One day I was dropping off my son for Skip’s Basketball Camp when I saw Skip jogging on the track (it was a hot summer day). As a fellow redhead- I commented to him that I hoped he was wearing sunscreen since he didn’t have a shirt on. He laughed and waved and said thanks for my concern. My son couldn’t believe that I actually talked with this very famous coach (the year they were preseason ranked #1). Of all the WFU basketball coaches that I watched as fan growing up (Carl Tacy on up), Skip was my favorite by far! I am devastated by his passing and my prayers and thoughts are with the family, close friends and WFU community.

Kathy- UNC-81

July 27, 2007 – 04:44 PM

Coach Prosser was a great representative of Wake Forest University and an even greater human being. The father-like bond that he formed with the student body is something I will never forget. Thank you for making my four years at Wake so memorable, Skip. You have no idea how much you will be missed.

Sean ’05

July 27, 2007 – 04:46 PM

So sorry for your loss. While we are rivals on the court, know that we are your family today.

Duke Fan

July 27, 2007 – 04:48 PM

Condolences to all your fans and friends of skip he was a very nice guy! Duke fans have you in our thoughts and prayers! Best of luck to y’all!


July 27, 2007 – 04:50 PM



July 27, 2007 – 04:54 PM

Death – the ultimate adventure. Be sure you know where you will go when you die – I’m sure Skip is coaching in heaven – what a team he has there!

J – Wake Staff

July 27, 2007 – 05:00 PM

I started working Wake’s basketball camps the summer that Coach Prosser and his staff arrived in Winston. I continued to come back the next 3 summers and work basically because of him. If you were new working the camp he might not know your name but by the start of the second day he would come and greet you by your name. Coach Prosser was one of the nicest men I have ever met and he will be sorely missed. My thoughts and prayers are with the entire Prosser family.

Chris Cline

July 27, 2007 – 05:06 PM

Mrs. Prosser and Sons,I have long been proud of my Alma mater’s dual focus on character formation and the advancement of knowledge above simple athletic achievement. I was equally proud of Coach Prosser’s ability to remain competitive while fielding a group of young men of whom we could always be proud off the court as well as on the playing surface. Coach was, as many continue to attest, a perfect fit for our university with his erudite wit and his concomitant focus on what’s truly important in life, our growth as human beings. I will thus forever be proud of the way he represented Wake Forest University. You can be proud of his continued accomplishments through the visible character that he helped to instill in his former players. Through their actions, we will never forget the role he had at our university and in our lives. May we continue to laud one of the true leaders in our community and may God bless you in this your time of grief.

David Koontz BA’91/ MD’98

July 27, 2007 – 05:10 PM

I am University of Maryland graduate and believe that the ACC basketball program is the class of the collegiate basketball world. It is a conference blessed with outstanding coaches. Men of high morals who inspire all around them to do their best. Coach Prosser was a star among stars. May God bless his family and the Wake community at this very sad time. The ACC is a better conference because of Coach Prosser,

Rita Hubbard

July 27, 2007 – 05:16 PM

As an educator at a school predicated on faith I found myself referencing Coach Prosser’s approach to education and life.
I was blessed to work with Coach at Xaviers basketball camps years ago…and his true appreciation of life’s priorities came through to all who interacted. May God Bless the Prosser family and the Wake Forest family with the peace that comes with the positive memories of a special person.Respectfully,
Dan Garrick
St. Francis DeSales High School

Dan Garrick

July 27, 2007 – 05:19 PM

Dear Prosser Family: Condolences to you at this very sad time. I enjoyed watching Skip and his teams, and know he will not be forgotten by anyone he got to know and worked with over the years.


July 27, 2007 – 05:21 PM

Coach Prosser will miss by all, my prayers are with his wife, sons and his family at Wake Forest University.


July 27, 2007 – 05:21 PM

I enjoyed hearing Skip on 850 the buzz Talk show’s He was a Classy Coach in ever since of the word! He’ll be surely missed! My heart and prayers are with the Family!

Michael Brown/ Wolfpack Fan

July 27, 2007 – 05:22 PM

The mere fact that Chris Paul was on the Quad last night says it all. Peace be with the Prosser family and the entire Tie Dye Nation.
Deacon Parent – Caity ’08

Ed McKeever

July 27, 2007 – 05:25 PM

The ACC has lost a class act. Skip had a fire that we should all aspire to. My prayers to all who knew and loved him.-Meredith/Carolina fan

Meredith Elkins

July 27, 2007 – 05:26 PM

My prayers and sorrow go out to
the family and WFU.
The loss will affect us all.
Their are few coaches in any sport
that want the limelight focused on
the kids.Class.Dignity.Loyal.
These were the make up of
Coach Prosser.
God Bless Everyone.
George Hale Wake Forest NC

George Hale

July 27, 2007 – 05:26 PM

Mrs Prosser and family,
Thanks for sharing your husband and father with us. He single-handedly rejuvenated a program with a rich tradition of athletics, while injecting a fresh dose of morality and gamesmanship. He will truly be missed..Godspeed, Skip.

William Morgan, B.A.’85

July 27, 2007 – 05:27 PM

Skip Prosser was such a great coach that I wish he could come back to life. Hang in There.

Lee Hamilton Pratt

July 27, 2007 – 05:29 PM

Please know that all of us share in your grief in the loss of a wonderful teacher and coach. He inspired so many both on the basketball court and off the court. He made quite an impression to all in demonstrating the “right” way to do things.

Melodie Parrish

July 27, 2007 – 05:30 PM

Thanks you for every thing Skip and the Prosser family. Hang in there.

Lee Hamilton Pratt

July 27, 2007 – 05:32 PM

As a Demon Deacon for many years and always proud of the classy campus leaders, in sports and elsewhere, I was shocked, saddened and ever aware that it is impossible to replace such a great personality and part of our Wake Forest community, but our thoughts, hearts and prayers go out to the grieving family of Coach Prosser at this most inconceivable event that has left a wide hole in all the sports world when we need so badly to have there presence with us.

Danny E. Huntley, MD

July 27, 2007 – 05:33 PM

The ACC has lost a good man.My condolences to you and your family.
Tom/wolfpack fan

Tom Airington

July 27, 2007 – 05:35 PM

My thoughts and prayers go out to the family of Coach Prosser. I truly loved
and enjoyed watching him coach the Deacons. He will be greatly missed in the ACC

Carolina Fan

July 27, 2007 – 05:36 PM

A few days after Coach Prosser was first announced as coach for the Deacs I had the lucky coincidence of sitting next to him at the old Charlotte Coliseum for a Hornets game. He asked about the crowd at The Joel and I could tell that he really wanted to ramp up “home court advantage” at Wake games and make it one of the best college game atmospheres in the country. He far exceeded anything I thought possible for a home game at The Joel. He was a remarkable man. One who truly cared. He cared for his family, his friends, his players and Dear Old Wake Forest. As we watched the Hornets game together that night I knew that he was not just a coach of the game, but a true basketball fan as well. We love you Coach. You will never be forgotten.

Mark Thacker \’92

July 27, 2007 – 05:39 PM

My heart and prayers are with all of you. You guys hang in there. Skip Prosser was one good coach. I will continue praying for you guys.


July 27, 2007 – 05:42 PM

My thoughts and prayers to the Prosser family .

Robert Dennis

July 27, 2007 – 05:43 PM

During my sophomore year at Xavier, some friends and I showed up to a game 4 hours early to get premium seats. Coach Prosser saw us as he was leaving the morning shoot around and thanked us for being such loyal fans. He came back 15 minutes later with lunch for each of us in line. From that day forward we would bow to Coach Prosser as he walked onto the court before a game. He was Xavier basketball. He will be missed.

Chris – Xavier ’00

July 27, 2007 – 05:45 PM

The entire Wake Forest Nation is praying for you Prosser Family, Skip was a great man and brought this program to heights they have never reached before. Skip Coached this team to the best point in Wake Basketball ever. His spirit lives on, GO Deacs!

Jack Bonnell

July 27, 2007 – 05:47 PM

Prosser Family,May the Lord strengthen and comfort you during this time. I was always impressed by Skip’s openness and warmness in public with the fans. He will be missed by Wake and the ACC.


July 27, 2007 – 05:49 PM

My condolences to the Skip Prosser family and the Wake Forest family.God is with you all in this great time of grief.His grace and peace will comfort
each and everyone.

Jeff Bryant

July 27, 2007 – 05:51 PM

sorry we never got to know Skip but after reading these messages, what a wonderful family he was a part of at WFU. He must have been something else. All our prayers go out to you all & his family. Stay strong. God Bless.

2007 freshman

July 27, 2007 – 05:53 PM

My deepest sympathy to all the Prosser Family and Wake Forest Family also. Your Coach Prosser was a wonderful person who will be missed by all the ACC. Duke/Wake Forest Fan

Judy Hayes

July 27, 2007 – 05:53 PM

He was a wonderful coach to watch. A good teacher of basketball and life . And a even better man to have known. God bless you Skip.


July 27, 2007 – 05:55 PM

Coach Prosser WAS Wake Forest. He epitomized the ideals of the university, making the academic success of his players one of his top priorities. He was doing things the right way and building a strong basketball program at Wake Forest. My heart goes out to Coach Prosser’s family, to his team, and to his friends.

Cathy Rockermann, JD ’87

July 27, 2007 – 06:01 PM

Skip was a true competitor and a thoroughly honest man of the highest ethical fiber. He directed young men and instructed them so that they could become their best. He improved everyone and everything he touched.God has taken him for a higher purpose. Who could be surprised?

Joe Hutchens

July 27, 2007 – 06:04 PM

I met Skip Prosser at a Steakhouse in Winston-Salem while on business there back in 2004. I am a Duke alum…and approached him after recognizing him…I told him i admired his coaching abilities and his demeanor on/off the court. He commented that “although I was a Dukie, that means a lot”. He was a very nice man and he will be missed.


July 27, 2007 – 06:08 PM

Skip and I crossed paths a couple of times on campus; and, despite his prestige, he gave me a cheerful smile and friendly greeting.His character went well beyond his coaching talents. There was a lot more he could have taught us. The loss is profound.

I wish the best for his family.

Dustin Smith ’05

July 27, 2007 – 06:11 PM

Coach Prosser took the time to sit with me after a clinic and go over details of something he had talked on in a general fashion–made everyone wait until I was done with my questions–one of the most sincere coaches I ever talked with.


July 27, 2007 – 06:15 PM

I’m a long time Deacon fan, who loves football and basketball. At Wake I like football best.
I never had chance to meet ‘Skip, I wish somehow I could have meet him. It hard for me to express how stunned I am of his passing. May Jesus always be with the Prosser family.

David Lawson

July 27, 2007 – 06:17 PM

IM sorry to hear about his death
he was a good coach and he will be missed I hope the family is doing okay and you are in my thoughts

Love, Alisha Hodge.

Alisha Hodge

July 27, 2007 – 06:18 PM

It is a fitting tribute to Coach Prosser that he beat a team that won the national title, took a school with an impressive tradition to its highest national ranking ever (i.e., #1), energized a once-dormant home crowd into one of the tougher ACC arenas to play in, won the most thrilling game of this year’s ACC tournament, turned the corner with grace on two difficult years by signing not one but two great recruiting classes (2007 and 2008) in the toughest amateur basketball conference in the world, and all anyone can talk about is what a gentleman the guy was in the way he handled himself.A legacy to match the man, indeed.

JD ’01

July 27, 2007 – 06:19 PM

During my senior year of college my roommate and I wrote a letter to Coach Prosser thanking him for all he had done for the University.
We’d never met him, but we were so impressed with his character, charmed by his wit, thrilled with his emails to the student body, and stunned when he arrived early morning at the basketball ticket line just to say “thanks”, that we needed to tell him we appreciated him.
And I wanted to say that now. I wanted to be added to the list of people who are so thankful for who he was, and what he did for our community. Even those who didn’t know him are devastated, and our prayers are with those who knew him best.

Lauren ’03

July 27, 2007 – 06:21 PM

I actually met Coach Prosser in a very unusual manner & 1 that will leave a cherished memory in my heart. It happened to be on his 1st day as our new basketball coach. As a supervisor for IntraMural sports, I was driving the golf cart back to Reynolds Gym for parking purposes. “Coach,” as many of us just called him, was driving his brand-new Flow Mercedes, around campus, late that night, trying to get a feel for his new surroundings. & here I was coming down the way, ignorant that the car in front of me was our beloved Coach’s new ride.
Suddenly & abruptly, without a turn signal, Coach braked & made a sudden left turn into the small parking lot to the right of Reynolds Gym, next to Kentner Stadium. This surprised me & I suddenly hit the brakes, as hard as possible, in order not to run into the back of this brand-new Mercedes. He made the turn & after my screeching halt, I made the exact same left turn. He quickly parked & walked out of his car, over to the place where I parked the golf cart. & without hesitation, began to apologize profusely for his lack of awareness & consideration, for others on the road, which he blamed for his lack of knowledge of campus surroundings. In return for this incredible show of humility, I ended up, responding my shower of own apologies & “I’m sorries…” I felt so bad for my arrogance, in response to his sincerity.
That story sums up Coach. He was so humble & so gracious to each & every 1 of us. From the constant “hellos” each day that we happened to see each other in the Athletic Dept. to the warm Krispy-Kremes on those cold CampOut nights out at Spry Stadium. He was always putting us 1st & caring more about our well-being than his every own. We mattered to him & he didn’t take that lightly!
I will miss him deeply, for he cared for all of us, as Wake Forest students, fans, and alumni. But even if, we weren’t any of those, I believe that he still would’ve cared for us. Because he was a great man, who had a big heart, & unlik…

Roshan Varghese

July 27, 2007 – 06:22 PM

I live in the Winston-Salem area and always had tremendous respect for Skip Prosser. He upheld the finest traditions of the ACC and he will be sorely missed. Thoughts and prayers to those who knew and loved him.


July 27, 2007 – 06:23 PM

Skip Prosser was a special gift from God to all of us. He embodied so much of what God wants us to be. He embodied so much of what Wake Forest represents. We have been blessed by his time in this world. We will be blessed with his memory.My condolences to his wife, sons, mother, and the entire Wake Forest family.

Bill Riddick

July 27, 2007 – 06:26 PM

The passing of Skip Prosser,a great mentor and coach, and an even greater human being, will be long-mourned. Gwynne attended two summers at WFU, and was 11 when Wafe Forest moved to town,on her favorite playground. When in the Urbana-Champaign area, we lived next door to Maryanne Justus’ twin sister, and watched ACC Basketball whenever we could, especially when WFU was playing and Joel Justus was “ball boy.”
What a horrible shock for everyone; our very deepest condolences to the Prosser family and to the players and staff, as well. You’ll be in our prayers.

Dean Emiriitus John J. Nicholaides, III, and wife, Gwynne Myers Nichol

July 27, 2007 – 06:28 PM

I met Skip when he came to Linsly right out of the USMMA. As co-teachers and coaches,we had great talks and shared many laughs. He told his stories about his months on the high seas and about his time at the Academy. We coached the freshman football team together in 1978 and went undefeated. He knew his football, too. He became close with Eudie Joseph, our veteran basketball coach and AD. Skip still remembers the contributions that Eudie made in getting him started in basketball. So typical of Skip, he returned to deliver Eudie’s Eulogy after he had succumbed to cancer three years ago, at a memorial service here at this small school in Wheeling, WV where it all started for Skip. I am saddened at the passing of this great man, but am blessed to have known him. We at The Linsly School send our condolences to the Prosser family and the Wake Forest community.

Gary Sprague

July 27, 2007 – 06:31 PM

We’ll miss you Skip and all the great basketball games you coached for us. My heart goes out to the Prosser family.


July 27, 2007 – 06:34 PM

Passion – just a picture on a web site or news paper, even just a brief glimpse at it, and the word passion comes to mind. Coach Processor served the Wake Forest community with an overwhelming passion and with great integrity. He will be sorely missed by the community, his staff, colleagues, friends, the ACC and the entire basketball community. However, none of these I’m sure will feel the void of greatness, passion, and integrity like his beloved family. My deepest and most sincere prayers are with the Family of Coach Skip Processor during this difficult time. May God comfort you all in the days and weeks ahead. We’ll miss ya dearly Coach


July 27, 2007 – 06:35 PM

I’m a big duke fan, and as we all know there is a distinct rivalry with all the Carolina teams. However, what a man of character and passion Skip Prosser was. A brilliant coach, and great man of passion. Skip, you will be missed and I deeply hope that they name the ACC tournament after you. To the Prosser family: we all mourn with you, and our thoughts and prayers will continue to be with you through this trying time.

Andrew Rieder

July 27, 2007 – 06:36 PM

I was shocked and saddened to hear about Coach Prosser. He will be missed by the whole ACC and NCAA.


July 27, 2007 – 06:42 PM

My thoughts and prayers go out to the Prosser family and Wake Forest family.

Rick NCSU ’91

July 27, 2007 – 06:42 PM

Thanks, Coach Prosser, for giving us so many more reasons to be proud to be Deacons. The examples you set on and off the court won’t be forgotten.
And thanks, Coach Prosser’s family, for sharing him with the fans for all those practices and games and seasons. Your generosity matched his. You’re in my heart and my prayers.

Jane Dunlap Norris ’87

July 27, 2007 – 07:09 PM

A loss for all who appreciate decency, commitment to family, encouragement of youngsters, and faith in God.Duke ’66

Jerry Bernstein

July 27, 2007 – 07:11 PM

What a wonderful man, what a phenomenal coach. All of the ACC, all of the basketball world, all of the human race is poorer today for his absence, but so much richer for having learned from and loved this fabulous person. We will miss him forever, but with the smile his memory leaves.

Thom Peters, Duke ’92

July 27, 2007 – 07:15 PM

The world is a lesser place.Duke 93

David Y

July 27, 2007 – 07:18 PM

Skip made his presence felt on and off the basketball court at WFU. He never walked by without saying hello and asking how we were. We are proud to be Demon Deacons! Our tie dye nation grieves deeply. Special thoughts and prayers go to the family and our fellow WFU community. John, Terri ’08, Wes, and Zach ’08 Engle

The Engle Family

July 27, 2007 – 07:19 PM

In this day of winning at all costs, Coach Prosser was a breath of fresh air. My thoughts go out to his family and friends. He will be missed!!!!!

Dan Vick

July 27, 2007 – 07:32 PM

My Alma mater has lost a most vital member. Vital not for his position necessarily but for his contributions to the students, faculty, alumni and friends of Wake Forest. Yes, he was a wonderful coach and had my total support but more importantly, he was a friend to and supporter of the Wake Forest community. Rest in peace, Coach!
You will always be missed and always remembered for the contributions you made to our little community. May God bless and comfort your family.

Ken Green WFU ’79

July 27, 2007 – 07:42 PM

I never met Skip directly, but saw him often at a distance in church. He gave an inspiring speech several years back at a Catholic Social Services fundraiser…what a truly gracious, devout, and humble man. I did have the pleasure of meeting one of his players this past year. He came to our school to speak to the students. Not only was this young man’s upbringing by his parents obvious, but the love and support of his coach was very apparent. For a young man as together,respectful, and inspiring as that to have been on Skip’s team tells us a lot about the coach.

Coach you may be gone, but you’ll never be forgotten. You have touched many lives with your gifts and those gifts will carry on from generation to generation.

My prayers and support go to the Prosser family and to the WFU family.


July 27, 2007 – 07:53 PM

The game of basketball has not only lost a great basketball coach, but a true class act.
My thoughts go out to the entire Wake Forest Nation and the Prosser Family.

Starling Gamble

July 27, 2007 – 08:00 PM

I am a big Duke fan, but I too am sorry to hear the news about Skip. It just reminds me of Jimmy V and Len Bias and others. My heart goes out to the Prosser family.


July 27, 2007 – 08:05 PM

We are high Duke fans and have always respected Skip and thought he did a great job with WF. We pray that the family will know that God’s love surrounds them and He is with you every step of the way. Blessings !!!


July 27, 2007 – 08:06 PM

Skip Prosser was someone we can all strive to emulate- just an outstanding human being.


July 27, 2007 – 08:08 PM

Skip Prosser’s bobble head figure stands next to the Demon Deacon bobble head on top of our game room television where they have been for the last five years; even during the lean years, they both kept their positions of honor and all games began by giving them both a good luck pat on the head. It is hard to imagine ever taking them down and now our good luck ritual, while painful, will serve to remind us what a wonderful man Mr. Prosser was.
We will surely miss Skip and have his family in our thoughts and prayers.

Jim and Heather Stancil

July 27, 2007 – 08:22 PM

Deepest thoughts and prayers to the Prosser Family and the entire WFU Family…he’s left many great memories…

The Rose Family (Ral, NC)

July 27, 2007 – 08:25 PM

How does one put into words what Skip Prosser meant to Wake Forest? Skip brought great memories to the Wake community and was an example of a fine, fine human being to all who knew him. Thanks, Coach. You gave everything you had to Wake Forest. God bless your family, your team, your staff, and your fans. Randy, Doc, Luke…take care of Skip. We’ll miss him.

The Sparks (Bill and Beth, \’76, Taylor \’07)

July 27, 2007 – 08:27 PM

Thanks Skip for all of the memories. The Prosser family is in my deepest thoughts and prayers. GO DEACS! R.I.P. Skip 7/26/07

Marshall Deal

July 27, 2007 – 08:34 PM

God bless Skip, his family, and friends. You’ll be in my thoughts and prayers.


July 27, 2007 – 08:41 PM

I moved here in 2000 from KY and was heart broken to leave such a basketball loving state, my wife was a MBA student at Wake Forest and as soon as Skip showed up I could see what a change he was going to make in the program. My wife was not into sports but it did not take Skip long to make us both love the Demon Deacons I have to pause for how upset I am even writing about what he has meant to me and my family….. I have met Skip many times as a coach and as a great person I have passed him many times at the airport as he is out recruiting and he never changed from being a polite person on and off the court. I have also had the opportunity to meet his wonderful wife Nancy which is from my home state of KY. I could never say enough good about this man and could never tell anyone what he meant to me and anyone that had the opportunity to be in his presence. I will always love him and look up to him like a father that i never had!
JW Willoughby

JW Willoughby

July 27, 2007 – 08:41 PM

Skip graduated a year before me. I am honored to say that even back then playing on the same field as him, he was a leader, a role model, and always giving to help others. I contacted him a few years ago after a lapse in communication and even then he opened up his WAKE hospitality to us. His efforts of giving, teaching, and coaching have been endless. My deepest sympathy goes out to his family and his mother, my 5th grade teacher, who I had the pleasure of seeing not to long ago. God bless and you will be greatly missed. Go Deacs!

Art – Wake Fan; Carnegie HS \’69

July 27, 2007 – 08:44 PM

I am a graduate from Wake in ’91 and came here on a soccer scholarship from Ireland. I live in Cincinnati now and met Skip at an Irish bar called Haps. My team was made up from a bunch of fellow Irishmen, Englishmen and a few Americans. We would hit the bar after our indoor games and Skip would be in there drinking his favorite beer, Guinness. He loved talking to us about Ireland and soccer. I think the fact that Basketball was never brought up made him even more comfortable talking to us Micks. He was so down to earth and genuine. He fit in with the crowd because he was just your average guy. He was such a wonderful man that just attracted people to him like a magnet. My dad came over from Ireland one time and I took him to Haps. Skip and my dad talked for hours and on the way home my dad commented about how much he was impressed with the red headed guy he was talking to. I told my dad who he was and what he meant to the community and he was flabbergasted because he thought Skip was just a regular guy at the bar. I wish my kids could have met him. He is what sports should be all about. Skip will always have a place in my heart.

Mark Brereton

July 27, 2007 – 08:49 PM

As a Tar Heel fan, Skip Prosser brought compassion and excitement to the ACC and Tobacco Road. He was a fine gentleman and a great coach and will be sorely missed. I had the honor of meeting Coach Prosser in Atlanta a couple of years ago and came away with a ton of admiration for the man. My heart goes out to the Deacon Nation. Across the ACC today, we are all Deacons. Donnie Lassiter
Atlanta, Georgia

Donnie Lassiter

July 27, 2007 – 08:52 PM

Our prayers are with Coach Prosser’s family and with the entire Wake Forest community.

Duke ’70

July 27, 2007 – 08:52 PM

Dear WFU,Yesterday we lost a great person in Skip Prosser. I remember the first Midnight Madness when Coach Prosser addressed the students, calling for responsibility and leadership among college basketball. He asked the fans to be gracious and supportive. He truly reached out instead of taking in. This is what I remember most about college basketball when I was at Wake and it is a happy memory. My deepest sympathies to the Prosser family. We will all miss our Coach very much.

Chey Collura, ’02

July 27, 2007 – 08:54 PM

Coach Prosser’s family are in our thoughts and prayers. He will be missed by the ACC. From all accounts, he certainly was one of the “good guys” and an outstanding ambassador for Wake.

Steve Bergeman, Duke ’87

July 27, 2007 – 09:00 PM

For My Dear Wake Forest Family on the
Occasion of the Death of Skip Prosser. The DEATH of a loved one can never be explained. The empty feelings prevail forever. Nothing or no one can fill the place of that person in one’s life.The eternal question, “Why?”, rings soundlessly within one’s soul. It is the never answered question. Physical, medical and other defined sciences provide no answer.Three primary virtues spring-forth from the Death-Moment: Hope, Joy and Courage.Hope provides the vision to move forward. It lets strength fill one’s being. It lets one see beyond the Moment.Joy fills the soul with peaceful memories; recalling daily the times shared.For Courage, no one has described it better than Maya Angelou, “Courage is the most important of all virtues. Because if you haven’t courage, you may not have an opportunity to use any of the others.”With the most focused energy possible, I share these thoughts with you.

John Whitley, BA, ‘61

Dr. John Whitley, ’61

July 27, 2007 – 09:02 PM

My condolences go out to the Prosser family. Coach Prosser was not only a friend to many and a leader on campus, but he was, and will continue to be a role model who genuinely embodied the true spirit of wake forest. He will be missed.

Whitney Marshall ’08

July 27, 2007 – 09:02 PM

Our prayers are with the Prosser family. Thanks for all you did for Wake. Skip, you will be missed. See you up high

#1 wake fan

July 27, 2007 – 09:03 PM

As I reflect on Coach Prosser’s passing with heavy heart, words seem inadequate to capture the magnitude of loss I feel–and the collective loss of an entire University. As a member of the recruiting staff of the football department, I had the opportunity to interact with Coach Prosser on many occasions and can attest to the many fine qualities that made him the extraordinary leader and beloved friend he became to the Wake Forest community. I came to Wake Forest an inveterate football fan and left six years later as a tie-dye shirt wearing, Joel Coliseum regular. Coach Prosser didn’t just change me. He changed Wake Forest. He changed college basketball. With his infectious smile and pre-game fist pumps, he brought an enthusiasm, energy, and sense of pride to my Alma mater that is simply unequaled by any other university figurehead. Although his time with us was all too short, we are blessed to have called him Coach and to have learned from his diligent example what it truly means to be a Demon Deacon. In many ways, I feel like I’ve lost a family member. But that’s precisely what Skip Prosser was to Wake Forest and precisely how he treated this University.

Erin Leigh Freeman ’02, ’04

July 27, 2007 – 09:05 PM

The Coleman family sends their deepest sympathies to the Prosser family, coaching staff, team, and university. You will be missed. Rest in Peace Coach.

Greg Coleman, Jr

July 27, 2007 – 09:13 PM

Thanks for the great memories!!!

W Stout

July 27, 2007 – 09:22 PM

As everyone has said Skip will be missed and all our hearts go out to his family.But, what struck me the most when I was reading this guestbook is that all of us must thank Skip for reminding everyone that what matters most in life is the kind of person you are, your character, the way you live your life and the way you treat people you come across and in many times influence.

Skip was indeed a great man and coach. All of us should strive to live our lives as he did.

Thank you Skip. God Bless You.

Steve Neubeiser ’79

July 27, 2007 – 09:33 PM

Thanks for the memories Skip. The wins against Carolina and Duke will always be treasured but most of all we will treasure the memory of the fine man that was our coach. The tie-dyed nation salutes you!!! We love you

Rick Poe (J.D class of 1981)

July 27, 2007 – 09:45 PM

Prosser Family and Wake Forest University, My prayers and heart go out to the you and your loss. May God bless you and carry you through this tough period in your lives.Skip was a great man, father, coach but most of all he was a Man of God.

God bless you all

Chris, WSSU 1997

July 27, 2007 – 09:46 PM

My prayers are with the family and the fans of Wake Forest

Elizabeth Wobbleton

July 27, 2007 – 09:48 PM

Skip will always be fondly remembered by the Wake Forest family. His legacy lives on in our basketball team. I only met Skip a few times; however, he will remain forever indelibly etched in my memory for the really great guy he was. My thoughts and prayers go out to the Prosser family. May God be with you.

Russ Fales (Class of 74)

July 27, 2007 – 09:58 PM

Coach Prosser, was a wonderful and caring man. He will be missed by all. Thoughts from many people are with you right now. Let these thoughts help you get through this tough time. Our thoughts and prayers will help ease your sorrow.

Willie & Louise Davidson

July 27, 2007 – 10:08 PM

Coach even though you won’t be here anymore, we will truly miss you. I know that we can’t wait until we see you up in the skies.
You were more than a coach, you were a great man a great father …we loved you Skip. I will never forget you!


July 27, 2007 – 10:18 PM

My memory of Skip Prosser was when I got to see him coach in the finals of the Pre-season NIT’s. Wake won the game over Arizona. I also will remember his coaching, and the way that he motivated his players. Coach K. said it best, when he said “The ACC lost a great teacher, and a coach.” He was a great coach. He will never be forgotten.

Matty Minthorn

July 27, 2007 – 10:32 PM

Certainly, my prayers go out to the Prosser family. We’ve lost one of the true teachers/coaches from the field: always eager to mentor others; one who worked his way up from the absolute grass roots of hoops; a man so well versed and eager for knowledge; a man who seemed to find a place for family in the midst of the pace of coaching, recruiting. As my friend says, he was “good people.”

Bobby Jones

July 27, 2007 – 10:34 PM

Our prayers are with the Prosser Family and the entire Wake Forest Community. God Bless you all.

Infinger Family

July 27, 2007 – 10:46 PM

I have watched skip jog around campus for the last two years and he always smiled and waved to anyone he passed. My thoughts and prayers are with the Prosser family. Wake Forest has lost one of it’s most highly respected and loved family members. Coach Prosser will always be in Wake Forest students and alumnus’ hearts.

Kate Inman WFU \’09

July 27, 2007 – 11:00 PM

The avalanche of emotion displayed here, article after article by the national sportswriters grieving openly, and the shock and grief we feel say everything. We are proud to be members of the Wake Forest family (April ’93, Kurt ’94 ’03) and honored at how Coach Prosser represented us in his life and now in his passing. He was the best ambassador Wake Forest could have ever hoped for. We will miss you Skip.

Kurt and April Krake

July 27, 2007 – 11:14 PM

It is hard to believe that someone so seemingly healthy can go so quickly. It reminds us that as the Bible says, “Our life is a vapor.” We are admonished in Psalms “to number our days and apply our hearts to wisdom.”What a wonderful role model to all. May his life inspire us to serve others, God, and our families.

May we each be prepared for eternity.

We are all praying for Skip’s family and WFU family.

wfu fan

July 27, 2007 – 11:24 PM

Never really been a big Wake fan, but I always use to tune into the games just to watch Skip coach. His coaching tactics and the excitement he coached with just sucked me in. I will miss those moments. I would like to send my condolences to the Prosser family. Shall his memory live on forever.

Jonathan Brown

July 27, 2007 – 11:36 PM

From a family that’s part of the Wolfpack Nation, we are part of the ACC family and all part of God’s community. Skip is an ambassador for all that is good. God’s givings to Skip and family.

Dave Buchanan

July 27, 2007 – 11:45 PM

Coach Prosser was a fine man and coach.We will miss him greatly. Our regards and condolences to his family! Duke grad who respects the high standards of Wake!

Walter Manley II

July 27, 2007 – 11:46 PM

We are all profoundly saddened by the sudden passing of Skip Prosser. While Skip was one of the best college basketball coaches in the nation, he was a far greater human being. Although some of us have never met Skip, his unique character and passion for Wake Forest University made us all feel connected to him personally—so much so that we all feel as if we have lost a member of our family. Skip has not really left us, for the impact he has made on our university and our lives will be with us forever. He was everything a college basketball coach should be, challenging his players to maintain the highest standards of excellence on and off the court. We all learned from Skip, not only from the literary references he worked into his daily conversations, but also from the example he set and the values he held firm. Skip Prosser lived his life the way it should be lived.

As we cope with this tragic loss, we must every day remember exactly why this truly great human being meant so much to us. The Deacon Club will continue to keep you udated as we learn more about how you can pay your respects to Coach Prosser.

Deacon Club

July 27, 2007 – 11:51 PM

I am a Duke fan, but first and foremost, I am a fan of character and integrity. Mr. Prosser was just that…a man of character. I wish the Prosser family and the Wake Forest community my condolences. I have been praying for you both!


July 28, 2007 – 12:06 AM

Our prayers are with the Prosser family and the entire Wake Forest and Winston-Salem communities. We will miss the Coach’s integrity and energy …

Jason Black (MA, 02) and Jenn Black (MA, 01)

July 28, 2007 – 12:16 AM

I didn’t know much about Skip Prosser when I arrived at Wake Forest, other than from watching him pace the sidelines. I met Coach Prosser once in person at IHOP. He was eating breakfast with his mother, I believe it was, across from the coliseum. He was paying for his meal when we noticed him, but after hearing my colleague say “nice game last night coach,” he put up his wallet and came over to chat. He spent a few minutes discussing his plans for the next game and telling us how wonderful it is to be a mentor and a coach. Not only this, but he noticed a “Divinity School” t-shirt and showed interesting our own plans – strangers that he had never met. It was as though Coach Prosser had never met a stranger. Inside and outside of the Wake Forest community, this was Skip Prosser.

Mark, M.Div ’08

July 28, 2007 – 12:50 AM

A Duke fan here to show respect to one of the most respected in his profession. God bless Skip’s family, both at home and those in the Wake Forest community. He will truly be missed.We’re all Deacons right now.

Austin E.

July 28, 2007 – 12:55 AM

Thoughts and prayers from a Virginia Tech fan, as the ACC has lost one of its best people and best coaches.

Steve A.

July 28, 2007 – 01:44 AM

All good things don’t end…
its just the beginning

David Lawson

July 28, 2007 – 01:56 AM

I can’t sleep right now, like many I know. This is just a terrible feeling. Skip wouldn’t know me from Adam, but I remember when I was first visiting Wake I was in the Pit with my dad. My dad was wearing a Steelers t-shirt and I was just a young face deciding where I wanted to go to college. Skip walked in, saw my dad’s t-shirt, and took a direct route to our corner table. This gracious, always-giving man sat with my dad and I for an hour and had lunch. He obviously had other, more business-related things he could have been doing. But he just sat there, talking Steelers football. My dad finally got around to asking him what he did at the university, and he mentioned that he was the new head basketball coach. And then he sat there for another 30 minutes to talk with my dad and I about Wake Forest. He loved his new school, its students, faculty, staff, setting, and personality. He loved his job. Most of all, he loved other people. And it was contagious.I left the Pit that day, got in the car, and the minute I had left campus I knew I had to go back. It was settled. I was a Demon Deacon for life.

And I never said thank you. I wish I would have been able to in person.

Nonetheless, thank you, Mr. Prosser, for changing my life indefinitely. You will always be an inspiration for me.


Josh Traeger

July 28, 2007 – 02:01 AM

I’m not a Wake Forest fan, but as someone who follows college basketball, I know that Skip Prosser was generally beloved in college basketball, and that is the sign of a very special person. Wake Forest has suffered a great loss, and I would like to express my condolences to the Prosser family, and Skip Prosser’s many friends throughout college basketball.

Michael Beatty

July 28, 2007 – 02:11 AM

As a huge college B-ball fan, Skip just drew you in to watch Wake Forest b-ball. During this difficult time, always look for those wonderful memories you had as a family. I know everyone he has coached, taught and raised are much better people because of his presence.

Hea Jin

July 28, 2007 – 02:29 AM

To the Prosser family: Although I did not know Coach Prosser, the many messages in the guestbook leads me to the conclusion that he was a man of values and a man of integrity. The family will forever be in my prayers.

Rodney McCorkle

July 28, 2007 – 05:45 AM

As a Loyola College graduate and ACC hoops fan, I’ve had many hours of joy cheering for Coach Prosser’s team (unless they were playing the Terps). As a coach and a mentor, he brought heart, integrity and humor into the lives of his players. His humility and love for the game set him apart from his peers, and inspired small colleges to believe that they could compete with all comers.While he will be sorely missed, his spirit will live on…in players, friends, family, and in those of us who shared his passion for the game and for his players.

My heart aches for the Prosser family, his players and the Wake Forest community. I pray that you will find some comfort in the knowledge that, indeed, Skip Prosser made this world a better place.

Michelle Hugue

July 28, 2007 – 07:14 AM

I was stunned by the news. I liked Skip and admired that he came to Wake and felt no need to back down to the traditional powers, including my Duke team.He was a class act and my thoughts and prayers are with his family and the Deacon community.

I am terribly sorry for the huge loss. May God be with you.

Billy Beasley

July 28, 2007 – 07:27 AM

I will miss you Skip. Since the first time I had the pleasure to meet you in person, I have known you first as a person and second as our coach. Thanks for the memories and six great years. We’ll keep the energy up and remember you forever.

Mike Lambert

July 28, 2007 – 07:30 AM

To WFU and the Prosser family.My condolences and best wishes. A sad time indeed.

Rick Helsabeck

July 28, 2007 – 07:47 AM

Our whole family was saddened by the loss of Coach Prosser. Having been a Deacon fan for life this was so sad for his family, WFU and the community. The basketball program has benefited greatly from his energy and passion, and now Heaven will benefit from his character.God bless the Prosser family during the very difficult time.

Gary S. Hauser

July 28, 2007 – 08:01 AM

The fact that I, like many others, mourn so much for the death of a man that I never once met is a testament to how incredible of a human being Skip Prosser was. He will be missed.

WFU ’09

July 28, 2007 – 08:10 AM

Skip – you embody everything that is the Wake Forest University and represent why we all feel so much passion for this great school. Your friendship, leadership, and passion for winning will live on forever. My thoughts and prayers go to Nancy, Scott, Mark, and all your players. Godspeed

Rob Funderburk 94′

July 28, 2007 – 08:10 AM

We are all grieved at the passing of Skip Prosser, a fine coach and a finer person.


July 28, 2007 – 08:23 AM

It is a sad day for Wake Forest University. We have to cherrish the moments Coach Prosser offered us. Rest in PEACE.

HAZE C “99”

July 28, 2007 – 08:27 AM

I am so sad about the loss of Skip Prosser. I was a student of his at Wheeling Central Catholic High School. As a teacher of History, he showed the same passion for knowledge that he showed during a basketball game. I was required to take him for one class but loved him so much that I took him for a second class later.
After he left WCHS, I followed his career and always cheered for his team. It will not be as much fun looking forward to basketball season without Skip among the ranks. I will miss you Mr. Prosser!

Laura Little Smith

July 28, 2007 – 09:01 AM

Losing any member of your college community is always hard to take. I always admired the consistent, steady, and strong performance of Skip Prosser’s teams. From one ACC community to another, we’re so sorry for your loss.

Jeff (Virginia Tech 2002)

July 28, 2007 – 09:19 AM

My deepest sympathy to the Prosser family. Thank you Skip for the great memories. I will miss you.

Matt Cashman, 2010

July 28, 2007 – 09:53 AM

Coach Prosser will be missed. He was a great coach and a man of integrity. The ACC was lucky to have his presence even for a short time.

Patsy Riner

July 28, 2007 – 09:57 AM

Although I never had the pleasure of meeting Coach Prosser, I can tell that he was not only a good coach, but a great man. Coach, you will be deeply missed by the entire Wake Forest family. Our prayers are with the Prosser Family. Solow ’98

D’Angelo Solomon

July 28, 2007 – 10:06 AM

Coach Prosser was definitely a class act, both off the court and on the court. I respected Prosser a great deal, and he always fielded a tough team with great hearts that played hard. The news of his sudden passing is shocking, and I, along with the entire Duke family, have Coach Prosser, his family, and the Wake Forest community in our prayers.

Donald Wine II, Duke University ’04

July 28, 2007 – 10:17 AM

On the several occasions I had the opportunity to run into Skip at Groves stadium or around town he was always genuinely responsive to me as a fan & supporter of Wake Forest. So quick to smile & with a firm hand shake. When I heard the news last Thursday on WFDD as I left work I had to pull over to compose myself before continuing my commute home. Godspeed Skip. Best Wishes to the Family

Richard Link

July 28, 2007 – 10:19 AM

When Coach Prosser came to Wake, I knew he would have big shoes to fill. Little did I know, he had shoes of his own that we may need to fill. Seeing the way our WFU boys bonded with one another, working under Coach Prosser, told me all I needed to know. This man was indeed a man of substance. It was not all about winning. To him, having a group of young men who genuinly loved one another was the most important ingredient in forming a “team”.
Watching Chris, Justin, Jamal, Big E and Taron on the court was absolutely a joy. You could tell that those boys were not only teammates, but family. I could care less if they won or lost, because the joy of watching them play together was like a parent watching their own kids play together and love one another. Pure sentimental value.
I know that Coach Prosser was the reason for the bond these players have with one another. I never one time saw him look at those boys with anger or disgust if they missed a shot or carelessly fouled another player. The players looked at him and apologized to him. That says a lot about the way they felt about the coach.
Too often you see coaches yell and scream at their players…giving them the most disappointing looks after a mishap on the court. Coach Prosser never did that to his players at Wake, which is why every says he is a class act, a true gentleman who cared more about the players than the game.
I am so sorry about your loss Ms. Prosser and sons…Thank you for sharing your gift from God with all of us in the Wake Forest Community. We appreciate the time we had with him. Always know that you will remain a part of Wake Forest because of your willingness to allow us into your family, and what a wonderful family you have. God Bless You

WFU Staff

July 28, 2007 – 10:21 AM

When I heard the news, I was shocked. I couldn’t imagine him leaving us so suddenly. My thoughts are with his family. UNC-CH ’07


July 28, 2007 – 10:26 AM

I’m a UNC grad and wanted to pay tribute to Coach Prosser. He was a class act and I always liked watching him coach. My thoughts and prayers are with the WFU family.


July 28, 2007 – 10:26 AM

I keep thinking about how the news of Coach Prosser’s death came as such an absolute shock to me. He was always so full of life, energy, and wit that it seemed impossible that it could be lost in an instant. It has served as a reminder that life is fragile and we must make the most of every minute.Coach Prosser certainly seemed like someone who lived life to the fullest. He was clearly beloved by his players and colleagues, and was by all accounts an outstanding individual. He represented Wake Forest, the ACC, and college basketball with class and integrity.

He coached some memorable games in the ACC, and I believe he still had his best coaching ahead of him. I will always remember the image of Coach Prosser on the sidelines, exhorting his players on during a late possession in a close game.

My thoughts and prayers are with the Wake Forest and Prosser families.

Tar Heel Fan, Coach Prosser admirer

July 28, 2007 – 10:26 AM

Our thoughts and prayers go to the Prosser family and to WFU. Skip was a class act and well respected. We are Dukies but loved to watch the Deacs and Coach Prosser. Duke 80′


July 28, 2007 – 10:43 AM

My thoughts are with the WFU community & the Prosser family.UNC-CH ’07

Lady Heel

July 28, 2007 – 11:05 AM

I always enjoyed ACC basketball, but became an avid Demon Deacon fan when my son entered Wake Forest. I proudly displayed Wake banners in my classroom and looked forward to all the televised games in my area. The Wake atmosphere in the coliseum was always exciting, electrifying, and colorful with the black and gold tie-dyed shirts and the spirited band music. Thank you, Coach, for all you did for the Wake Nation.

A Wake Parent and Fan

July 28, 2007 – 11:26 AM

I will really miss Skip Prosser. He was such a nice coach. We are praying for the Prosser family. Good luck to the Deacs!!!

Mary Ann Broughton, 10

July 28, 2007 – 11:34 AM

I will miss Skip and his coaching. I am a true Tarheel fan, but have the up most respect for other ACC teams (maybe not Duke) but anyway, my prayers goes out to Skip’s family and the Wake Forest family.- True Blue ’05


July 28, 2007 – 11:35 AM

I was deeply saddened, to learn of Coach Prossers death. My thoughts and prayers go out to his family, and to the WFU. May God Bless you during this tragic time

Darrell Swanger

July 28, 2007 – 11:49 AM

My heart felt condolences to the Prosser family and the Wake Forest community.

David Harig

July 28, 2007 – 12:00 PM

Skip was a great coach and an even greater person! He will be missed by all who knew him! My thoughts and prayers are with his family always!

Chris Johnson

July 28, 2007 – 12:01 PM

My family attended the 2002 final four which hosted a basketball camp for kids at a local high school–coach Prosser was there teaching my kids fundamentals and i have always thought he was a class act–

Finis Williams

July 28, 2007 – 12:05 PM

I will really miss seeing Skip on the sidelines this year. Deepest condolences to his family.

Doug ‘tarheel’ Boyd

July 28, 2007 – 12:19 PM

From the Hokie Nation, our hearts are with you in these difficult times. In our darkest hour, you and the entire nation mourned with us and now, know that we are with you in thought and prayer as you deal with the death of a very respected coach and man.

Jason Cook

July 28, 2007 – 12:22 PM

Having known Skip since the mid-80’s, through working with his wife Nancy, I can say anyone who knew him lost a friend. He couldn’t know anyone without becoming their friend. A man of class, integrity, principle, faith and true devotion to his God and his wife and children. All will miss this man.

Pat Cusick

July 28, 2007 – 12:30 PM

One of our favorite memories of Coach Prosser was when he spoke to the crowd of fans on the Quad after our win over Carolina in ’04. Rather than taking any much deserved credit, he thanked the fans and said “this is YOUR team.” We thank Coach Prosser for bringing new life and energy to WFU basketball. We will miss him dearly as a coach, but even more so as a person.

Mike (’96) and Jessica (’97) DeFrank

July 28, 2007 – 12:47 PM

I met Skip Prosser several years ago when he spoke at the Norfolk Sports Club in Virginia. As a retired school principal, I was impressed by the fact that his speech focused more on academics than basketball. He did, at the end of his speech, tell a few of his favorite basketball stories. Skip Prosser made me proud to be a WF Alum, not only for his achievements as our basketball coach, but especially for the type of person he was–a giant among men! My deepest sympathy to his wife and sons.

Gene Glasco, Class of 1960

July 28, 2007 – 12:59 PM

I am not a graduate of Wake Forest but my father was, in fact he was a Demon Deacon mascot when Wake Forest was in Old Wake Forest, N.C.(late 1940’s). Because of my father I have always followed Wake Forest sports. I now live in Florida,am 55, and still follow Wake Forest. I am saddened by the death of Coach Prosser.

Gail Stanfield

July 28, 2007 – 01:00 PM

I graduated from William and Mary but married a loyal Wake Forest alum in 1961 and thus, I adopted WF. Both of our children, even though neither attended Wake, are true WF fans! Our entire family mourns the passing of Skip Prosser who will be truly missed. His integrity, compassion for others, and friend to everyone on and off of the basketball court will always be remembered. What a legacy he has left for those who follow in his shoes!

Sue Glasco, W&M 1959

July 28, 2007 – 01:17 PM

I have been a Wake Forest fan all my life, and I have never enjoyed a coach as much as Skip Prosser. God blessed us by leading him to Winston-Salem. He has left a wonderful legacy behind. Skip was great coach and teacher, and just an all-around great man. He will surely be missed. I pray for his family and the WF community. GO Deacs!

Jeff Woodall

July 28, 2007 – 01:47 PM

Coach, you will be dearly missed by all of us who loved you. You were a wonderful colleague and I treasure the times you came to speak at alumni events for the Alumni Office. My heart breaks for your family and friends and your team – may they feel the collective prayers and love from the Wake Forest family.May the road rise up to meet you.
May the wind always be at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face,
and rains fall soft upon your fields.
And until we meet again,
May God hold you in the palm of His hand.

Betsy Chapman ’92

July 28, 2007 – 02:14 PM

Skip Prosser was a gifted coach and a person who always carried himself with class. What I enjoyed most about him was his wonderful wry sense of humor. You could always count on him to place the pressure of big-time college basketball in its proper context–it’s just a game. Skip knew how to live life. Thanks, Skip.

Kirk Kicklighter (Duke Alum/ACC Fan)

July 28, 2007 – 02:27 PM

My family and I had the opportunity to meet Coach during a Demon Deacon event at Keeneland Racing Track in Lexington, KY a couple of years ago. He made a lasting impression on our son, Loren, who was 6-7 at the time. Coach jokingly put a recruiting slant to his conversation with Loren. What made the indelible impact was that Coach mentioned Loren during his speech after dinner. He was class and integrity personified. Loren has already asked his soccer coach for number 56 this fall in order to honor our dearly beloved Coach Prosser. You touched us all. You left this world a better place. Peace, Dale

Dale Melton, ’85 BA

July 28, 2007 – 02:30 PM

Like all members of the Wake Family I am deeply saddened by the loss of Coach Prosser. During the past six years I became convinced that he was the right man for our school and I held that belief even through the past couple of seasons.We all want our teams to be successful in the win / loss area. However, we must all realize that there are more important things involved in college athletics. It is equally important that the young men and women who wear the black and gold represent our school with honor and integrity, and that they come away from their time at Wake prepared to be successful in the game of life. By all accounts Coach Prosser understood that completely.

Let us honor his memory by holding onto these principles in the months and years ahead

Ken Butler WFU Class of 1978

July 28, 2007 – 02:33 PM

Coach Prosser was a great coach and it sounds like he was an even better man. He represented Wake Forest with all of the dignity and class the University deserves.I know I speak for all Wolfpackers when we send our deepest condolences to our brothers at Wake Forest. We are very sorry, will miss Skip and are praying for his family, friends and all at WFU.

SJ – NC State ’97

July 28, 2007 – 02:46 PM

We were so privileged to know first know Skip back at Xavier, then at Wake, where we worked with his teams. We looked forward to this annual trip more than any other place, because we got to spend time with him, and also we knew how much he cared about making his athletes better off the court as well as on it. He always gave us the most eloquent introduction, would share memorable and usually funny stories, and would personally call us the next day to followup. This became an annual ritual, with the conversation always starting with him asking “So did they act like the men they need to be?” That said it all for us. We will miss you, Skip, more than words can ever say.

Sue Castorino & Randy Minkoff

July 28, 2007 – 02:55 PM

I’ll never forget the first time I met coach Prosser. I work in the library and he brought a recruit through on a tour during the Fall of his first season here (which I thought was pretty telling in and of itself). Anyway, he introduced himself saying “I’m Skip, one of the basketball coaches.” and I said “No, you are THE HEAD basketball coach. I’m a big fan – it’s an honor to meet you.” He turned to the recruit and said “See, even the librarians are fans around here.” The recruit thought that was really funny and he made a fan for life out of me. We’ll miss you Coach!

Rosalind Tedford

July 28, 2007 – 03:00 PM

I am a parent who has crowded into Reynolds Gymnasium on the last day of Basketball Camp to hear Skip Prosser address the kids. Even though it’s been a couple of years since my son attended, when I asked him today if he remembered what Coach Prosser taught them, he immediately replied: “The ABCs: Academics, Basketball, Character” and “If you can’t be on time, be early.”

A Face in the Crowd

July 28, 2007 – 04:02 PM

I grew up in Winston-Salem and have always been a Deacon Fan. When WFU hired Skip Prosser I knew we had something special. He will be missed by all!!! My thoughts and prayers are with his family.

Martha Davis

July 28, 2007 – 04:03 PM

Coach Prosser was a class act and added to Wake and the ACC. It is tragic to see his career at such a young age.

Curtis Collier

July 28, 2007 – 04:05 PM

Coach was a great man and a great coach. I can thank him for being one of the reasons why I am a Deacon fan today. His hard work, dedication, and love of Wake Forest will be missed.

Tim Nicodemus

July 28, 2007 – 04:11 PM

Distinguished gentleman are the words I think of, when I think of Coach Prosser. He was sharp, outgoing and accessible, as well as intelligent, intense and competitive.
Like Jay Bilas said, “if you ever met him, you feel like you’ve lost a friend.”

Mike Talbot, Star Hoopers

July 28, 2007 – 04:19 PM

My father graduated from Wake Forest in 1960 and while I did not attend WFU, I was sad to hear of the passing of Skip Prosser. Rick Warren, in the Purpose Driven Life, says “if you want to know a person’s priorities, just look at how they use their time.”
From the many articles over the last 48 hours, it is clear Skip Prosser recognized that life was about relationships. We should learn from his life how important it is to get up each morning and spend quality time with those who come into our life. My prayers are with the Prosser family at this difficult time. Thank you for sharing your husband and father with the students, faculty, and many friends of WFU.

Jenny Sue Flannagan, Longwood University 1992

July 28, 2007 – 04:23 PM

I can’t say enough about what Skip brought to the this fine university. I did spend many a basketball season criticizing some of his decisions, but I never had to worry about how he represented Wake Forest. I was ALWAYS proud the way he handled himself in victory and defeat, and proud of the caliber of players that he brought to this university. I only hope the next leader of Deacon basketball can represent Wake Forest University the way Skip did. Skip, you will be missed more than you can ever know. I thank you for allowing me to enjoy every minute of Wake Forest Basketball for the last six years.

Dan Stephens, WFU ’00

July 28, 2007 – 04:24 PM

Please accept my condolences. Skip will be remembered as a great person and coach. Duke Fan

Carolyne Heffner

July 28, 2007 – 05:07 PM

Thanks for the great memories. You will be truly missed and you will always be remembered. GO DEACS!

R. Joel Crotts

July 28, 2007 – 05:08 PM

Our condolences & prayers go out to the Prosser family. Coach Prosser represented Wake Forest in the finest tradition of the school & college athletics. He was a symbol of class & sportsmanship. Our community will miss him.

Terry Giblin WFU ’77

July 28, 2007 – 05:36 PM

As a UVA alum, I remember the fond relationship Coach Prosser and Coach Gillen had. It was almost tough to watch them coach against each other, because neither one of them really wanted to beat the other. Coach Prosser was one of few coaches that had the respect of practically all of his competitors. He knew that there were greater things than sports, and therefore was successful in sports and everything else he touched. If only all coaches followed his steps. The ACC is hurting from this loss. Our thoughts are with the entire Wake community.


July 28, 2007 – 05:44 PM

I grew up in Winston Salem but moved away in 1973. As an ACC fan, I have always kept up with what was going on in my hometown by maintaining a subscription with the Winston Salem Journal.When Coach Prosser was hired as Wake’s basketball coach 6 years ago, I knew he was a great coach at Xavier but I didn’t know much else about him. In the last 6 years, I have read many articles where Coach Prosser was quoted and I have always admired his passion, his humor, his love of his players and fans, and his intelligence. I learned he was an even better man than he was a coach. Whether he won or lost, he did so with class. He brought out unbelievable passion from the Deacon fans. His teams were well prepared. He was the same person whether he was having a great year or a down year.

The Deacons and the ACC lost a great person this week. My thoughts and prayers go out to his family, the Deacons and his many friends.

Tim Hauser UNC “73

July 28, 2007 – 06:11 PM

I went to Skip Prosser basketball camp twice and skip played a huge role in the camp. Unlike most coaches, he was always there and involved. I have met him a few times and he always stopped for his fans to sign autographs and take pictures. Skip Prosser was a great man.

Mattox snow devoted wake forest fan.

July 28, 2007 – 06:23 PM

What a sad day for all of the Wake Forest community when we lost Coach Prosser. He was an incredible man and an outstanding role model not only for his team and the school but for the entire ACC and NCAA. My son, Mattox, attended his basketball camp for the last two years and unfortunately was there last Thursday when he passed away. We will always remember his genuine nature and his charisma on the court that drew so many into this sport, including my son. We will truly miss him. My sympathy goes out to Nancy and his sons, who I know are now grieving their loss as well.

Matt Snow ’86

July 28, 2007 – 06:25 PM

As a lifelong Duke fan, I have always held Wake Forest in high regard. Sportsmanship has always been adhered to, and displayed at Wake. Watching Coach Prosser at numerous contests in Cameron and at the ACC Tournament, he always handled himself, and his team professionally. While not having the honor of knowing him personally, I wish I would have. He was man I just wanted to “like”. I guess my ultimate compliment would be this- I would SURELY like for my child to have played for a man like Skip Prosser.

Robbie Johnson

July 28, 2007 – 07:09 PM

Few coaches had the had the wisdom of Skip Prosser. He will be missed deeply. Our prayers go out to Nancy and the boys.

Barry and Annette Collier

July 28, 2007 – 07:26 PM

Wake has been my team for as long as I can remember. Last season I had the privilege of attending 2 games – the game at Bucknell and one @ home. I can’t even begin to describe what I felt. The joy, the excitement, the energy Coach Prosser brought to those games! What a lucky community Wake was to have had the honor of such an AMAZING coach!!

Jillian Hoffman

July 28, 2007 – 07:31 PM

No matter the allegiance, the ACC community has lost a bright star, a fine coach and, most importantly, a wonderful man. In my professional dealings with him I could not have been treated any better. He had a tremendous ability to lead young men with his great knowledge, straight forwardness, and a wonderful sense of humor. I will miss him.Bob Harris
“Voice of the Duke Blue Devils”

Bob Harris

July 28, 2007 – 07:40 PM

Skip will be missed. I have no immediate connection to him, other than I have enjoyed 3 decades of ACC basketball, and Skip seemed to embody that which the conference aspires to.Leah Hudson (Duke ’91)

Leah Hudson

July 28, 2007 – 08:00 PM

Having lost my father in an eerily similar way, I extend my deepest sympathies to Skip’s immediate family. This is a terrible loss for them, for Wake, for the ACC, and for college basketball. Skip was a class act, and when rooting against Wake it was always about the action on the court, with equal respect for both sides, which is what sports should be about.

Steve A, UNC ’93, ’98

July 28, 2007 – 08:24 PM

To my favorite Coach and Prosser family…I am deeply shocked this wasn’t suppose to happen..he has been a big influence and great person in my life

Thanks for the memories Skip

Named my new pup after you

Alan Beasley

July 28, 2007 – 08:33 PM

Coach Prosser was an honorable man. He has left giant shoes to fill. He will be missed. May God bless you, Coach.

Richard R

July 28, 2007 – 09:28 PM

I want to extend my deepest sympathies to the Wake Forest community, Nancy, Mark and Scott. I have known Skip since his days at Wheeling Central Catholic High School. Coming from the same area and watching a man you respect spurs you on to goals of your own. I had the privilege of knowing Skip and his son Mark. Skip always took time to help me along the way in my own coaching career and I was blessed to know him not only as a coach, but as a friend and mentor. This world lost a true hero this week. As I continue in this life and in my coaching career I will take the best of who Skip Prosser was, the lessons he taught both on and off the court and try my best to make that part of who I am, both as a coach and as a person. He will live on in each of us whose lives he so easily touched. He has left his footprints on so many hearts. He will live on. He will be missed, he will never be forgotten.Thank you Skip, you were always there to help me along the way. I will be sure to do the same.

Darrah Metz

July 28, 2007 – 09:31 PM

A smile, a wave, and “Bandidos!” was always Skip’s reaction to the band members in the back hallways of the Joel. I will always remember being introduced to him in the Benson Food Court by his Wife as “the boy who plays in the band who’s Dad drives down from Richmond for all the games.”Thank you for being a model representative of this university. This outpouring of support is simply a physical representation of what most of us already knew. You were respected by player, coach, student, professor, rival, media, and everyone else who knew you.

Thank you Skip. You will be sorely missed.

John Champlin

July 28, 2007 – 10:17 PM

All Demon Deacs will miss this fine gentleman. He was a super asset to WFU and community. He was a breath of fresh air among the basketball world never highlighting himself but the team and school. We will miss you, Skip.

Darwin Roseman

July 28, 2007 – 10:20 PM

I have received some comfort from reading these messages honoring Coach Prosser. Especially, I have been moved by former player’s who helped rekindle some of my memories of Coach, and I hope some of their words illuminate to others, who may not have spent as much time with this man, just how special and passionate Coach really was. These are two of the memories I carry with me in my own vault, and I feel honored to share them with you. In my opinion, they typify Coach Prosser’s passion.1.

During a practice in 2005, Coach Prosser was injecting his powerful energy into an already intense pressing drill, where the starters would work on their full-court pressure defense. Oftentimes, in Coach’s unwavering enthusiasm, he would meander slightly onto the court. On this day, I forgot about this tendency. I was feebly trying to free myself from the suffocating blanket of defense in the forms of Chris Paul and Justin Gray, clinging to Coach Prosser’s demanding words of encouragement. Cleverly, Mike Drum faked an inbound pass to me, drawing the defenders, and threw it over my head. I frantically chased down the ball, caught it over my shoulder- football style, looked for my two shadows behind me, and barreled straight into Coach Prosser. We both rolled for a good five feet. As the team desperately waited for signs that Coach was OK, probably because this would give them the go-ahead to start laughing, I was quite certain I was concussed. As I tried to force myself to my feet, my vision came back into focus, I looked up and saw Coach already back on his feet screaming at me, “THAT’S A CHARGE!!! GET UP SCOTTIE, QUIT BEING A WUSS!!!!! GAHHHH I LOVE IT!!! I LOVE PRACTICE!!! EVERYONE TO THE OTHER END, LETS DO IT AGAIN!!! THERE ISN’T ENOUGH CONTACT THESE DAYS, REFS WON’T LET YOU DO IT, BUT I LOVE IT!” As we sprinted to the other end, the players tried to hide their smiles, the drill continued, and I had a raging headache.
When the drill was over, I went to GC, …

Scott Feather Class ’05

July 28, 2007 – 10:23 PM

…. continued
When the drill was over, I went to GC, our trainer, to stop my nose from bleeding and get some aspirin. As GC was working on me, Coach Prosser, took a quick break from one of the drills and walked towards us, and I noticed slight limp, which Coach was doing his best to make inconspicuously. When he reached GC and me, Coach whispered quickly, “Scottie you OK,” to which I tentatively responded in the affirmative. Then, making sure no other players were within earshot, Coach said, “I think you broke my hip, and my shoulder is killing me… That felt like a friggin’ freight train ran over me.” Just as soon as he said it and I began to laughed, Coach had turned and was immersed in one of the many practices drills he seemed to love so much. But that was him: Tough and Passionate.

The other memory occurred at an 11 p.m. walk-through at a hotel in Austin, Texas. As usual, a conference room was perfectly lined with scotch tape to mimic a basketball court, the team was walking through UT’s plays for the 50th time, and Coach was reminding everyone not to get “bored with preparation.” While Coach Battle was perfecting the team’s defensive strategy for each play, Trent Strickland accidentally hit the ball out of Alan William’s hands, and the ball rolled away from the action. Before a player could turn to pick up the ball, Coach Prosser dove face-first into the Conference Room Carpet. That’s right…Coach was teaching the players how he wanted the team to go after a loose ball and properly secure it; he was teaching them at 11:30 at night, in a hotel, the night before a game. Everyone hears stories of Coach Prosser’s impressive vocabulary, but the word “Apathy” was not in his vocabulary.

There are so many reasons that I am proud to have known Coach Prosser, and a lot of these reasons go unnoticed by those that just spend two hours a night at the Joel. My opinion of this man will never be gauged in Wins and Losses. It was in the little things, the lit…

Scott Feather ’05

July 28, 2007 – 10:25 PM

It was in the little things, the little details. Did you know Wake Forest always left later than other schools to go to away games and tournaments, and they always returned sooner. The reason: He told us he wanted his players missing as little school as possible. Before almost every practice he gave 10 minute speeches about the importance of academics and being quality human beings. I remember a player returning from a dorm room shower to a locked room, frantically calling the Coach’s office in a panic because Kyle Visser accidentally locked him out of their room, and he was afraid he was going to miss class. Coach Prosser didn’t let people miss class. Coach spoke to everyone with unabashed honesty, frequently telling the scholarship players that he promised them one thing, and only one thing, when the came to Wake: That they would get their diploma from one of the best schools in the nation. John Buck and I used to joke that Coach Prosser never seemed to “yell” at the ref as hard as the other coaches, but it fit him perfectly because he didn’t believe in excuses and he believed that Wake Forest was tougher than anyone, and his players could overcome any “missed call.” In a cutthroat profession where bending the rules seems to be a requirement for success, I don’t think there was any doubt that Coach Prosser’s integrity was in tact. He did far too many things for non-scholarship players like myself. Far too many things. Other Coaches were not like him, and other Coaches would not do these things.

Though he has left us, he will remain forever etched in every fabric of my Wake Forest memories. And no doubt, every time I revisit these memories, they will always strike in me a cathartic, incandescent chord. I am proud to have known Coach and privileged to have witnessed what it means to be passionate about one’s profession.

Scott Feather ’05

July 28, 2007 – 10:33 PM

Coach Prosser was a great coach and great for Wake Forest University and the ACC.He will be missed by all.


July 28, 2007 – 11:04 PM

Having lived in Ohio all of my life and seeing Coach Prosser coach at X and then come to my beloved ACC I know that this amazing coach, man, husband and father was as true as true can be. Recently I moved to NC and have seen the love that this entire state shares for everyone in their state. Coach Prosser will be missed, but his legacy as an outstanding coach, man, husband and father will live on with our memories of him. God Bless you Coach Prosser!

Melissa Graham

July 28, 2007 – 11:15 PM

One of the things I loved about Coach Prosser was after every home basketball game while he was talking to Stan Cotten, he’d thank the fans. Win or lose, he appreciated the fact that his team was part of the Wake experience for students and alumni alike, and he made everyone feel welcome. He embodied the concept of Wake Forest Family. That family is here and strongly supports the Prossers in this time of loss. Peace to you in this difficult time

Don P. BA ’97 JD ’00

July 28, 2007 – 11:22 PM

I am heartbroken that Wake Forest has lost such a stellar coach, teacher, mentor, and citizen. To see the quad decorated as heavily as if the Deacs had won a National Championship is to know how much the Wake family loved this outstanding man. I have enjoyed Wake Forest basketball since my daughter entered the university in 1991 and have been a #1 Wake fan for over 15 years. There are great memories stored in my heart of Skip Prosser. Thanks for all you meant, Coach Prosser, to so many players and fans. You brought a spirit to the Joel that I had not seen before your tenure! My sympathy to Coach Prosser’s family. He will live on in the hearts of all who knew and loved him, and thanks for sharing such a wonderful person with all of us. He leaves huge shoes to fill!

Fern Ragan, Wake Parent

July 28, 2007 – 11:23 PM

My thoughts and prayers are with all of those associated with Coach Prosser, as I was stunned the other day to hear the news. It was a tragic day for all those that love college basketball and more so, being a Wake Forest fan, for I know that we were blessed to have such a great coach, more so, a great man and ambassador for basketball not only at Wake Forest, not only in the ACC, but in all levels of basketball. Rest in peace.

Jonathan Thompson

July 28, 2007 – 11:33 PM

I’m shocked and saddened by the sudden loss of Coach Prosser. I have no ties to Wake Forest, however I do want to offer my deepest condolences to the Prosser family and the entire Wake Forest family. Having read what those who knew him have said, Coach Prosser seemed like a wonderful and kind man that we all can learn a thing or two from. R.I.P., Coach Prosser.


July 28, 2007 – 11:56 PM

I will always remember Thursday, July 26. It was early afternoon and I was visiting campus for the first time in many years. It was a beautiful, but hot, sunny Carolina day. Kids from various summer camps were milling around, the emerald green grass on the quad had been freshly cut, the flowers were in full bloom, and the trees had grown so tall since my last visit in 2003. I felt such a deep sense of pride at the stunning beauty of my alma mater. By 4:00, as I was still making my way through campus, I got a call from my sister who broke the tragic news. All of a sudden the beauty of the day came to a screeching halt. From the look on the stunned faces, I could tell the sad news was spreading across campus. I will never forget that day and how happy I felt as I walked onto the quad by Wait Chapel and how somber I felt as I left. This great man will be sorely missed.My sincerest condolences to Coach Prosser’s family. I never met him, but from what I have read, know he was an extraordinary man who made a lasting impression on so many lives in so many ways. May you find strength and comfort during this difficult time.

Debran McClean ’93

July 28, 2007 – 11:56 PM

Skip Prosser always impressed me with being perfectly content to be… Skip Prosser. So few are so content to be comfortable with being themselves.I attended the Skip Prosser father/son camp. I expected a brief appearance by the head coach and that would be it. Skip not only worked the entire camp, he made sure he spoke to all kids and fathers. He made you feel very special.

RIP Skip. You will be greatly missed.

CLK – ’86, ’03

July 29, 2007 – 12:10 AM

I want to say with utmost sincerity what a privilege it was to watch Coach Prosser. I heard nothing but the best about him, and he seemed to be the classiest of coaches. Those that knew him seemed to confirm all my intuitions. He will be missed, I wish his family all the best.


July 29, 2007 – 12:20 AM

Even with all the success that Skip Prosser had as a college basketball coach, he’ll always be remembered most for being a “good man.” After all is said and done, being a “good man” is all that really matters in life. We will all miss your sense of humor and your love for life. As a Hokie, my thoughts and prayers go out to Skip’s family and the Wake Forest community.


July 29, 2007 – 01:06 AM

I ran into Coach Prosser in the Chicago airport a few years back after he attended an NCAA coaches conference. I went up and introduced myself and he was so polite and genuine and actually thanked me for saying hello. What I remember most about the brief conversation is that he asked how I liked my time at Wake. I of course said I loved Wake and missed being there. He smiled and said he heard that a lot. This short conversation meant showed the type of person he was. He will certainly be missed.

Rich Graves ’00

July 29, 2007 – 01:57 AM

I graduated after Coach Prosser’s first year at Wake Forest, but even in that short time I could tell he was doing great things with our basketball team and reviving school spirit. His desire to bring to the world not only great basketball players, but also men of knowledge and good character gained my utmost respect. While I never met Coach Prosser, I feel as though I’ve lost my own family member…that’s what it is to be a part of the Wake Forest family that he helped to make. In reading these messages filled with respect, love, and admiration for Skip Prosser–the man and the coach–I am very proud to be a Demon Deacon. My thoughts and prayers are with the Prosser family during this tragic time.

Suzanne Morton ’01

July 29, 2007 – 02:07 AM

O! Here’s to Wake Forest
A glass of the finest
Red ruby rhenish filled up to the brim
Their sons they are many
Unrivaled by any
Who’s hearts overflowing we will sing a hymn
Rah, Rah, Wake Forest, Rah
Old Alma Mater sons are we
We’ll herald the story and die for her glory
Old Gold and Black is ever waving high.For you, Skip. We’ll miss you.


July 29, 2007 – 08:08 AM

I loved Coach Prosser very much and I will miss him on the court. He was a very kind friend to me.
Stephanie Leonard

Stephanie Leonard

July 29, 2007 – 08:57 AM

Dear Nancy, Scott, and Mark; current and former staff and players,My family sends its deepest sympathies to you in this time of loss. Skip was the personification of everything good about Wake Forest–everything good about life. Wake Forest is a much better place for having had Skip as its coach. Thank you for sharing him with us over the past several years. May God wrap his loving arms around you in the days ahead.

Dr. Kevin Bowen, WFU Bands

July 29, 2007 – 10:22 AM

I have been attending Wake forest Basketball games for my whole life, and never had there been so much buzz and excitiment about WFU basketball before Skip arrived. His energetic personality was contagious and it spread through all of the Wake Forest and Winston-Salem community.
Nothing eles you can say but…Right guy, right spot!Thanks Skip!


July 29, 2007 – 10:50 AM

I’m a avid Duke fan, but I am also a huge ACC fan. I also live in New York, work at West Point and remember Coach Gaudio, Coach Prosser’s assistant, and have seen his son in actin as an assistant at Bucknell this past year. I don’t know Coach Prosser and never met him, but I feel compelled to write something in his guestbook. I remember realizing who Coach Prosser was when he took the reigns at Xavier. From then on I starting following the progress of him and his team. When he came to Wake Forest, I knew that he would make an immediate impact on their basketball program, and he did. He was all that everyone has spoken about in their messages and more. Not only did the Prosser family, WFU, and the basketball community lose a great coach and person, but the world has too. My deepest condolences go out to the Prosser family, and the Wake Forest community. God bless you all.

Joe L.

July 29, 2007 – 11:11 AM

I just read 22 pages of thoughts, memories, and prayers for you and your family Skip. It speaks volume of who you are and the legacy you leave behind. Godspeed!!!!!!!!


July 29, 2007 – 11:18 AM

Heartfelt sympathy for the Prosser family. Your sorrow is shared by so many. Skip was the perfect fit for Wake Forest. He will be missed terribly, and never forgotten.

The Bradley family (’73)

July 29, 2007 – 11:36 AM

Words are so hard to come by when thinking about Coach Prosser. All I know to say is that I was never more “Proud to be a Deacon.” Thank you Skip for your inherent goodness and for all you taught your players and the rest of us. Wake Forest, and indeed all of us, are better for having you with us for all too short of a time.

Dwayne Cornelison (1984)

July 29, 2007 – 11:46 AM

We want to extend our hearts and prayers to the Wake Forest family in their loss. Also to Coach Prosser’s family and friends.

Becky & Johnny Anderson, VT Hokies

July 29, 2007 – 11:57 AM

Please extend my condolences to the family of Skip Prosser and the Wake Forest community.I live in Cincinnati and enjoyed watching the Xavier University basketball team during his tenure.

Like Prosser, I’m a graduate of West Virginia University.

Fred D. Lucas

July 29, 2007 – 12:59 PM

Skip Prosser was a great man, coach, and teacher who represented Wake Forest University with class. Our prayers go out to the Prosser family during this very difficult time. We will miss him but will always remember and appreciate his great contributions to our school, his players, and the entire Wake Forest family.

Bert, Melanie, Robert, and Jenni Armstrong

July 29, 2007 – 01:29 PM

In just six short years at Wake, Skip Prosser had already become my all-time favorite Deacon basketball coach. Not only a great court general, he was a phenomenal teacher of young men, a humanitarian, and an inspiration to the community. God bless you, Skip, you were one of a kind.

scott pegram

July 29, 2007 – 02:10 PM

He will be truly missed across all of the ACC not as a great coach but as a great man and mentor to so many.

Heath – Clemson

July 29, 2007 – 02:14 PM

I had the pleasure of meeting Skip several times in Scotland and then he was kind enough to help myself and a colleague come across and watch Wake practices last October.
The last time I saw him he was giving us a ride back from lunch, listening to Irish music that a Scottish friend of his had given him and talking about his love for Celtic football club. He was so funny that day, I kept laughing as he told us stories of him and his friend John Grant – he was such a genuine guy and treated us as he did everyone…with respect.

Donna Finnie, Edinburgh, Scotland

July 29, 2007 – 02:56 PM

I feel so fortunate to have been able watch Skip coach Wake for the last 6 seasons. What I loved more than anything was that win or lose, I was so proud that this man was who lead my school. Everything that we have read ove the past few days further deepens my feelings.

KP (’94)

July 29, 2007 – 03:18 PM

As a faculty member at the University of Cincinnati from 1995 to 1999, I was fortunate to watch four UC – Xavier cross-town shootouts. Coach Prosser and Coach Huggins brought out the best of their players (and fans) and provided the Greater Cincinnati area, as well as the Nation, with college basketball at its best. Coach Prosser will be missed not only by his family and Wake Forest, but by all college basketball fans.

Wade Johnson

July 29, 2007 – 03:21 PM

As Pittsburgh natives, we felt a particularly special connection to Coach Prosser, although we never had the pleasure of meeting him beyond his much talked about kind hellos and greetings to fans. We will always treasure what he brought to the university in character, energy and spirit. He made it especially rewarding to cheer for “the good guys” and will be truly missed by so many. Sitting in a sea of Carolina blue cheering Wake on to a triple overtime win from high in the rafters in 2003 will always be one of our best memories – thank you Skip.

Amy (’98) & Brian (’97) Berklich

July 29, 2007 – 03:46 PM

I met Skip at Xavier University while playing lunch hour hoops that included other faculty members. Skip didn’t act like the celebrity that he was, he was just a normal, easy to talk to, down to earth guy and I look back and remember how much I appreciated that. The Xavier community misses you Skip.


July 29, 2007 – 04:08 PM

My husband, son and I had the pleasure of meeting Mr. Prosser in New York City. My impressions at the time were that he was a man of honor, integrity and humor. He LOVED basketball, but believed an education was important too. He will be sorely missed. My thoughts and prayers are with his family as they go through this difficult time.

Ann Brookshire

July 29, 2007 – 04:31 PM

It is amazing how many of us who never actually knew Skip feel as if we have lost a friend after brief encounters with him. I remember him especially at the Ole Miss football game sitting out in the thunder and lightning with all of us! His support of everything connected with WFU always impressed us. One year before a football game, we showed him a sweatshirt we had printed that said “#3 +#1=Final 4.” Skip grimmaced and said, “Just keep piling on the pressure!” We will all miss him and are thankful for his years at WFU and his influence on so many of his players and for the respect he always commanded for the university.
Joanne and Tom Gaskins (’62)

Tom and Joanne Gaskins

July 29, 2007 – 04:37 PM

I am deeply saddened by the untimely loss of my friend. Skip was arguably the most genuine person in college basketball. A common man, uncommonly real and down to earth. He never big-timed people and always made time for others. I wish he had been coach during my time as a Deac. I will always remember his fun sense of humor, sincerity and unselfish works and deeds. He was the rarest of today’s coaches, public figures and leaders: honorable, selfless and possessing of no ego. A great coach but a better person. Rest in peace.

Clay Dade, Wake mens basketball 1985-86

July 29, 2007 – 06:08 PM

Skip was one of the good guys. Our family is deeply saddened by his passing. But somehow – as we gaze heavenward……we listen carefully….and we all may hear Skip and Jimmy V planning one heck of an exhibition game for the heavenly hosts in the best stadium there is….the Kingdom of God. Play on…… play on…..we are cheering your victory.

Sybil and Tim Landreth

July 29, 2007 – 07:41 PM

I met skip at football games and i saw him at the opening for the special olympics in 2002-2003 Skip has change my life around since i am a special olympics athlete i look up to skip i was shock to hear the news that skip pass the my payers goes out to skip family skip was a very nice and a guy talk to last time i saw skip was the wake forest football game where his basketball players was signing autgraphs for the fan i will miss skip so will the special olympics north carolina all the athlete payers will go skip family since all the athletes will remember skip and the speech that skip gave it touch my heart

kelly Dixon

July 29, 2007 – 07:50 PM

Skip was a very special person. He made a difference to everyone he met. Our thoughts and prayers are with the family.

Wade and Brenda Scott

July 29, 2007 – 07:51 PM

We are fortunate to have in our home a permanent reminder of Coach Prosser’s tremendous influence on Wake Forest and the surrounding community: that framed “Wake The Nation” photo of the Jan. 15,2005 home game against UNC. We will never forget the build-up to that momentous game and the great season that our son, Evan, enjoyed during his freshman year as a “Screamin Demon”. Our family became avid fans of the team and we planned our schedules around the televised games. Each of us was fortunate to attend at least one game in the Joel and experience the revelry firsthand. In the three years we have followed the team, we have been so grateful to Coach Prosser for his leadership, integrity and connection to the students. We watched the players he chose grow into wonderful young men, representing our school in a very honorable manner. They and we learned to experience loss along the way, but never of this magnitude. Coach worked tirelessly to create a very special atmosphere at Wake Forest. With supportive fans and a committed team that atmosphere can and should continue, and will be a very fitting tribute to him. Our thoughts and prayers are with his family, friends, colleagues and the team at this very sad time.Jaffe family, Scarsdale, NY

Jaffe family, Scarsdale, NY

July 29, 2007 – 08:04 PM

Memories of the Xaviers games are one of the few cherished thoughts of Skip and his family. I live in Cincy and now cheer for Wake Forest as wherever Skip is that is the best team with the best coach. I only hope that after I leave this earth I can know that I am as special of a person as Skip. God created a unique human being who certainly was made in His likeness which is the same for Nancy. much love and prayers to all and Skip you are a true blessing to my life.

Dianne Mahaffey

July 29, 2007 – 08:36 PM

Our sons attended Coach Prosser’s basketball camp for three years. Traveling from New York to North Carolina to watch our sons play the great game of basketball became an all time favorite summer vacation for our family. I still remember the first day that we saw and met Coach Prosser. Our kids were excited to pass him as he left the track to get ready for the opening ceremonies. My husband was even more thrilled when Coach Prosser stopped him in the hall to ask how camp was going, and you can imagine the excitement our family felt when Nancy offered to take our picture with Skip. My favorite times at camp included watching Coach Prosser interact with the athletes and encourage them at all levels. As an educator I was impressed by his speeches on the ABC’s of life: Academics, Basketball, and Character. We will continue to focus on the ABC’s taught by Coach Prosser, a great coach and man. Our prayers are with the Prosser family and the WAKE Forest community.The Forrester Family

The Forrester Family

July 29, 2007 – 09:15 PM

Coach Prosser was the best possible representative for Wake Forest University and its basketball program, because he was a wonderful example of all the fine qualities of character, academic excellence and sportsmanship that he taught his student athletes. Our prayers and thoughts are with his family and friends. We’ll remember you always, Coach, with pride and gratitude that you were a Demon Deacon. The world, and Wake Forest University, are better places because you were here.

Durante and Kathy Griffin

July 29, 2007 – 11:22 PM

When Ben Howland left the University of Pittsburgh everyone in the city was very excited to have its hometown son, Skip Prosser, come back and coach for the Panthers. However, despite the prospect of being in his hometown, close to his family, coaching one of the best programs in the country, Skip desided to stay at Wake. He loved our school, and our school loved him. He made us all proud to be Demon Deacons and he represented the attitude and ideals of Wake better than anyone. He will always be mine, and our, coach.

Randy Paris

July 29, 2007 – 11:46 PM

Coach,thanks for all of your teaching on the field and in the classroom.
Miss you
“Banks” (Linsly 80′)


July 29, 2007 – 11:49 PM

We send our deepest condolences to the Prosser family. In this time of grief we will remember to keep you in our thoughts and prayers.

The Watson Family

July 29, 2007 – 11:58 PM

My father (’65 grad of WFU) took me with him to a Deacon Club dinner in Wilmington the year Chris Paul came to Wake Forest. We sat with a elderly lady who told us that she personally asked Coach Prosser to please put the names on the jerseys. She was a die-hard deacon for many, many years.During Skip’s talk after dinner, he was telling stories about his new experiences on campus and the Deacon fans he was meeting. He then told the story about a an elderly lady who instructed him to put the names on the back of the jerseys. I don’t think he knew she was there. And she stood up from the table and said hello to Coach Prosser. He was so enthusiastic that night and folks left the room excited about Wake Forest basketball. But most of all he took the time to speak with everyone – what a truly nice man. What a dynamic speaker. What a great motivator.

My thoughts and prayers are with his family, his players, co-workers and friends of his. He was sincere in everything that he did – sports and life.

God called a great man home Thursday. He will be greatly missed.

Cathy Neal Hoggard

Cathy Neal Hoggard

July 30, 2007 – 12:39 AM

I’ve known Skip Prosser since September of 1972 – when he came to Linsly in Wheeling, WV. I was 16 years old then(now 51) and I guess Skip was 21 or 22 at the time. He was never my coach or teacher in school, but I knew “Captain Prosser” best as a result of Skip participating in scrimmages with the Junior Varsity/Varsity team my junior and senior years and playing a lot of pick-up basketball games around the Linsly campus and later- when I was in college – on a summer league team organized by Don Woodward (Linsly’s head coach back then). This was long before Skip had a wife and kids. Back in the 70s when I knew him, he was what I would describe as a quiet young man who was very intelligent who emphasized character. Looking back on it now 35 years later, I think he was taking everything in and learning things that he would later use to become so effective in basketball and relationships.Over the years, I would occasionally run into him when I would return to Wheeling at places like the Alpha and he would always remember me and our days at Linsly. During the whole time that Skip was at Xavier, I don’t think I ever saw him in person; although I’d see him on TV often. During the Summer of 2004, I was attending a conference at WFU. While there, I thought I’d see if I could pay a visit to Skip to say hello. As it turns out, he was conducting a basketball camp for some 200+ kids that week. I located Skip after speaking with Dino Gaudio in the coaches’ office building and arranged to meet with Skip during one of the evening sessions of the camp. We spent about 30 minutes chatting and he invited me to have lunch with him 2 days later after the camp ended. We had lunch on campus and spent another 90 minutes together. During this time, Skip shared with me a lot of stories that took place over the years…..Marty Coyne (from Linsly) who played at Army being Coach K’s all-time favorite player – who Skip coached as a freshman at Linsly… Skip had n…

Tom Costanzo – Scottsdale, AZ – Linsly Class of 1974

July 30, 2007 – 12:43 AM

I never met Skip Prosser, but I am very touched by the outpouring of emotion that has occurred from the various media around the country surrounding his death. The depth of empathy really tells you something about the man. Wake Forest will be the lesser for not having a man of that integrity associated with the university.My condolences to the Prosser family.

Chris Luper-Class of 91

July 30, 2007 – 12:49 AM

I grew up loving Demon Deacon basketball, and it was never more fun than the years with Coach Prosser. God Bless You, Coach. You will be missed.

Linda Simms

July 30, 2007 – 01:02 AM

“When we unlearn fear, violence, greed, ego, and power, then kindness, joy, love, and spiritual wisdom are all there. When we have finally progressed to the level of complete integration with our soul, we find God”. Skip, you are in a better place, but we will surely miss you. You touched so many lives during your brief time on this earth. God bless you.

WFU grad 1992

July 30, 2007 – 03:49 AM

We Dukies could have hardly imagined a more worthy competitor, nor desired a finer gentleman and sportsman to cheer for as an ACC colleague. His wit, talent, and full-steam-ahead determination are already missed. May all the gods bless and care for his family.

JLK Trinity ’99

July 30, 2007 – 08:07 AM

Skip and I attended Carnegie High School and we were friends along with several other students that shared many, many good times, laughs and precious memories. Skip maintained the same values, high character and moral beliefs as I remember when he was a teenager. My sympathy to his family and children, he will truly be missed by friends present and past.

Florence Cooke (Pichi)

July 30, 2007 – 08:32 AM

I can’t say Skip knew me by name, but as an ’05 alum, I started my WFU career the same year he did. I’ll never forget my first ticket camp-out, when Skip arrived and handed a pizza to each and every faithful fan, stopping to chat along the way. His generosity, passion for the school and the sport, and the integrity with which he led our team will all be deeply missed.

Elizabeth Currin

July 30, 2007 – 10:11 AM

After Wake Forest beat Duke in ’04- the first time Skip passed out shirts for the lower bowl to wear- I wrote a letter to the editor about how Skip had created the best atmosphere I had ever experienced at a Wake game, but how I was frustrated that I got yelled at to sit down by the fans sitting with me in the upper sections. I copied Skip on the email and Skip emailed me back. Thankfully, I kept the email. He told me- “I appreciate your attitude and fortitude. Keep Standing! Perhaps the other fans will realize that you are giving your 100% to support the team and that they can also. Enjoy the remainder of the season.” Typical, wonderful Skip Prosser.
My thoughts and prayers are with his family, fellow coaches, and players. Wake has suffered an immeasurable loss but the fortitude Skip taught us will get us through the dark times and allow us to honor him with some great hoops come basketball season. Hopefully all the fans will stand and cheer in his honor.

Anne Randall (’98)

July 30, 2007 – 10:33 AM

I got to know Skip while working his basketball camps while he was the head coach at Xavier. He was a true class act from top to bottom. I have the up most respect for him and what he stood for. Skip made everyone feel like they were important every time he would talk to them. I learned so much from him about the game of basketball and more importantly the game of life. Skip will be missed by everyone in the basketball community but more importantly everyone that has been touched by skip is better for that.
Thanks Skip for everything you have done..

Aaron Stamm Ludlow High School

July 30, 2007 – 10:43 AM

We knew the minute we met Coach Prosser in 2005 at Arby’s, the Wake Forest basketball program was going to turn around. We have lived in Winston Salem all of our lives and followed Wake basketball for years. Coach Prosser was the best basketball coach Wake Forest has ever had. The “Joel” will never be the same for us as there will always be a void in our hearts for the “COACH”. We will rally around behind “HIS” basketball team because we know he would want it that way. We also feel this is something we can do for Coach Prosser. He was the best representative of Wake Forest the university has ever had. He truly brought the city and Wake Forest together.His love of basketball, academics, people and students of all ages will be missed. He was a blessing not only to Wake Forest University but to all of Winston Salem. He will live in our hearts forever. Our thoughts and prayers go out to his beloved wife Nancy, his Sons and Abby. Thanks COACH for loving, exciting, and lasting memories. We will miss you.Jerry and Judy Byerly

Jerry and Judy Byerly

July 30, 2007 – 11:02 AM

Just a fan. My entire family has grown to admire and appreciate Skip. We extend our deepest sympathy to the Prosser family and to all of the Wake family.

Eric Johnson, port st lucie, fl

July 30, 2007 – 11:06 AM

Coach Prosser was a wonderful and dignified person.
A fan.

Joel Ritz

July 30, 2007 – 11:10 AM

Your enthusiasm and witt will be forever remembered, your spin and glance to the sky during games with frustrating calls, will be my memory of you, because you first sought integrity and encouragement to press on from above. Our thoughts and prayers are with your entire family.

Chicken Charlie

July 30, 2007 – 11:49 AM

My thouhgts and prayers are with the Prosser family. The Deacon family lost a very good person.

Terry K. ’71

July 30, 2007 – 12:04 PM

My condolences to the family and the entire Wake community. I wish I would of had the opportunity to meet Coach Prosser, just hearing all the wonderful stories of how great of a person he was makes me want to be a better person.
Mark Rose Pa

Mark Rose

July 30, 2007 – 12:07 PM

Coach Prosser was much more than a coach at Wake Forest, he was probably the best basketball coach ever. He taught much more than just basketball, he taught life skills and character to each of his players. My heart felt sympathy goes out to the Prossers and all his many friends. As a fan, he taught me so much and I will deeply miss him, the man, teacher and coach. Thanks for sharing your husband and father with our school and community. WE love you Skip.

Tom Durham

July 30, 2007 – 12:19 PM

We will miss you coach prosser, a great coach and even better person.

Justin Davis

July 30, 2007 – 12:58 PM

I met Coach Prosser at an event in Cincinnati two years ago for newly admitted Wake Forest students which my daughter attended. I was surprised how easy he was to talk to and the 10-15 minutes I spoke with him made me a fan for life. We spoke about the big kid from Indiana, Oden, and how he just missed getting him to come to Wake. I was in Utah when I heard the terrible news last week. I just happened to be wearing a Wake Forest t-shirt that day.

Mark Haberstroh

July 30, 2007 – 01:10 PM

How terribly sad to have lost such a wonderful person–he has influenced so many–so in a way, he lives on. I have loved the Deacons for over 50 years, and our hearts do ache over this awful event. Time heals, but it is going to take a long time to recover from the shock and devastation of his death. My thoughts are extended to his immediate family and to his Deacon family.

Polly Davis

July 30, 2007 – 01:18 PM

As a lifelong Wake fan, I loved watching Coach Prosser and the energy he brought to the team and fans. I always enjoyed the post game comments and laughed all the way home. After games that my brother was unable to attend, I would laughingly tell him that Coach missed him and hoped that he would be at the next game. I know Coach never actually knew if we were there, but it became a running joke between us. Coach Prosser will be missed greatly. The family is in my thoughts and prayers. GO DEACS!

Carmen Freeman

July 30, 2007 – 01:23 PM

I am a XU alumnus and fan who was lucky enough to be a season ticket holder while Skip was coach. The Cincinnati community shares your loss. I can only wish that I could live my life, as half as good as coach.

mark chrusciel

July 30, 2007 – 02:23 PM

Coach Prosser lived the Wake motto, “Pro Humanitate”, every day and by doing so made a difference. He will be missed by many for that reason. My sincerest condolences to his wife and sons.

Christopher M. Hines ’88

July 30, 2007 – 02:37 PM

Skip was always very supportive of the enthusiasm created during his tenure at WF bball games. I feel it’s our duty to honor his legacy by continuing that excitement and enthusiasm for many, many years to come. I’ll keep dancing for you, my friend. Thank you, Skip.
-Naz-T Deac

Noel Shepherd

July 30, 2007 – 02:41 PM

To Nancy, Mark, Scott and Jo, My prayers and thoughts are with all of you. Thanks for sharing him with us. Please know you will always be a part of the WF family.

Noel Shepherd

July 30, 2007 – 02:56 PM

First, condolences to your family and close friends who are the ones who will feel your death the most. We all feel saddened and shocked but theirs is the toughest.Thanks for your contributions to our school for the the class manner in which you represented us as a gentleman and a scholar. You were truly a rare individual who not only and importantly touched and influenced the lives of young people as teacher and mentor but were loved by all. Your sense of humor and obvious enjoyment of attacking life serve as an example to us all. Your wit often made me hearken back to the days of Bones, one of your beloved predecessors. Wake Forest has been blessed to have men of your character and caliber in leadership positions. I’ll miss our rather regular meetings in the bathroom line at football games!!!! As you told me — “we’ve got to stop meeting like this!!!”

Billy Poteat, ’66

Billy Poteat

July 30, 2007 – 03:00 PM

Graduate of Wofford College, 1950, Wake Forest School of Law 1952. Wake has always been my school, and basketball my favorite game. My heart grieves for the family of a true “good guy”, Skip Prosser. We will all miss him, and thank you for sharing him with us.

Addie Clyde Tomblin

July 30, 2007 – 03:04 PM

I am an XU alum who loved Coach Prosser and continued to follow his successes and cheer him on when he went to Wake. I was in the XU pep band, and I will always remember leaving Midnight Madness my junior year. Coach Prosser held the door open for my friend and I to leave the gym. He thanked us for the time we put into the band and for supporting the team at all the games. I thought that was very cool of him. I knew high school basketball coaches whose egos were too big to talk to the band and cheerleaders, but Coach Prosser was among the elite and still took time to appreciate everyone involved.

Gina, XU ’98

July 30, 2007 – 03:31 PM

Our son was a walk-on member of the 2003-04 and 2004-05 Wake Forest team. Coach Prosser was so caring and good to our son when he really did not need to be. I think that says it all about the man, doesn’t it?

Don and Karen Feather

July 30, 2007 – 04:09 PM

To the Prosser family, may God be with you and guide you in his grace and love during this difficult time. To Mark & Scott, I know your sadness of the untimely passing of a father whom you loved and whom loved you dearly, my thoughts and prayers are with you and your mother. I am a true TERP fan, and your dad was a coach I respected and liked very much in the ACC – always cheered for him and the Deamon Deacons when they were playing anyone except the TERPS… If Maryland was to ever have a coach besides Gary Williams, I would have wanted it to be your dad. May you find comfort in knowing that your father was a great coach and was well liked and respected by so many other people inside and outside the world of college basketball, people whom never had the blessing of meeting him, speaking with him or learning from him, still have great respect and admiration just because of who he was and how he presented himself, with pride, dignity, respect and genuine kindness. Take care and take comfort in who your dad was, one of the great people in the world of college sports, who cared. God Bless you all, Mr. Prosser, you WILL be forever missed in the game and in life.

Linda Byrnes

July 30, 2007 – 04:28 PM

Coach Prosser will be missed for a very long time, not for games won or lost, but for his character and respect for others. He was one of those people you liked and admired even though you’d only met in passing. A gift to all of Wake Forest by just being here. My sincere sympathy to his family.


July 30, 2007 – 04:49 PM

I’ll never forget seeing Skip at the Bobcats/Hornets game last year when Chris Paul played. I took my daughter to the game to see Chris play and wore our tie dyed shirts. At halftime we went down to be closer to the floor to see the warm ups and that’s when we saw Skip walking through the tunnel. I yelled out “Hey Skip” halfheartedly expecting him to merely glance up in the stands but to my surprise he stopped, looked up and came over to the rail to shake our hands. We were blown away but he was just being Skip. A true professional , a great man and a tribute to the entire Wake Forest community. Now he’s with the Big Deacon upstairs. Go Deacs, we love you Skip and appreciate all you’ve done for our great institution. You’ll never be replaced.Rick ’86, Melanie ’84 and AnnaDixon Future class of ’20 Harkey

Rick Harkey

July 30, 2007 – 05:24 PM

Nancy and family, our thoughts and prayers will continue to be with you in the days, weeks and months to come. Skip will be missed on and off the court. He will forever be apart of the Wake Forest and ACC Family.
Davis, Nicole & Will Whitfield

Nicole Whitfield

July 30, 2007 – 05:27 PM

Greetings to you all…
I had the unexpected pleasure of being in Coach Prosser’s freshman high school history class at Wheeling Central Catholic High School back in 1979. At that time, academics were not as important to me as they should have been. I have enjoyed the study of history since that time, in part thanks to him. I have enjoyed watching his journey into the coaching ranks from Wheeling to Wake. Every professional success that he encountered over the past thirty or so years simply validated and reinforced what I knew back in that classroom at Wheeling Central….That Skip Prosser was a winner.I greive his passing along with all who knew him, respected him and appreciated his abilities.I will be unable to attend his funeral, but I will never forget his influence to this day.With God’s grace, Skip, we will meet again.”Joey B.”

Joseph Butterworth

July 30, 2007 – 05:38 PM

My Dad, Bert Shore, was a founding member of the Deacon Club….we lost him 10 years ago. No doubt that Dad, the consummate Deac, was one of the first to greet Skip in Heaven. Dad never saw Wake reach #1 in basketball. Skip has that unique distinction. Well done Coach Prosser….. your legend starts now!

Bert Lee Shore, Jr

July 30, 2007 – 06:17 PM

I am writing this sad message from the Ohio County Public Library in Wheeling. Went to Altmeyer’s to sign the condolence register and to give a mass card. I forgot to add that Coach was the first coach in my lifetime to take the Deacs to a no 1 ranking. Boy did he know how to recruit and coach! He never did anything to get Wake investigated by the NCAA, and he was a class man. Very humble despite his “ideal job.” I and many of my fellow Wheelingites (including all the Wake alums living in Wheeling) deeply miss him. The Prosser family is in our prayers.

John D. Seibert (’88)

July 30, 2007 – 06:31 PM

God bless his family. He made me proud to be a Deacon.

Bob Shafer BS1988/MD2001

July 30, 2007 – 06:31 PM

Our condolences go out to Skip’s wife and children. He will be greatly missed in so many ways. I was standing next to a statue of Coach Al McGuire this weekend and thought about how many qualities Skip and Al had in common, both great coaches and wonderful persons and role models. I hope Al and Skip enjoy comparing notes!

Jane Mentzer

July 30, 2007 – 06:40 PM

Wake Fan all my life – Cant ever remember feeling anything like this.Thanks Coach for all you did for us. My thoughts and prayers to the Prosser family and current team members.

So glad to know Coach was a man of faith…


July 30, 2007 – 07:22 PM

I admired Coach Prosser’s dedication to coaching and his passion for his student athletes. He was a total class act and will greatly be missed.


July 30, 2007 – 07:44 PM

I played on Duke teams against Coach Prosser’s teams for four years. Though our rivalry with Wake Forest was heated and intense you can’t help but respect Coach Prosser for how hard his players played for him, how much his fans supported him, and how well he did his job. It is a shame to lose him far too early. RIP

Patrick Johnson

July 30, 2007 – 08:45 PM

Nancy, Scott, Mark and Abbey,My heartfelt sympathies to you on the loss of a dear husband, father, and faithful companion. I hope that knowing many, many others loved him as well is somehow a comfort to you.

I have been a Deacon fan for 50+ years as well as a proud Wake alumnus and I’ve never seen our city and University influenced so positively as they have been by Coach Prosser. I never had the honor and privilege of meeting him in person, but I saw the kind of man he was every time he stepped out on the court or held a press conference or shook a fan’s hand.

Thanks for sharing this most special man with our community. You all will be part of our family forever.

Tonight I noticed the heavens were much brighter than usual. A new star has lighted the way forus below.

Rest well, Coach.

Linda H. Sutton ’67

Linda H. Sutton

July 30, 2007 – 09:02 PM

From Jackson, Mississippi the Wrights send condolences to the Prosser family and Wake Forest on your loss.

Cecil & Maude Wright

July 30, 2007 – 09:47 PM

One Saturday, my son talked me into taking him to the campus to watch a Deacon practice. I doubted we’d be allowed into the inner sanctum on the day before Wake played State, but Chase was confident. I tried to be inconspicuous as we entered the unlocked gym and took our seats in the bleachers. No person of authority marched over to escort us out. Instead, Coach Prosser walked by and invited us to stick around. “They’ll sign for you after practice if you want,” Skip said to Chase, another redhead.At one point, Skip blew his whistle and jumped all over a walk-on reserve whose defense disappointed his coach. After the harange, Skip turned to us, winked, and said “I never told him it’d be easy!”

We stayed for the better part of two hours. After practice, Jamal Levy invited Chase to shoot a few with him. Moments later, my ten-year-old was feeding bounce passes to a jump-shooting Justin Gray. And, yes, Josh Howard did sign for Chase after Josh shot about a hundred three-pointers from the corners.

I doubt a grade-school kid could walk uninvited into any other big-time school’s gym and enjoy such an experience. Surely, no big-time school has a coach whose stock-in-trade includes so many unpublicized gestures that mean the world to a wide-eyed kid — and his Dad. Thanks, Coach.

Kevin Mauney

July 30, 2007 – 10:27 PM

My heart is broken. For our small, wonderful, unmatchable school. For the young men who he has touched so significantly and would have influenced in so many other indelible ways. For my young sons who won’t get to see him courtside and see in action the rare gifts and values he offered and lived. And of course, we all ache for Nancy Prosser whom he adored and the sons he treasured. Thank you Mrs. Prosser, for sharing him with us. He surely has been greeted and now enjoys the company of old friends and fellow leaders he followed so aptly. I can imagine him in jovial dialgoue with his often-quoted Grant, Lincoln, Patton, Keats, Wolfe and yes, Bones.
I can only offer my full Deacon-loving support to Ron Wellman, Dino Guardio, Jeff Battle and the entire Deacon basketball program who will go on to represent us in the ways that Skip would have wanted. The best way for us to honor his memory and all that he brought to our school and alma mater, is to turn out, turn up the volume and throw our full hearts behind the men who will have to go on and play with the integrity and class and cohesion that Skip taught like no other. May we all be Skip’s Sixth man this season and every season to come.
God bless his beloved family and all of us, from WVa., Pittsburgh, to Cinci to Winston as we grieve him, and then as we go on to sustain and further everything he started, grew and nurtured so perfectly. May we do right by him. I am certain he’ll be watching and cheering us on.
Thanks so very, very much, Coach.

Beth Dawson McAlhany Class of \’89

July 30, 2007 – 11:22 PM

I feel so honored and fortunate that I was able to get to know Coach at various receptions in Atlanta. I’ll always remember literally bumping into him during the torrential downpour before the Ole Miss/WFU football last year. Completely out of context and under the guise of umbrellas and raincoats, Coach recognized me and greeted me by name, talking affably about the weather and commenting that he was glad basketball was an indoor sport! Only Coach Prosser would remember one of thousands of alumni he spent time with during alumni events for Wake…and not only remember, but be geniunely interested in my responses and well-doing. My heart goes out to the entire Prosser family; Wake Forest will never be the same.Lisa Snodgrass, ’95

Lisa Snodgrass ’95

July 31, 2007 – 12:21 AM

Thursday, July 26, about 3:45 PM, while at work, I was told that I had a call waiting. As soon as I heard my daughter’s voice I knew something was wrong. She told me that Skip Prosser had died. For a few seconds, I felt that time stood still and it couldn’t be true. When our daughter (’06) entered Wake we started watching all the football and basketball games. Living in SC, we are especially excited when our Deacons win against Clemson. Unfortunately, my husband and I have never attended a game at Joel, but we always watched on TV, cheering as if we were at the game. We felt the excitement of the fans in the coliseum. We also observed how respectful Coach Prosser was to his players, fans and competitors. Having just recently lost two members of our family, who were also Wake fans, we feel the pain of the Prosser family. You are in our thoughts and prayers. We have read so many wonderful comments and memories that friends, fans, students and others have written about Skip. He was truly one of God’s gifts to Wake Forest and the world. We hope that knowing how much he meant to so many people will help to comfort you in time. We know that my mother and brother in law will welcome him to heaven where they will still cheer on the Demon Deacons.

Sharon and Kailash Gaggar

July 31, 2007 – 12:38 AM

As a freshman at WFU, I had the privilege of living in Piccolo- definitely worth the walk. Every day, Skip would arrive to school at the same time I would be walking to my 9:00am MWF class. I remember thinking, “Wow! It’s Skip!” So many of my friends at larger schools talked of sightings like this as though they were something of a celebrity encounter, but I came to see them as more or less part of the small-school experience.
Over the course of the year, these meetings came to be a part of my schedule- we would know when the other was late based on where I was in my walk when he arrived. I won’t forget one spring morning; it was raining and I was running particularly late. At this point, Skip had come to recognize me as one of his “bandidos”- a player in the pep band. As I struggled to roll up my pant legs in the morning drizzle, I heard a faint “Bandido, you’re going to miss roll call!” I looked down the sidewalk to see a smiling Skip closing his car door.It’s common meetings likes this and this type of interaction Skip had with everyone at Wake that will be most sorely missed. My condolences go out to his family; a truly special man has passed. Wake Forest has been a better place for his presence, and he leaves some awfully large shoes to be filled.Thanks, Skip, for a great tenure. I look forward to the day when I’ll see you on the Quad at midnight again.
Until that day, however, let it be heard above all else…Go Deacs!

Elizabeth G. WFU 08

July 31, 2007 – 03:18 AM

A few years ago I had the privilege of walking the campus of Wake Forest University the same campus that my dad did back from 1981-1984. I’ve always have been a big Wake Forest fan, especially for basketball. I was in utter shock when I opened Wake’s Athletics page to find that Skip had passed. I watched Skip and the Deacs from my home in Virginia, my heart and condolences go out to the Prosser and Wake Forest Family.
Tom Sherman(’84) & Family

Tom Sherman

July 31, 2007 – 08:49 AM

Skip and I taught together at Wheeling Central Catholic 79/80. I will never forget him and his kindness. I had lost a hip in Vietnam and was not able to get it replaced until 1987. It was difficult to get around. Skip asked me one day if I’d play in a faculty basketball game for charity. I was flattered but told him I would be a liability. He told me, “We’re playing the Army Recruiters…thought you might want to get back at them. You just hang out under the basket, we’ll get you the ball.” I painfully played but had a great time and yes, we beat the Army! This is just one of his many, many kindnesses to people. I followed his career since. As a Carolina Grad I was worried when he came to Wake but so very happy for him. I would like to thank Ed Bradley, (Wake Hall of Fame), for the phone call. He knew how much I cared for this fine man. RIP Skip, hope you’ll let me play one more time some day when we meet again!

Tom Lane

July 31, 2007 – 09:31 AM

For 5 years in a row, my son and I attended Skip’s father/son b-ball camp on father’s day week end. Skip was at the camp the entire time. Skip used b-ball to bring fathers and sons together, as well as all of us closer to him as he reflected on his life with his father. From that little boy who finished a baseball game with a broken arm, to the man who brought hundreds of fathers and sons closer together, God Blessed us all who knew him, as God will be with the Prosser family and the Wake family in celebrating his life!

Carson Sublett, c/o ’83

July 31, 2007 – 09:36 AM

Our prayers and thoughts are with the Prosser and Wake Forest families. Skip was a true gentleman and great coach. Now many more know why it was so hard for Xavier fans to see their great coach leave for Wake Forest. God bless Skip!
Xavier Grad ’53

Bill Haines

July 31, 2007 – 12:43 PM

I missed out on being on campus for the Prosser years, but it was obvious he brought that certain “something” to the team and tapped into abilities no one else had. My condolences and prayers go to his family and my Deacon family. Rest in peace, Coach.

Adia Crawford ’98

July 31, 2007 – 01:16 PM

Our youth group was working a Wake Forest Football game one time and I saw Coach standing out in the breezway. He spoke to me like he new me and we had never meat before. I’m a Carolina fan but have always had a soft sopt of WF sports since I live in Kernersville. Coach Prosser will surley be missed by all! Our thoughts and prayers are with his family!! God Bless You Coach!!!

Ellen Ferrell

July 31, 2007 – 03:45 PM

One word: Electricity!

Jack Wilkerson

July 31, 2007 – 04:08 PM

Our friend “SKIP” has flown away to coach on “GODS” team and that is a wonderful relief to us all.An out going guy at football games shaking hands with fans like me at the field house, you would have made a great college football Coach “SKIP” pulling double duty walking the sidelines.

I will miss you my friend “SKIP” and all of the Wake Forest fans Football & Basketball will also, you inspired all of us with how to do things in our lives one day we will meet you again “SKIP” ready to shake your hand.

Roy Deskins

July 31, 2007 – 04:48 PM

Good game, Coach

WFU ’95

July 31, 2007 – 04:59 PM

What a class act. What a good man. Coach Prosser will definitely be missed. I wish to extend my condolences to his family.I remember shaking Coach Prosser’s hand outside the RBC Center in 2003 when the Deacs wrapped up the regular season ACC title.

Holly Powell, ’93

July 31, 2007 – 05:15 PM

I’m on faculty at the medical school. I’m writing because of the influence Coach Prosser had on my son, Wesley. Wesley is 11 and he’s been attending the Skip Prosser Basketball school for the last 3 years. One day before camp I told Wes that if he acted out, the coaches would let me know. At the first camp, Coach Prosser talked about the ABCs of his camp and under character said if the kids didn’t act right, he would let the parents know. Later that week, Coach Prosser approached me just to ask who my son was. We chatted for a while and my son saw the interaction. He came up to me afterwards saying “You really do know Coach Prosser.” He was so taken, he made it a point to behave at the camps. Since then if he misbehaves during basketball practice I ask him what Coach Prosser would think and he falls back in line. Thanks Skip. We’ll miss you.

Guy K. Palmes, M.D.

July 31, 2007 – 05:33 PM

I wish I had been fortunate enough to have met Coach Prosser. He sounds like an incredible human being. My thoughts and prayers go out to his family.

Jennifer Rierson (WFU 89)

July 31, 2007 – 06:01 PM

“These are the times that try men’s souls”…words that Skip Prosser used to inspire his team are now needed to lift up the Wake Family; all those who knew Coach Prosser and many more of us who knew of him. Screamin’ Deamons, camp outs with Krispy Kremes, the fiery red head on the sideline of the games…these are memories that will stay with our daughter long after she graduates next year….the academia will soon be forgotten…Skip will not.
Our heartfelt sympathy goes out to his wife and sons, his players, his many friends, colleagues, students, and anyone whose life he may have touched in some small way…the number is endless.
The Kent Family

The kent Family

July 31, 2007 – 06:05 PM

Wake is a very special place which was made that much better when Coach arrived. He was nicer to the average fan ,like myself, than he had to be and that says volumes about his character. He will be missed.

Steve MacDonald ’91

July 31, 2007 – 06:40 PM

When I heard the news of Coach Prosser’s passing on the radio while I was at work, I cried, then called my husband to tell him of the sad news. Coach Prosser is the same age as I am. As the days have passed, I wondered why he was taken so early and not me. He has done so much to mold young men and women and contributed so much in every place and endeavor he has been involved in. We have been Wake fans for over 30 years and were members of the Deacon club for over 19 years and love WFU.
Our thoughts and prayers go out to the Prosser family, Wake Forest University and all the friends of Skip and his family. Thank you for sharing him with us these past years. He has indeed left a legacy that will never be forgotten.

shirley crotts

July 31, 2007 – 07:04 PM

Coach, your life was, quite simply, a job well done. Thanks.

Beth Taylor Sparks \’76, \’78

July 31, 2007 – 07:18 PM

I bleed old gold and black. Thanks for the memories coach.

Chris Kernersville, NC

July 31, 2007 – 07:33 PM

Three years ago my daughter started her freshman year at Wake. In mid-October we visited campus for homecoming weekend. My then 9 year old son, Petey, was determined to get Chris Paul’s autograph…and when he was lucky enough to meet Justin Gray in the Pit, he immediately asked him for help. Justin was great. Next thing you know we’re all in Coach Prosser’s office looking for CP. After a quick hello with the coach, a tour of the locker room and a meeting with Chris, my son was so starry eyed that he insisted we visit practice that same afternoon. Again, Coach Prosser was there and allowed us to stay as long as we wanted to…even having a team manager give my son the day’s printed program. Justin and Chris repeatedly waved at him as they ran up and down the court. Petey was on cloud nine. Unbelievable, he was even able to get a ball autographed by the whole team. What a thrill.The following year, we again were fortunate to run into Justin Gray…who recalled Petey and invited us to a team workout and some pictures. Upon our arrival, Coach Prosser seemed to remember us from the year before. He patiently talked with my son and made sure all the players that came by said hello to Petey and had their pictures taken with him. Coach Prosser, of course, also had his own picture taken Petey…which now hangs proudly in Petey’s room.

Now maybe it was Petey’s red hair which made Coach Prosser remember him and repeatedly rub his head…but I don’t think so. He was, I believe, just that type of a guy…a good man who loved kids and remembered what it was like to be one.

Coach Prosser will be sorely missed…but certainly not forgotten. My sincerest condolences to his family.

Pete Spaeth

Peter Spaeth, class of ’74

July 31, 2007 – 08:01 PM

we send you our deepest sympathy on the death of Coach Skip Prosser. As parents of a Wake Forest grad we are deeply sorry.

Barbara and Dick Myers

July 31, 2007 – 09:29 PM

As a 1984 North Carolina Alumni, I have had a place in my heart for many, many years for the Demon Deacons! My second team really. I’ve enjoyed and will continue to enjoy the rivalry in the future, I think. But, Mr. Skip Prosser brought that feeling to another level and I am one guy that will miss seeing him on the court! My dad passed under similar circumstances a few years ago, and I know how you feel, and grieve with the family! I really do! God bless!

Mark Krotchko, Salisbury

July 31, 2007 – 09:56 PM

Our thoughts and prayers go out to the Prosser Family. As parents of a Wafe Forest Grad we are deeply saddened by this great loss.

Bill and Sue Traeger

July 31, 2007 – 10:15 PM

The thoughts and prayers of the Wake Forest family are with the Prosser family. Thank you for sharing Skip with us. He will not be forgotten.

Stephen Enns WFU ’83

July 31, 2007 – 10:15 PM

Life is way to short! Coach Prosser made his short time well remembered leading a great basketball team with great honor!

Brad Harper

July 31, 2007 – 10:25 PM

It’s hard to believe our dear Skippy is gone-but I like to think of it this way: Heaven has another angel in its ranks!!! I will ALWAYS remember his buying pizza for camping, ticket-crazed fans, as well as celebrating victories on the freshly toilet-papered Quad with the student body. Now that’s an individual who truly loves his community! Wake is a special place, and we always saw that he believed that…he will surely be missed! Skippy, your family is in my prayers indeed. We hope they know that whenever we think of basketball and anything epitomizing old gold and black, we’ll think of you!!! Godspeed.

April L. Wilson, ’03

July 31, 2007 – 10:33 PM

I always watched the basketball games and football games and every game there is to know wabout wake forest. I would always watch the basketball games though no matter what. Evan if we were down by forty points or one point. It doesn’t matter to me. If the game wasn’t televised me and my family would go out and listen to it on the radio. Skip Prosser was the greatest coach ever. He would keep going at his team even if they had the lead. Skip Prosser is a true coach. If a player was great he would make them excellent. Skip Prosser would never let the word bad into his program. REST IN PEACE COACH SKIP PROSSER.

Scotty Gustafson

August 01, 2007 – 12:29 AM

Truly a great man

Jed Darden

August 01, 2007 – 01:42 AM

Coach Prosser spoke at a coaches basketball clinic that I attended.His love of basketball and life are what I remember.WFU thank you for having Coach Prosser’s basketball camp go on this week so that the future generation will remember him.

Ed Lubinsky

August 01, 2007 – 01:58 AM

I’ve been reading the comments about Coach Prosser for several days and am struck about how consistent they are in affirming his love and concern for all people with whom he had contact. Those people are now expressing the same love and concern, as I am, for the way he conducted his life and for his wife, family and friends. Their comments reflect the fact that “wins” on the court are far less important than “wins” in helping other persons achieve their goals or overcome personal obstacles and “wins” in competing at the highest level in a sportsmanlike and mutually respectful manner. Whoever succeeds Coach Prosser will face a high bar indeed.

Paul Turner, Wake ’64, Las Vegas, NV

August 01, 2007 – 06:57 AM

I remember seeing him a few times while I was playing basketball in US. He made a great impression on me and I will never forget his energy and determination that he was giving to everyone surrounding him! God Bless!

Daria from Saint-Petersburg, Russia

August 01, 2007 – 10:09 AM

I have been a fan of Wake Forest basketball since I moved here in 8th grade. I remember the year that Skip was coming to be the new head coach and my dad told me that he was bringing a faster, more aggressive game to the court. I was impressed by the change in the way the game was played that year and how much more excitement there was in the stadium each year that he continued to be coach. Now I am about to be a senior at Wake Forest and I finally had the chance to say hi to Skip earlier this summer walking around campus. I won’t forget that moment. RIP.


August 01, 2007 – 10:18 AM

Great coach and great for the game.

St. John’s Fan – Long Island, NY

August 01, 2007 – 10:39 AM

My thoughts and prayers are with the Prosser family as well as all of the WFU family and fans. We have suffered a tremendous loss. I was fortunate enough to have several encounters with Skip about town and at Deacon functions over the last 6 years. As he did with everyone, Skip would make a point to say hello and ask how it was going with a great smile. He was always so nice – even after having seen me in the stands “coaching” from the sidelines. He appreciated my passion (I say with a smile) for the Deacs and always thanked me for my support. Loving Deacon basketball as I do, my encounters with Prosser would inevitably be the highlight of that day. Never had I met a Coach so approachable and so genuinely interested in what you had to say. I think it was best said in the service last night, “Skip treated everyone as an equal”. I will miss seeing him on the court and in the community. He was not only an incredible coach, but an incredible human being. His integrity, compassion, and character were above reproach. Skip, you will truly be missed! Allow me to say to you one last time… “GO DEACS!” You forever changed us and we are grateful. God Bless You and may you rest in peace.Vickie Slaydon, Winston Salem

Vickie Slaydon

August 01, 2007 – 10:52 AM

To most wake fans how it is done is more important than what is done. Thanks skip for being a true Deacon.

Tom Hogan ’60

August 01, 2007 – 11:06 AM

At the Final Four in Atlanta in 2002, even though we were wearing our Maryland colors, we met Coach Prosser and his wife. He could not have been nicer as we discussed his time coaching and living in Maryland and how much he enjoyed being there. Our impressions were spot-on…Coach was a great man and an outstanding coach. God Bless his family.

Marty Nicholson

August 01, 2007 – 11:29 AM

The news of Coach’s passing hit my family hard, but especially my oldest son. My son loves Wake Forest basketball and he idolized Chris Paul, Justin Gray, and all the rest. He especially looked up to Coach. I loved the fact that he chose these players and their coach as heroes because they are all gentlemen of character and compassion. Coach will be missed by all who came into contact with him. Though he has gone, his kindness towards kids like my son, the character and class he showed constantly, and the good works he did will live on. God bless.

Todd Martin

August 01, 2007 – 11:37 AM

The last time I spoke with Skip, we did not even mention basketball. We talked about our shared love for the timeless western ‘Shane” . Skip knew every little detail of the story and how it all related to life and how people should live their life. I now feel like Joey, alone on the plains of Montana screaming for Skip to “come Back”, but just as Shane , Skip has bigger and better things ahead in Heaven.
I grew up in Winston, but a Tarheel fan through and through, but knowing Skip and watching what he did for basketball at Wake turned me into a Wake fan… all the way. I remember standing and cheering loudly when Wake was beating UNC in the Joel a couple of years ago, thinking to my self what my dad would think if he was still alive and could see me pulling against his beloved Tarheels. I would always tell friends about my ceasura….. Roy Williams doesn’t know my name, but Skip did and he never failed to say hello when we were in the same room.
Ron Wellman says that we will al be Ok and I have to believe and trust him. He found Skip and was responsible for getting and keeping him here in Winston. I will be fine but I will alwaysmiss Skip but treasure all my memories of him. Thanks Skip.

Jim Conrad

August 01, 2007 – 11:44 AM

I am deeply saddened to hear of Skip’s death. My father died the same way 3 years ago at the same age of Skip (56). As a Carolina & ACC fan, I loved to watch Skip on the sidelines. He had a passion for the game and the kids that he coached. I respected and admired him so much, because everything he did on and off the court was done with class. My heart and prayers are with the Prosser family, the Wake Forest community, and the WF fans. He will be missed.

J. Brown, ’95 WKU Grad, Carolina Fan

August 01, 2007 – 11:54 AM

Coach Prosser was a beloved teacher and coach at CCHS. In the classroom he brought history alive for us, once even dressing as Julius Caesar on Famous People Spirit Day! On the basketball court he gave us some of the greatest memories of our high school years. In those days, I would occasionally babysit Mark and Scott. A young coach and father, he outwardly showered love and affection on his boys, even around his students and players. His example as teacher, coach and parent was not lost on this impressionable teenager! I’ve dropped Coach a note now and then over the years, just to let him know that I was rooting for him. In 2005 my son and husband attended his father-son camp. Skip went out of his way to spend time with them and even sent them home with a video message for me. Skip was my hero and I’ve realized over the past few days that while I was very proud to know him, I’ve been doing my best for the past 28 years to make him proud of me. I’m going to keep on trying Coach!

Nancy Schreyer, CCHS ’83, Cranberry, PA

August 01, 2007 – 12:14 PM

I’ll never forget attending the preseason NIT in New York a few years ago. After we beat Arizona for the championship, we went outside Madison Square Garden to wait for the team and give the players a big cheer.
At some point, the Arizona coach (can’t think of his name, he has white hair) came out with his security detail, empty-handed and headed toward a waiting limousine.
A little while later, here comes Skip, carrying his own bags, the trophy. He gave a gracious greeting to those of us gathered, and then got on the bus with his team!
The memorial service was wonderful last night, and after hearing Chris Paul and reflecting on the spirit of Skip, I’m on record now for forgiving Chris for leaving us early.
Coach, thanks for everything you did for Wake Forest, and more importantly, thanks for how you lived your life.
Sincere condolences to Nancy, Mark, Scott and “Grandma Jo.”

Susan Bray, Class of \’83

August 01, 2007 – 12:54 PM

Coach Prosser revamped and revitalized the Wake Forest basketball program. For those of us in my class (2001), we experienced the sorry post-Duncan pre-Odom-departure years of many losses and no real championship runs.Then came Skip. In addition to being an outgoing, vocal, and entirely likeable guy, he completely changed the fan experience at LJVM. The student section was moved to the endzone, where the students could actually have an impact on the opposing team during the second half. The section was tripled in size, much to the dismay of the millionnaires who were relocated farther away. The music played during timeouts was udated and the volume was turned up. The lights went off during player introductions, and the Demon Deacon began making grand entrances on a motorcycle. The tie-die nation was born.

Thank you, Skip, for taking our little school to the next level. We went from waking the neighbors when I was a freshman to waking the nation. Thank you for the NIT championships, the NCAA appearances, the faster tempo, and the national recognition. You will be missed.

Kasey Wagner

August 01, 2007 – 12:56 PM

I have loved WF basketball for all my life and consider myself lucky to have attended Wake during most of Prosser’s reign. Among my my foundest memories are basketball games especially those of the 2003 and 2004 seasons that often went into hard fought overtimes. I have been unable to put into words my feelings about Coach Prosser’s passing since last week but have spent hours on the phone with family members and friends sharing each others’ grief. I have never been more proud to be a part of the demon deacon family than in these last few days because of the outpouring of respect, adoration, and communal greiving that has taken place. I look forward to returning to winston and feeling the pride in our team that Coach Prosser instilled in all of us.

Shelley Graves class of ’06

August 01, 2007 – 01:01 PM

When Skip coached Xavier, I caught an occasional interview of him on TV. I thought he sounded more like a professor, minister, or philosopher than a coach. Little did I know that he had taught and foremost considered himself an educator. It showed. I was delighted when he took the Wake job, though I knew my Heels would be in trouble. Over the years, I could get mad at Stormin’ Norman, Ol’ Lefty, or Coach K, but Skip never ired me. He was just too decent, gracious (in victory or defeat), intellectual, and funny. His too-soon departure leaves a gaping hole in so many spheres of influence. I’ll miss him as an ACC fan. My deepest sympathy to the Prosser and Wake Forest families.

Chris Harrington

August 01, 2007 – 01:59 PM

I grew up in North Carolina and attended UNC — so I’m Carolina blue through and through. My knowledge of Coach Prosser was only from watching him on the sidelines as we played Wake.
However, now that I have read all of the many comments about him (some of them bringing tears to my eyes), I feel as though I now know him as a person. What an outstanding human being he was! My sympathies to his family and the entire Wake Forest Family.

Mimi from Roswell, Georgia

August 01, 2007 – 02:07 PM

I am a Tar Heel but admired the way Coach Prosser coached his teams and competed. He was an asset to WFU and the ACC and he will be missed by all who follow ACC basketball!

John in Dallas

August 01, 2007 – 02:12 PM

There are no words that can express my grief for the loss of such a good man. I first met Skip when I interviewed for the Basketball Secretary position at XU. I was scared to death but once he started talking, he helped me calm down by telling a joke or two and I got the job.At that time, I was a single mom going to school and working full time for Skip. The pay wasn’t that great so I had to take on a second job. I remember Skip coming to my second job and begging me to quit because he needed someone that could work more than a 9 to 5. I told him that I would be happy to but I had to support my daughter. Within a week, he got me a pay increase! I worked for him 7 days a week with no complaints and that was the best job I ever had. I learned so much from him, especially humility. He was a good man and I can’t believe he’s gone. I’ll miss you dearly Skip.

T. Daniels

August 01, 2007 – 02:18 PM

Been a devoted Wake fan since attending my first game over 40 years ago, and I remember the atmosphere of the old coliseum – no enthusiasm, little standing and cheering, and usually just as many fans for our opponent as for the Deacons. Even so, I dearly loved going to Wake games and my family and I have cheered for Wake Forest all these years, even when they had terrible records – they were still our Deacs! When Skip Prosser came to Winston-Salem, he helped make Wake Forest basketball games at the Joel what I always dreamed they could be. I can hardly attend a game now without shedding a tear of gratitude for the difference Skip has made. I already loved Skip for the great changes in the games, and the school spirit he helped bring back, and now, reading all the glowing tributes and heartfelt words, I find out what a magnificent human being we had in our midst. I’m so thankful that Skip saw in Wake Forest what we long-time fans have always seen, and decided to make it his home, even if his stay was much too brief.May God be with the entire Prosser family, and comfort all those close to him who are hurting right now.

Wake mom ’06

August 01, 2007 – 02:29 PM

We were heartbroken to learn of the passing of Skip Prosser. The vision, energy, and leadership he shared, changed Wake Forest forever. I was truly blessed to be creatively challenged and experience his passion.Skip’s expectation to be #1 in everything is something I learned immediately…..He cared so much about every detail. I heard him say often “Show me a good looser and I’ll show you a looser”. Anything less than striving to be #1 by everyone in every facet was unacceptable. I carry his teachings today and will for my entire career. Our thoughts and prayers are with the entire Wake Forest family.

Dan and Samantha Hauser

August 01, 2007 – 02:44 PM

I was saddened to learn of Coach Prosser’s passing while aboard a cruise ship in Alaskan waters. It is a testament to the impact of his life on so many that his death was included in the Friday, July 27 8 page Times Digest of the New York Times given to passengers. Even to a graduate and fan of rival UNC, Coach Prosser’s competence and graciousness were readily apparent. My condolences to his wife, sons and the entire Deacon family.

Richard Harper

August 01, 2007 – 06:10 PM

My name is Derek and I just moved from Clemmons to Indiana at the age of 18…I have been a Wake fan my whole life something my dad passed down to me..i bleed black and gold in any sport even though my sister is a senior at Tennessee. Prosser was a man who no matter what did what he wanted to do..through all the critics he was one who never backed down..always exciting to watch no matter how good or how bad the Deacs have been since 01. he will be missed i miss him and didn’t know him on a personal level all though i met him numerous personal opinion is they should retire something in his honor before the first game this year.. but all i know is it want be the same and Skip man I love you and and 2 things, don’t stop running, and keep up the press…I love you and this is God’s plan to get a great man.

Derek Bodford, Indiana

August 01, 2007 – 08:30 PM



August 01, 2007 – 09:08 PM

Skip epitomized what it is to be a Demon Deacon. I remember on various occasions seeing Skip in passing on campus, in the Pit at lunch, or talking with him before a game. It didn’t matter to him what else was going on, even a game against UNC or Duke that was to tip off in 30 minutes, he would take time out to acknowledge everyone. Be it to say hi, to thank the students for coming out to support the team, he never put himself on a pedestal. God bless you Skip and I will miss you.

Steven Elliott ’04

August 01, 2007 – 09:11 PM

I can only hope to be the kind of representative of Wake Forest that Skip Prosser was. He set the bar very high. Thanks for the memories, Skip, and for building promise for the future. My condolences to all those whose lives you touched.

Cliff Campbell – “Tex” – ’81

August 01, 2007 – 10:01 PM

I never met coach Prosser. Only saw him at games and on television. I liked him and what I believe he stood for both in athletics and life. I have lived long enough to understand that death is just a part of living and I normally can deal with it quickly and move on but Coach Prossers passing has given me a profound sense of loss. I know that time will help heal the hurt and I want to express my sincere condolence to his family and all that loved him. I will miss seeing and hearing him as I know many others will but I hold fast to the knowledge that some day we will meet. Sincerely

B Shoemaker

August 01, 2007 – 10:46 PM

I was lucky enough to have met Coach Prosser when I was at Xavier’s basketball camp. Those days were so fun, mostly because of Skip and his other coaches. He treated us like members of his team. Ever since then I’ve been a huge fan of his and I’m deeply saddened to have lost him. He made people feel special, came easy for him because he was the special one. He meant a lot to the people up here in Cincy and especially at Xavier. Coach, thanks for making the world a better place.

Brian D – Cincinnati, OH

August 02, 2007 – 11:42 AM

We were truly saddened by the death of our favorite coach at Wake Forest. I remember just like it was yesterday when there were rumors that Skip was going to leave Wake and go to Pitt. Being alumni of Wake Forest University, class of 76, class of 82, we immediately tried to call and convince him otherwise. Therefore, we started an E-mail campaign and got many other alumni to write letters. After having seen basketball games at the Joel and having spoken with Skip personally at one of the Senior dinners,we were convinced that he really read all of the E-mails and did not just throw them away. Skip was a positive person and his energy and love of life manifested itself in his coaching. Skip reminds us of our father who passed away last May. Like, Skip, our father was a teacher and coach. Both of these men’s love for development of character of young athletes was displayed in their coaching and personality as well. Wake Forest was truly blessed to have a coach like Skip Prosser.

Annie Donaldson/ Marjorie Donaldson

August 02, 2007 – 11:46 AM

One of the greatest things about being a WFU fan, is that fact that you can take immense pride in knowing that; caring, honorable, ethical, and passionate leaders are at the helm. Coach Prosser was someone to always respect and admire for the simple fact that he always lead by example. I loved to watch him during times of adversity, as it was always interesting to witness his behavior. He never cursed, embarrassed, or violated anyone in any way. But, he always gave us a pat on the back, a few words of encouragement, and a little inside information on how prepare in order to be ready the next time opportunity knocked! Then he would typically turn back to the action on the court and give a few encouraging claps as he coached on to the closing buzzer. I cling to the memory of Coach Prossers qualities as I go through life and strive to be a better person, husband, worker, and overall example to others. My greatest sympathies are with the Prosser family, and I pray that God and the plethora of positive outpouring will help them in this time.

Josh Smith-Burlington,NC

August 02, 2007 – 11:52 AM

Nancy, Mark and Scott-our thoughts and prayers are with you at this most sad and tragic loss of your husband and father. Although we did not have the privilege of personally knowing Coach Prosser; only from the stands; we too are so saddened and shocked. Having been Wake fans for twenty some years we know the life and enthusiasm that Skip brought to the Joel. He helped to not only WAKE the Neighbors but to WAKE the Nation. It was obvious that he loved the students, fans, players, community and nation and in turn he was loved and respected by these same people. We will miss you Skip Prosser. You left us much too early.

Cindy M.-Winston-Salem,NC

August 02, 2007 – 12:24 PM

While I’ve been a faculty member here for 12 years, I didn’t personally know Coach Prosser and was very happy with his work here at Wake Forest. My wife, Angela King has taught CHM 108 the last few summers and it has become pretty popular with student athlete’s trying to satisfy their requirements for lab-based courses.This year, she had the students do a “Demo Day” where each student did a chemical demonstration and also explained the science behind what they were doing. Its a pretty fun event, as you get to see stuff blow up, burn, freeze or what have you.

Having over 50% student athletes (including one basketball player)in the class, Angela invited all of their coaches to attend this program. I never really thought much more about this until I went into the main lecture hall of chemistry and saw Coach Prosser sitting towards the back of the room. The coaches were invited because Angela thought they would make the greatest impression on these athletes academic career.

Reading everything about Coach Prosser over the last few days, I guess I shouldn’t be surprised that he attended this event. I know that his attendance was a real inspiration to all of the students, I was really impressed. I’d like to extend my condolences to the family.

Bruce King

August 02, 2007 – 12:58 PM

Skip will be missed. He was a great, stand-up coach unlike some of the coaches (M.K.) in the ACC. He had a great eye for the game and a passion for his athletes. He was fun to watch at the Comcast Center when he and his squad came into town. His fire will be missed on the sideline as well as the stands.

Josh – Terp Fan

August 02, 2007 – 04:32 PM

Coach Prosser will be sadly missed by the class of 2005. We shared our freshman year with coach and for many of us, Coach Prosser Basketball is how we know Wake Forest hoops. I will always admire his connectedness to the students, be it eating with us in the Pit or Benson, or alongside us rolling the quad. I will always remember the night we beat Duke in 2OT and stormed the court:one of the greatest sporting events I have ever attended. Thank you coach, for the memories.
I know you will always have a great seat at the games, coaching from above…

PTXM ’05

August 02, 2007 – 04:32 PM

Everyone in heaven must be wearing ties-dye shirts these days. I thank the Lord for sharing Skip Prosser with us. Blessings and peace to Nancy, Mark, Scott and the Wake Forest University family.May God hold you, Coach, in the palm of God’s hand.


August 02, 2007 – 04:43 PM

I greatly admired Skip Prosser because his players graduated from college. He proved that athletes can be competitive in the classroom as well as in their athletic endeavors. His players worked hard in my First Year Seminar Race and the Law which means they learned to work hard on all fronts. Skip was a joy to know, and I am glad I had a chance to know him.
Beth Hopkins’73

Beth Hopkins

August 02, 2007 – 05:12 PM



August 02, 2007 – 05:28 PM

Nancy, Scott and Mark, thank you for sharing Skip with us. Hopefully the heartfelt testimonies in this guestbook will bring comfort to you in your grief. This truly great man made us all so proud to be Deacons and he clearly influenced all he encountered for the better. That is an amazing accomplishment. RIP Skip.

Tim Gilbert \’74

August 02, 2007 – 09:30 PM

I have only met Coach Prosser once, in a few years.

Jessie Appier

August 02, 2007 – 09:37 PM

I am a UNC Tarheel fan,but was deeply saddened by the death of Coach Skip Prosser.I know that where he is now,he’s happy,because he knows he will always be coaching WFU,from the best possible seat.He will always be a part of the ACC,and my thoughts go out to the WFU family,as well as the Prosser family..God bless you all,and thank you for sharing Skip with us

Bambi Shepherd

August 02, 2007 – 09:47 PM

My favorite memory of Coach Prosser was when he came to our basketball class at Forsyth Tech. The Deacs were in the middle of a awful season and it would have been easy for him to skip out on us. But he showed up and answered all our questions and was just a delight. Not many coaches would have taken the time. We’ll sure miss you Coach. Mike King

Mike King

August 03, 2007 – 01:17 AM

Our Coach,I will never forget the commitment you have shown for the betterment not only of basketball, but for sportsmanship as well. Your legacy and passion for life and the game is known as far afield as Zimbabwe, and we will always remember you there. Rest In Peace sir for your memory will always be held in our hearts.

Deven V. Patel ’11

Deven Vinu Patel

August 03, 2007 – 08:57 AM

Skip Was a Great Coach, I am a Wolfpacker, that truly admires skip, and all of his achievements at Wake Forest University!

Vance Wrenn III

August 03, 2007 – 09:26 AM

I’m a Muskie who will always miss Skip. When he left Xavier, Loyola (MD) had the honor of being coached by Skip and finally your great school.

Bryan Williams

August 03, 2007 – 09:37 AM

He was a special friend and a great person.North Carolina Gaters

Vic Sapp

August 03, 2007 – 11:14 AM

As a Wake fan growing up,I’ve seen Skip become the best coach this community could ask for. My husband’s unit was deployed to Iraq in August of 06′. As many may know Skip took a very risky oversea’s to coach Hoops for Troops. I greatly admired him for that and still do. He was not only an amazing coach but he was also a fantastic person. I remember being a “Little Deac of the Week” when I was younger, getting to sit behind the wake bench right where Skip was “supposed” to sit [ even though he sat down maybe twice the whole game]. It was amazing to be that close to such an honorable figure at that young of age, now I’m 23 and I look back and I’m over-joyed at the progress of our Black & Gold that Skip has brought up over the years. He has successfully made young men into NBA stars with goals in life. And Skip will be greatly missed. May God’s hands be on his family’s shoulder & hearts. Give them comfort in their time of grief and re-assure them he is still coaching, but from a better seat in the Deac House. God bless!

Deac Fan

August 03, 2007 – 11:20 AM

I met Coach Prosser in New York during the Pre-Season NIT in 2004. Wake had just won their first game to move on to the finals and Skip was down on the floor watching the next game, scouting out his competition for the following night. Although he was busy, when he saw me wearing my WFU shirt he made a point of coming over to me and shaking my hand, and took a picture. Then as he was leaving he asked me if I was going to be at the game the next night. Although I had not planned on going, I immediately told him I would be there, and he broke out into a grin. He said that he needed all of the Deacons there that night, and I didn’t want to disappoint Coach.
Skip Prosser was a class act, who did things the right way, in a profession that makes it so easy to choose the wrong path. RIP coach, you’ll be missed.

E.S. c/o ’08

August 03, 2007 – 11:34 AM

While a big Maryland fan, many of us had the utmost respect for Coach Prosser. He was a great coach and seemed like a great person. The whole ACC loses and will miss him.


August 03, 2007 – 01:21 PM

God Bless Coach Prosser and his family. Respectfully,

Jimmy O’Brien

August 03, 2007 – 02:21 PM

Mrs. Prosser and family,
I have been praying for you and thinking of you a lot in the past week. I’m so sorry for your loss. But I wanted to thank you for sharing Coach Prosser with us – the Wake Forest and Winston-Salem community. Whether I spoke to him at church or around campus, he was always thoughtful and kind. More than Wake Forest losing a great coach and educator, the world has lost a great man. God bless you and thank you.

Charlie McCurry, ’05

August 03, 2007 – 02:35 PM

As a Winston-Salem native, NC State grad and a HUGE basketball fan, I offer my sincere condolences to the Skip Prosser family. At times like this, it hard to know what to say, so I have decided to pray for your family, and ask God to strengthen you all and be your help during this time.

Kristy Franklin

August 03, 2007 – 04:58 PM

Skip represented Wake with true class. He was a great representative of the Wake Forest family and lived our values every day. We have been a part of Wake for over 25 years and have always found that although Wake has had many successes, character always mattered more to our alumni, students, and fans than wins and losses. Skip we were and are proud of you.

David and Debbie Cassels 73,75

August 04, 2007 – 04:55 AM

I remember the Xavier Basketball Camps and the courtside seats during the Cincinnati Garden games. Even though those time are very rememberable, the most rememberable times were when I grew up and saw Coach Prosser coach and lead his teams to victory. Now being a college graduate, I have been able to meet various amounts of coaches. Even though, I will forever be able to say that Coach Prosser held himself with the most dignity, integrity, and honesty. The guy literaly made a strive to meet everyone and remember everyone he met. And for that, I will always remember his time at Xavier and Wake and how much he meant to both the communities of Cincinnati and Winston-Salem and around the country. I truly can only hope and wish that someone like Skip Prosser can be idolized by every basketball player and others who want to be the best that they can be. Coach, you are my hero! I miss you.

Joe Haarman

August 04, 2007 – 09:50 AM

As an alumni who was involved with the athletic department while I was at Wake, I appreciated the things that coach Prosser brought to our university. His players went to class, they graduated, they represented the university well in all areas of life. As a former coach, I had a chance to watch practices and to learn from the man, and gracious attituted toward a NC high school coach is something I’ll never forget. My prayers go out to Coach’s family.


August 04, 2007 – 03:47 PM

Skip Prosser was a great man and will be missed by all!

Dallas Weaver

August 04, 2007 – 05:44 PM

The most meaningful aspect about being an alumni of WFU, is that fact that I can take immense pride in knowing that; caring, honorable, ehtical, and passionate leaders are at the helm. Coach Prosser always lead by example. I loved to watch him during times of good and bad on the court, he appeared to always be moving forward and not backward. As I understnad it, he never cursed, embarassed, or voilated anyone in any way. He was generous with a pat on the back, a few words of encouragement, and coaching not critisizing. He coached a good game. We all will remember Coach Prosser’s qualities and example to others. Our greatest sympathies to his family. He is in the hands of God.

Max \’67

August 04, 2007 – 08:39 PM

I played for Coach Prosser at Wheeling Central Catholic High School in Wheeling, WV from 1983 to 1885. Coach not only taught me how to play basketball, but also taught me lessons in life. Those lessons hold true today. He will be missed, but not forgotten.

Jim Palmer

August 04, 2007 – 09:13 PM

I’m a huge fan of Wake Forest and I enjoyed Skip Prosser Coaching I actually met Skip after a game a few years ago and he was really nice.
Skip Prosser will be missed.


August 04, 2007 – 10:01 PM

Coach I just wanted to say THANK YOU for giving me a chance… You will always be missed…. I LOVE YOU!!!

Justin Gray

August 04, 2007 – 11:37 PM

I have been a HUGE Wake fan my whole life, and have really enjoyed the years with Coach Prosser! I moved back to GSO after grad. school and began teaching high school. That is when he began coaching our beloved DEACS. My family and I are truly saddened by your loss, but we know that he is in a better place. You are all in our thoughts and prayers, and will continue to be. I actually have a picture with Coach and me up in my classroom. It was taken at the basketball awards banquet CP’s last year. I took my dad as a surprise for his birthday. Although it was only for a moment, I felt the warmth and friendliness from Coach Prosser that many have talked about these past few days. I will cherish that picture and moment even more now. Thanks for the memories, Coach P! “….and until we meet again, may GOD hold you in the palm of His hand.”~ from an Irish BlessingPrayers, peace, and grace to you all.

Jennifer Wall

August 05, 2007 – 10:19 AM

We love you Coach

Kathy Abernethy ’02, MD ’08

August 05, 2007 – 12:50 PM

Forgot to add this to my message. One of our neighbors had one (or two) sons at Linsly when Coach Prosser was there. Don’t know if the boy(s) played hoops. Anyway, after meeting Coach at a parent-teacher conference and praising his teaching skills, the mother said to all who would listen: He’s going to go very far in life.

John D. Seibert (’88)

August 05, 2007 – 03:17 PM

Thanks to Skip and his staff for bringing fun, exciting times to “The Joel”.My prayers and condolences to his mom, wife, sons and all of the Wake Forest family for such an enexpected and tragic loss. After reading so many of the tributes I am truly saddened that I didn’t get to know such a special person on a personal level. But the view from the upper level, the TV games and the coaches shows had already shown me that he was a special man.

I am very thankful for his time at Wake and we will greatly miss Skip Prosser.

Cindy Tomlinson

August 05, 2007 – 05:25 PM

As an AppState alumnus but one attended several Wake games in the past few years, I extend my deepest sympathy to Skip and his family. Skip was a great credit to Wake Forest and the ACC.


August 05, 2007 – 06:01 PM

When my son was 10 years old, he had the opportunity to take care of the Prosser’s parrot, “Tweetie.” He was thrilled to be able to meet “Coach” and spend some time talking with him about basketball and life in general. Imagine his surprise and delight when he was invited to come to the Prosser’s house for Selection Sunday and meet the WFU team! “Coach” even drove him home after the festivities of that evening. He was walking on Cloud 9 for weeks! My son did not really seen much of “Coach” the following year, but he got a phone call on Selection Sunday from Coach Prosser, telling him that there was “someone missing from the party and it was him.” My son flew over to the Prosser house and was once again warmly greeted by the Prossers and the team. Coach Prosser took the time and effort to make a little 10 year old boy feel like he was the most important person in the world. My son is now 16 and will never forget how “Coach” made him feel. God bless you Coach Prosser. Your death has left a hole in our hearts. You will be sorely missed by all.

Cindy Sutton

August 05, 2007 – 08:25 PM

Skip was an inspiration and example for the us Deacons. He got us exicted about basketball but also made us remember what was really important in life.

Joe McCollum

August 05, 2007 – 09:02 PM

Skip Prosser was a GREAT coach. We will miss him in the ACC. While a Maryland Fan, I always enjoy watching the games he coached. I always rooted for Wake when they were not playing Maryland. The ACC and the ACC Tournament won’t be the same. Wake Forest lost a great individual in Skip Prosser. The Prosser family is in our prayers.

Weida Stoecker

August 05, 2007 – 11:44 PM

We are praying for the Prosser family, the coaches and players and all the Wake family. Skip, you’ll be missed!

Marnie (Mullen) Crumpler, ’90

August 06, 2007 – 12:24 PM

When Skip was at Xavier, the Cintas Center had just been opened and I came over to watch practice. After practice Skip offered to give me a personal tour of the arena. He easily could have given the task over to an assistant or a manager, but that was Skip, he treated you the same whether you were a CYO coach or an NBA coach. I only got to talk/see him maybe 1-2 times a year but I feel his loss badly and will continue to pray for his family and friends.

Larry Cox

August 06, 2007 – 01:07 PM

I have been a Deacon fan my whole life and am a WFU alum along with quite a few family members. We love everything about WFU & especially the sports. When Coach Prosser died ,it felt like a family member had died. That’s because at WFU, we are a small close-knit family. There are not many of us out there but we all share a common bond! Coach Prosser gave us many good things to enjoy… Great games & great players. He was a truly remarkable man and his character reminds me of all that WFU stands for. I remember when he so graciously posed for a picture with my kids at the Orange Bowl. I will cherish the picture always. He was truly a class act!

Anna Booth

August 06, 2007 – 04:06 PM

My husband and I, both born and raised here in Winston-Salem, have always been Wake Forest fans. Coach Prosser has been one of the best coaches WF has had. He was not only a great basketball coach, but he was also a teacher, mentor, and a friend to his guys. He helped them in all aspects of life, not just basketball.
We had the great pleasure of meeting Coach this past Easter at our church’s Easter production, “Behold Him”. He was in our church lobby, waiting on his wife, when we noticed him and went up to introduce ourselves and to welcome him to First Assembly and the production. My husband and I were ushering that night. He talked with us briefly and was very kind and warm. A little later, but before the production started, I noticed him sitting down, and my 10 year old grandson was with me, and I took him over to meet him. Coach talked to him like he had known him forever. Austin had been to some of the games at the Joel with his grandfather and had become very much a Wake fan also, so this was a special moment for him. Coach did not make us feel like we were intruding or bothering him, even though this was his personal time with his family and friends. He told us that even though our church is across the street from the WF campus, that this was the first time he had been in our church, and I now feel even more blessed to have had the opportunity to be one of the ones that welcomed him there.
Our community, Wake Forest University and the city of Winston-Salem, has lost a great man. May the Lord give his family peace, comfort, and strength from their loss, and also the assurance of knowing that “Coach” is in HIS hands.

Susan and Ronnie Shumate

August 06, 2007 – 05:25 PM

I met Coach Prosser at the ACC Tourney in Washington DC, Though at University Of Maryland fan and wearing a Maryland tee-shirt he still took the time to sign my game program. You will be Missed Coach Prosser by ACC Fans everywhere! God bless and be with the Prosser family durning this time.

Paul Beam

August 06, 2007 – 11:29 PM

We love you skip for the spirit of fans that you brought back to wake forest! this will always be your home and you will always be “our” coach!prayers and beth wishes to the prosser family <3


August 07, 2007 – 01:11 AM

I have been a deac all my life. and because of representatives of our university like Skip was, I am proud to call myself one.

Hinton Armstrong

August 07, 2007 – 02:26 AM

Tar Heel born, Tar Heel bred. A UNC alum. My late Aunt was just the opposite. She was a HUGE Wake fan. When she was diagnosed with terminal cancer and Coach Prosser learned of it, he sent her an autographed basketball. What a class act. It was always my intention to someday thank him in person for his kind gesture. He’ll be missed by the entire ACC. There are too few like him. Condolances to his family and WFU.

Perry Collette

August 07, 2007 – 08:37 AM

although i am the consumate terps fan I have always had the utmost respect for Coach Skip Prosser from Wake Forest University .. Coach Prosser was a class act and a true competitor and his untimely death deals a stunning blow to the world of college basketball. My sympathy to his entire family and to the entire Wake Forest Universitycommunity .He was a great person and he will be truly missed!

Susan Fink

August 07, 2007 – 11:01 AM

You were a coach, a friend, a father, and a husband. You never seemed like the kind of man who failed at any of those jobs you held and you were a great inspriation to so many. May God bless your family. You all will be in my prayers. Once a deacon…always a deacon

Caroline K.

August 07, 2007 – 11:35 AM

Love you coach. You are everything good that Wake stands for. My prayers for your family. You will be missed.


August 07, 2007 – 11:44 AM

Coach Prossor . . .you will be missed so very much and Thank you for inspiring each heart that you have so passionatly coached over the years.

Tracy Connor-Riddick, \’96

August 07, 2007 – 11:55 AM

We will all miss you dearly. Thanks for everything.


August 07, 2007 – 12:25 PM

I was a student at Wheeling College when Coach Prosser was coaching in the neighborhood there and have followed his career with interest. I was ecstatic when my alma mater hired him. His death is so crushingly unfair to his family and team. This is a terrible loss, especially for those closest to him.

Mike Young

August 07, 2007 – 12:33 PM

My deepest sympathies to the Prosser family and the Wake Forest community. He was a great asset to the University and will surely be missed.

Susan Bennett (’76)

August 07, 2007 – 12:43 PM

My deepest sympathies to the Prosser family, his players, and colleagues. I have been touched by the warm memories and amazing accolades that have celebrated Coach Prosser. He continued the Wake Forest tradition of excellence AND integrity that make me proud to be a Demon Deacon.

Jill Wright ’97

August 07, 2007 – 12:52 PM

I was so shocked and saddened to hear the news of Skip Prosser’s death. My deepest sympathies go out to his family and friends. What a tremendous loss to the Wake Forest Community. I certainly will miss watching him coach during basketball season. Go, Deacs!

Blair Whitley ’93

August 07, 2007 – 12:52 PM

My deepest sympathies in this trying time. Skip’s tireless leadership and integrity are the cornerstones of the WFU experience and community.

David Barberis ’94

August 07, 2007 – 12:53 PM

You have been in the thoughts and prayers of my family during this difficult time. Please know that there will always be a special place in our hearts, as well as the hearts of all Demon Deacons, for your husband and father.

Don Bobo BS \’70

August 07, 2007 – 01:06 PM

My Dad played for WFU in the middle 50’s at the old campus- I played in the late 60’s (JV) at the new campus. Skip was not only a good coach but a good man, and, as the saying goes, good men are hard to find. He will surely be missed — not only by those who love Wake but by anyone who knew him!!

Rick Funderburke- 1971

August 07, 2007 – 01:06 PM

My family’s condolences and prayers to you in the time of your loss. We always felt Skip was the perfect ambassador for Wake Forest, a man of great integrity who reflected the values of our university so well. I doubt we will ever see another who does that like Skip did, and we will miss him.

Jeffrey Batts

August 07, 2007 – 01:07 PM

Thanks to the Prosser family for sharing a part of their life with us. Coach represented everything good about Wake Forest and made us all proud to be Deacons.

Clark Johnson ’86

August 07, 2007 – 01:14 PM

Coach Prosser created his legacy with life, passion, conviction, and purpose. What more can one say? He set a high mark that is worthy of anyone’s effort to duplicate.

Lane Hurley

August 07, 2007 – 01:16 PM

My thoughts and prayers are with Coach Prosser’s family. All Deacons mourn the loss of this fine man. He was a gifted coach, teacher and speaker. We at Wake were blessed to have been a part of his life and we thank the Prossers for allowing us to be part of theirs.

Vickie Cheek Dorsey ’75

August 07, 2007 – 01:19 PM

I feel as if I experienced Skip’s death firsthand. As I was entering the Wake campus to watch our son at basketball camp, an ambulance passed by me at Worrell Professional Center. As I pulled to the side, I could see a paramedic performing CPR in the back of the vehicle. I later learned that that was most likely Skip as they took him to Baptist. I replayed that scene over and over.
Our son won the “hot shot” contest for the ACC at camp. He and Skip exchanged several “high fives” after Skip finished his run and Robert shared his success with him. Robert,at age 11, sensed what a great, approachable guy Skip was.
Finally, my brother played college ball at Holy Cross. As he was being recruited, the coaches would often come to our home for a visit. I remember my parents lableling the coaches as “good” ones and “bad” ones. I know that Skip’s visit would have created a third category – “great” ones. Our family wishes the Prosser family all of the best. God Bless.

Nancy Hohman White

August 07, 2007 – 01:20 PM

My appreciation for the great work of Coach Prosser. Thoughts and prayers to the family.

Imogene ’53

August 07, 2007 – 01:25 PM

Very saddened – he was amazing!Our prayers are with you.

Toby Hoffman ’84

August 07, 2007 – 01:27 PM

Thanks coach for the pride and joy you brought Deacon fans. You will be missed on so many levels in our community. My prayers are with your family.

Jack LoCicero ’86’

August 07, 2007 – 01:28 PM

As a Cincinnatian and a Wake Forest alum, I express my very deepest sympathy to the Prosser family and friends, as well as to the Wake community. Cincinnati loves college basketball, and Coach Prosser gave people a reason to love it even more. Indeed, we have lost a great man.

Tracy Williams Kilfoil ’93

August 07, 2007 – 01:33 PM

I am just one of so very, very many who will miss Skip and his unforgettable smile. What a guy! What a man! What a coach! May God bless you all.

Jim Floyd ’58

August 07, 2007 – 01:34 PM

My sincerest sympathy to your family. Having been affiliated with Wake Forest since Greason was coach, and medically involved with Tacy and Odum, the loss of a coach who was such a valuabe member of the Wake Forest family is deeply felt by our family and all “Old WF Grads”. Our prayers are with you

Henry S Miller, Jr ’51

August 07, 2007 – 01:36 PM

Although I never met Coach Prosser personally, he seemed to be everything that the Wake Forest family strives to represent. He brought a much-needed spirit and energy to our basketball program, and his candor was as refreshing as it was honest. I hope that we are as fortunate with whomever takes on the challenge of filling his shoes.

Dave Rosenblatt

August 07, 2007 – 01:37 PM

The Wake Forest family has lost a great coach and individual. I enjoyed watching the basketball program flourish under Coach Prosser’s leadership. My condolences to the Prosser family, Skip will be missed.

Gregg Smolenski -’69

August 07, 2007 – 01:40 PM

What a tragic loss. Thank you for the many wonderful memories you have given Demon Deacon fans. When I was going through chemo in 2005, going to Wake basketball games gave me so much joy and would let me forget entirely about cancer for at least 2 hours, especially when we beat Carolina. Thank you and we will miss you greatly.

Paula Takacs

August 07, 2007 – 01:44 PM

We give thanks that we had the opportunity to know him. May your memories and the support of so many friends give you comfort.

Jean and Bob Cooper

August 07, 2007 – 01:44 PM



August 07, 2007 – 01:46 PM

Coach: Your calm, yet focused approach to the sport, and you involvement in the community was inspiring, and we will miss that very much

Terry P. Titus

August 07, 2007 – 01:47 PM

I had followed Coach Prosser’s career since he was coaching at Loyola. I lived in Baltimore at the time and was impressed by his success there and his subsequent success at Xavier. I think I may have been the most excited alum out there when he was hired. His infectious smile and positive personality will be missed greatly. Our thoughts and prayers are with his family.

Don Schamay ’84

August 07, 2007 – 01:48 PM

Appreciated in life for his contribution to the WFU program, I have been moved greatly by getting to know more about Skip in the endless accolades of friends and colleagues. We celebrate the man he was, and yet grieve with you in losing him so unexpectedly.

Charles Little ’77

August 07, 2007 – 01:52 PM

We were proud to have Coach Prosser at Wake Forest. He was not only a great coach and a man of integrity but also a person who epitomized what Wake Forest represented in the community. He was admired and left his mark on everyone whether they met him personally or not.

Joan Leibert

August 07, 2007 – 01:54 PM

I heard Coach Prosser tell a crowd at a Caldwell County Hospice fundraiser that in life, like basketball, you either did something, or you did not. He was a doer.

Blake Trimble JD ’73

August 07, 2007 – 02:04 PM

Thank you for everything! You will be greatly missed.

Ryan ’00

August 07, 2007 – 02:07 PM

I was shocked to hear of Skip Prosser’s death. He will be greatly missed and you have our prayers and condolences.


August 07, 2007 – 02:13 PM

I met Skip when he spoke at an alumni event in New York a few years ago, and was inspired by his spirit and vivacity. He will be sorely missed. My thoughts and prayers go out to his family.

Ted, WFU Class of 2000

August 07, 2007 – 02:15 PM

My wife and I had the wonderful opportunity to meet your husband/father Skip during his first months as Coach when he came to Wilmington for a local Deacon Club event. We were very impressed then and became even more impressed up until his recent death.He was a blessing from God to our wonderful University and will be sorely missed. He is now in a better place but still being the ole Skip. Our thought and prayers are with you and yours.

Jon W. Rosborough, Class ‘ 67

August 07, 2007 – 02:16 PM

Coach Prosser was a great asset to the entire Wake Forest community. He will be greatly missed. To his family we give assurance of our continued thoughts and prayers

Ernest Glass, ’44

August 07, 2007 – 02:18 PM

All of my interaction at Wake Forest over 37 years has been nothing but first class. Having Skip Prosser represent all of us as Alumni in the fashion that he did was terrific. We will all remember him as a Gentleman and professional!!

Mike Crowley

August 07, 2007 – 02:21 PM

Shocked and saddened to hear about Skip Prosser’s sudden passing. My thoughts and prayers go to his family… and all the lives he touched on and off the basketball court.

Bob Gorham ’86

August 07, 2007 – 02:22 PM

Upon heading to my first WFU game under Coach Prosser’s lead, I took a moment before I walked through the doors at
The Joel to recall what the atmosphere was like during my days at Wake before I graduated in 1996. Upon entering the building I felt an almost tangible level of energy in the air – when the team hit the court for introductions, that energy became alive, as did the building itself. Never before had The Joel been so alive, so powerful, so confident – to me, that is Skip Prosser and that’s how he lived his life…a testament to how we should live ours.

Robert Gefaell ’96

August 07, 2007 – 02:24 PM

Fair winds and following seas, Coach. You were a class act, and you will be sorely missed.

Moye Cozart

August 07, 2007 – 02:26 PM

As a lifelong Deacon fan, I appreciated the enthusiasm, integrity and coaching skills he brought to our school. We are thankful for the time he spent at Wake. Our thoughts and prayers are with you.

Anne Northington Mathias

August 07, 2007 – 02:28 PM

As avid Deacon Hoops fans who commute 320 miles round trip for “home games”, my wife and I will surely miss Skip’s post game comments – his wit,candor and passion were always worth waiting for even though we knew it meant getting home at 2:00am after a late game. But, as many have said,it’s the little things that we’ll remember about Skip – like the time he chatted up my Dad like an old friend while waiting for a delayed flight in the Philly airport. Priceless.

Bob Ryan

August 07, 2007 – 02:31 PM

Coach Prosser was much loved and is much missed. He represented the ideals of Pro Humanitate both on and off the field.

Wade Murphy

August 07, 2007 – 02:37 PM

Skip Prosser represented all that college athletics should be. He will be remembered.

Steve Miller

August 07, 2007 – 02:40 PM

As an alumni (class of 64) I have shared in the enthusiasm that your husband/father has brought to basketball at Wake. My deepest sympathies and prayers for strength are sent your way.

Nancy Robb Cope

August 07, 2007 – 02:40 PM

The character of Coach Prosser seemed to resemble the high quality of men and women that have been proud to be a part of the fabric of Wake Forest. As a history major, I enjoyed his references to notable personalities and events. My sympathy to his family.

Mary Irvin Steele,\

August 07, 2007 – 02:43 PM

As a Wake Forest alum and the father of three current WFU students, I would like to express my heartfelt condolences to you, Coach Prosser’s family. We have lost a valued member of the University’s family, but that loss is insignificant when compared with your personal loss. While nothing can completely soothe the wound left by his loss, please be comforted by the knowledge that your husband and father mattered so much to so many, and be assured his faith will see you together again.

Tom Davis

August 07, 2007 – 02:43 PM

My family and I had the wonderful pleasure of meeting Skip on several occasions. The Lord has received a loving and kind servant. We will miss you deeply and our prayers and thoughts go out to the family. Wake Forest University is better for having known you!

Lauren Dilthey Sink

August 07, 2007 – 02:48 PM

Dear Coach Prosser, we will dearly miss your winning spirit, your high ethical standards on and off the court and your
love for Wake Forest. Thank you for taking us to some of our greatest heights wbile still holding to our cherished values. You have honored the game, the players and the fans.
We mourn with your family and pray for their comfort and strength in the difficult months ahead. We will forever hold you in our highest regard and praise God for your life.

Richard Rardin ’71

August 07, 2007 – 02:52 PM

As a Wake alum, some of my favorite memories are of cheering the Deacs on at the Joel and seeing Coach Prosser so obviously in his element. My prayers are with his family and friends. He will be missed.

Jessica Sheets

August 07, 2007 – 02:56 PM

My condolences to the Prosser family because while we lost a terrific basketball coach and school representative, I can only imagine how it must be without him bursting through the front door and shouting “Honey I’m Home”!

Gary Hinebaugh

August 07, 2007 – 02:58 PM

As a former high school coach I had the pleasure of working Skip’s summer camps for three years. I’ve never known another high major coach who was so personable and down to earth. Skip was a tremendous person and a great coach. He will be sorely missed

Carey Clarke

August 07, 2007 – 02:59 PM

College sports lost a great leader and mentor with Coach Prosser’s passing. He will certainly be missed.

Rob Richter ’04

August 07, 2007 – 03:03 PM

It was my junior year at Wake. We climbed off the band bus after a rather impressive win over some menacing rival, and en masse, we headed for the Quad to join in the toilet-papering revelry. With hundreds of yards of clean paper wasted a few moments later, we all started hearing shouts that “Skip was coming!” The crowd surrounded one of the round-abouts on the side of the Quad, and, as promised, a fancy looking sedan pulled up and out climbed Coach Prosser. Not a terribly young man, we were surprised to see him climb up on the brick wall with seeming ease. A hush fell over us hundreds of students, and Skip proclaimed “This is what college basketball is all about!” The crowd went wild, and we realized we had ourselves quite a coach.To the Prosser family, thanks for sharing him with us. He shall certainly be missed even by those of us who barely knew him.

Daniel McGinley, 2004

August 07, 2007 – 03:04 PM

I am deeply saddened by the loss of Coach Prosser. My thoughts and prayers are with his family members. He was much more than a wonderful basketball coach. He was an excellent representative of Wake Forest and the ACC. I have fond memories of Coach Prosser quoting famous writers and poets as he answered questions about basketball. He will be greatly missed.

John Mori ’85

August 07, 2007 – 03:09 PM

Coach Prosser set a high standard and was an example of what a college coach should be. He will be missed.

Michael David Bland

August 07, 2007 – 03:12 PM

Peace and grace to you.

Mahon Smith ’71

August 07, 2007 – 03:12 PM

Nancy, Please accept my deepest sympathies. Having known your father for the past 5+ years, I was always excited to talk w/him before the bball seasons started to get Skip’s take on Wake and the ACC. Your dad has become a friend and the news of Skip’s passsing was a crushing blow to all who knew Skip or knew of him. I had the pleasure of meeting Skip a few years ago at a home game and he was a true gentleman and will always be known as “One of the Best”. He is and will be forever missed. Your father and I morn your loss. May God comfort and bless your family in the days to come.

Robb Hill

August 07, 2007 – 03:19 PM

As a Wake Alum ( class on’67 ) my thoughts and prayers go out to his wife and family. I’ve only known Coach through Wake games on TV.
Being a high school coach and basketball referee myself, there are many nights away from home and family that we can never get back, and times like this make that fact hit home. Thanks for ‘sharing’ Skip with us. He was a true ambassador of Wake Forest University.

Joe Shaw ’67

August 07, 2007 – 03:25 PM

Thanks for sharing Skip with the Wake Forest community for the past few years. I hope this time was as rewarding spiritually and emotionally for all of you has it was for all of us. The good that Coach brought to the Wake Forest family, the Winston-Salem community and Demon Deacon basketball will never be forgotten. God bless you all.

Christopher Taylor, 1992/97

August 07, 2007 – 03:27 PM

My heart goes out to the Prosser family, as well as fellow members of the Wake Forest community. Coach Prosser was a great basketball coach, but more importantly, he was a great role model for Wake Forest. I worked in the athletic department for the past four years, and the remarkable thing about Coach Prosser was that he made an effort to get to know students, and to always smile and say hello in passing. I am deeply sadded by this loss, as I know there is no one who could replace Coach both on the court and in the place that we all hold for him in our hearts.He will be greatly missed.

Kate Porter ’07

August 07, 2007 – 03:37 PM

He brought us such joy! We send our love and prayers to the family!

Kathleen and Mac Hodgson

August 07, 2007 – 03:45 PM

The week end of Father’s day in June, I surprised my son(Jim Wuwert Grad School ’99) by arriving in Winston-Salem for the week end. My daughter in law took me to the center where the Prosser Father-Son basketball camp was about to end. Coach Prosser, many of his players and assistants stayed to chat with all the participants. It was a grand time for all. We had our picture taken with Skip and today it is displayed in honored glory in my living room. Such a unique shock to hear of his sudden departure from the Wake Forest Family. A loss beyond words to describe.
I have learned in life that oft times heroes get remembered, but I’ve also learned, that legends never die. I believe that to be true of Coach Prosser. We miss you Coach.
Deepest and most respectful sympathy to the Prosser Family.

Vince Wuwert

August 07, 2007 – 03:55 PM

Nancy…we just can’t imagine Wake’s BB season without Skip…the times I got to stop and “chat” with Skip was always at the Final-4’s where I would always tell him I have been so many times and never seen a “Deacon yet” and he would always say “we’re trying and that’s our goal” and then he would grin and have that smile of his…I will be thinking of you for a long time…and meeting Skip’s mom at this years ACC tourney was also very special..Skip told me “she was a trip!!! she wanted cable to get more of Wake’s BB games!!!We know you will always be a “Deacon” and will hopefully fell welcome to come see the “DEAC”S”…. C.C. Pharr ’63

C.C. Pharr

August 07, 2007 – 03:57 PM

Coach Prosser took us to #1 for the first and only time in the storied history of Wake Forest basketball. Later when we suffered a last place ACC regular season finish, he exhibited the same class and character as when we were on top of it all. He was a wonderful example to all young people, and he is sorely missed. Deepest sympathy to the Prosser family

David Norman ’79

August 07, 2007 – 04:00 PM

A great man who stood for all which is right in the world. He will be missed greatly. Prayers continue to go out to his family and the Wake Forest Community.

Bo Jones ’86

August 07, 2007 – 04:08 PM

I was as tremendously distraught to hear the news of Skip’s passing as I was exhilarated by his success, ethic, and attitude. Deepest sympathies to the Prossers, coaches, players, and the rest of the WFU family.

Steve Gurganus ’80

August 07, 2007 – 04:14 PM

On behalf of myself, a proud Wake mom, and my two Wake graduate sons, Blake 02 and Britt 04, please accept our deepest apologies. We will see Coach Prosser’s smiling and energetic face in the Demon Deacon gym forever. With love from our entire family to yours.

Peg Hamilton

August 07, 2007 – 04:22 PM

Please accept our deepest sympathies, from Wake parents and student. This Wake dad is also a Pittsburgh native, cradle Catholic and Steeler fan. Skip did us proud in every aspect of his life. Without ever having met him, we miss him and grieve with you at his passing.

John Carroll

August 07, 2007 – 04:32 PM

My sincere condolences to the entire Wake Forest Community. Skip will be sorely missed.

Gayle Cook

August 07, 2007 – 04:40 PM

As a parent of a recent Wake graduate I want to express my deep sorrow for the loss of a great human being. I once read that “when someone dies a child is born”. If that child turns out to be half the human being Skip was the world will be a better place.

Robert Forman

August 07, 2007 – 04:58 PM

As a loyal Demon fan I feel a tremendous loss with the untimely death of coah Prosser. My prayers and thoughts are with his family.

Pat Calvert \’75

August 07, 2007 – 05:10 PM

Your family is in the prayers of my family. May you feel God’s presence in your time of grief.

Joseph Ratledge M.Div 06

August 07, 2007 – 05:16 PM

We lost a great man. He will be missed and remembered. My prayers are with the Prosser family.

Leslie Bragg

August 07, 2007 – 05:18 PM

My deepest sympathy to the Prosser family. He made a wonderful contribution to Wake Forest. I have always followed Wake Forest sports, especially basketball. He will be missed!Becky Primm Faine Class of 72

Becky Faine

August 07, 2007 – 05:19 PM

We are just so sorry about your father and husband’s passing. What a bright star at our beloved Wake Forest. He brought much joy to all of us and we appreciate his dedication to education and the care he showed his players. Our prayers are with you as you deal with this great shock. Thanks for letting us borrow his great character for a few years. He will be missed by all Deacons!

Andrea ’87 and Castlen Morris \’88

August 07, 2007 – 05:22 PM

“Let us approach the throne of grace with confidence, that we may find mercy and grace to help us in our time of need.” -Hebrews 4:16
May God’s unfailing love be your comfort. My thoughts and prayers are with you.

Cara Walker

August 07, 2007 – 05:23 PM

We’ll miss you skip. Thanks for the memories.

Mark McCarthy

August 07, 2007 – 05:32 PM

My deepest sympathy goes to the family of Skip Prosser. He was an exceptional person and he will be missed by the Wake Forest community as well as the basketball world and beyond.

Gaines Legare

August 07, 2007 – 05:37 PM

Our entire family mourns the loss of our beloved coach.

Betsy and Larry Overton

August 07, 2007 – 05:43 PM

Nancy and family, you are in our thoughts and prayers. We shall all miss Skip and his winsome leadership.

Alan and Debbie Sasser

August 07, 2007 – 05:54 PM

We were deeply saddened of the death of such a wonderful man, coach, husband, dad, and mentor. Skip gave us all such pride in being a part of the WFU ‘family’. Our sympathies go to his family who shared him with so many of us and allowed his teachings and encouragement to be seen and felt here in the US and abroad. We will deeply miss him.

Candy and Tom Horner

August 07, 2007 – 05:59 PM

My prayers are with the Prosser Family.
Coach Prosser will certainly be missed.

Bill Jenkins

August 07, 2007 – 05:59 PM

My hearfelt and sincere condolences; Skip gave this alumna many joyful moments. Thank you for sharing him with us.

Becky Boyd, \’73

August 07, 2007 – 06:01 PM

Praying for the family, the university and students, and the team who have lost such a great leader.

Monique Moona

August 07, 2007 – 06:01 PM

I will make # 901 in adding comments about Skip Prosser. Today a peer teacher mentioned that he went to the visitation having met him in Indiana and always remembered him. To put this in prospective, we live 3 miles from Clemson. But I like Skip moved here from the Cincinnati area. I like all will mourn a truly great man. As a student I went to all home games during the last 3 years of the “Bones” McKinney Era. Wake is a strong family and Skip was an vital part of it who will be missed by all. My thoughts and prayers go out to the family in this time of tragedy.

Nan Norbeck Jones, class of 66

August 07, 2007 – 06:02 PM

Coach Prosser touched so many people. We will all miss him.

Jim Gambill, 1966

August 07, 2007 – 06:10 PM

My sympathies go out to the family, especially because 8/4 marked the 10th anniversary of my own father’s unexpected death due to a sudden arhythmic heart attack. I spent many grief-stricken days knowing that the prayers of others lifted me up when I was unable even to pray for myself. Be sustained by the knowledge that you are all lifted up in prayer.

Michelle Jarvis, MA ’03

August 07, 2007 – 06:17 PM

You da man. Send us your blessings from heaven this year on the court. God Bless. Go Deacs.

Rob Vendley

August 07, 2007 – 06:23 PM

God bless the Prosser family as they cope with this tragic untimely death of Skip. He will be greatly missed.

Edward Tupin

August 07, 2007 – 06:59 PM

wake forest and the broader community has lost a great man and coach

john totten

August 07, 2007 – 07:01 PM

My prayers are with Coach Prossers family. Truley a great man who influenced so many people. I was fortunate to play for Coach at Xavier. He would tell us, “the most important thing you leave behind on this earth is your legacy”. Coach, your legacy will be remembered forever.

Leo Murray

August 07, 2007 – 07:11 PM

Our thoughts and prayers are with the Prosser family. God bless you all at this difficult time. Skip will be greatly missed.

Mark and Holly Forester

August 07, 2007 – 07:14 PM

We are 3 generations of Wake Forest People and we feel as if we have lost family. God Bless you.

Joe and Betty Anne Whisnant

August 07, 2007 – 07:18 PM

My thoughts and prayers are with the Prosser family.

Chris Sears

August 07, 2007 – 07:20 PM

My condolences to the family of Mr. Prosser. He was a genuine asset to the Wake Forest family.

Susan Selvey ’75

August 07, 2007 – 07:28 PM

My prayers go out to the Prosser family. Coach Prosser was the epitome of class- the kind of person you wanted to represent your school. He will be missed by the entire Wake Forest community.

Mistie Gudger Collins (\’01)

August 07, 2007 – 07:34 PM

I am so sorry for your loss. Coach Prosser was not only a great coach, he was a wonderful man and a great asset to Wake Forest. He will be missed.

Carolyn Edmonds

August 07, 2007 – 07:36 PM

My son, also a Wake grad, is a high school basketball coach here in NC. We just want your family to know what an encourager Skip was to him…and to so many others. Wake Forest was truly a better place because Skip Prosser was one of us. May God bless all of you as you grieve your loss.

Mike Queen, Class of ’68

August 07, 2007 – 07:45 PM

Skip Prosser was perfect for Wake Forest; his intellect, his integrity; his personality; and not to mention his coaching. I have described to many how he would get off his chair, when he was seated, walk to the scorers table, pick up his drink, take a sip and look at the clock/score board. he was a gentlman we all came to love and respect. He rebuilt the Deacon Spirit and the 6th man. Let’s keep all that was good about Skip in our hearts as we move ahead.

Robert and Dale Caldwell

August 07, 2007 – 08:04 PM

God Bless You in your loss. It was so shockingly unexpected. I will not forget Coach Prosser.

Miss Emory Bass, Class of 1986

August 07, 2007 – 08:13 PM

The loss of Skip was truly a loss within the Wake Forest Community. He will be missed!!!!

Katie Josephs ’05

August 07, 2007 – 08:18 PM

Eternal rest grant unto him, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon him. May his soul and the souls of all the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace.

Rev. Mr. Daniel Ketter

August 07, 2007 – 08:18 PM

The University and the Community lost a great individual who embodied the Wake Forest spirit. Our prayers are with the Prosser family.

Sanjay Saha, ’95

August 07, 2007 – 08:36 PM

My thoughts and prayers are with the Prosser family. He will certainly be missed!

Stephanie Taylor – MBA ’97

August 07, 2007 – 08:50 PM

My son, a Wake Forest graduate remarked often about how friendly and gregarious Coach Prosser was with students and staff alike. He used to see him often at Mass and enjoyed speaking with Coach Prosser. Our family will remember you in our prayers.

Bruce Bowen

August 07, 2007 – 08:55 PM

We will miss Skip but long remember the quality gentleman he was. In every sense I knew him, he was a “good” man and a true friend to “man”.

Calvin and Katrina Miller

August 07, 2007 – 08:57 PM

Our prayers are with you during this most difficult time.

Rev. and Mrs. David Benson

August 07, 2007 – 08:58 PM

Two words describe Skip – class act. He embodied all that was great about Wake Forest through his intellect, integrity, passion, and desire to succeed. We will all miss him tremendously! Our sincere condolences to the Prosser family.

Matt and Jennifer Maguire

August 07, 2007 – 09:00 PM

I would like to offer my condolences to the Prosser family. I thought Skip was a tremendous asset to the Wake Forest community, an exceptional basketball coach, and, most of all, a genuinely nice man. He will be missed.

Mike McLean Class of ’82

August 07, 2007 – 09:03 PM

I have never known a better person than Skip Prosser. He always made you feel good just to be in his presence. I have grieved so much over his death and will always remember him with highest esteem. May God grant the Prosser family peace and sustain you.

Thomas C. Webb

August 07, 2007 – 09:05 PM

It is with great pleasure that I sign this and celebrate the great Coach Prosser. The leadership given to those that were blessed enough to play on his teams is immeasureable as can be seen through the respect shown by his peers. I am happy to have been in his presence during multiple home games and pray for his family.

Bryan Spach MBA 2005

August 07, 2007 – 09:05 PM

Coach Prosser brought excitement back to deacon basketball.He has left an indelible mark on the LJMC hardwood.

john waters

August 07, 2007 – 09:09 PM

I am proud of what Skip accomplished with our basketball team. I am more proud of what he represented as a man and as a friend. It was a remarkable man and I loved our conversations together. Skip Prosser will ALWAYS be a part of Wake Forest University!
I will miss him greatly. My prayers are with the Prosser family.

Jerry Wells JD ’76

August 07, 2007 – 09:23 PM

We are so sorry for Skip’s family’s loss. He will be remembered always.

Tom and Kim Houston

August 07, 2007 – 09:37 PM

It was our great pleasure to meet Coach Prosser in Wilmington, NC. He attended a local alumni event and it was immediately evident, before he had even coached a single game at WFU, that we were blessed with a man that would make us proud.To his family – I hope my children are fortunate enough to have mentors like Skip Prosser.

Stowe and Holly Blankenship, ’93-94

August 07, 2007 – 09:43 PM

As a former player from the mid 70’s, I had the pleasure of meeting Coach last year at Homecoming. Within five minutes of our conversation, class was oozing out of this guy! That to me says a lot about a person.

Philip “Flip” Perry

August 07, 2007 – 09:47 PM

Our thoughts and prayers are with you all in this difficult time.

Bill Moffitt 52

August 07, 2007 – 09:52 PM

WE treasure the time Skip shared with the WFU family as he touched so many hearts forever……

Ann and Bob Williams 61.58

August 07, 2007 – 09:59 PM

My thoughts and prayers are with you.

Cecilia Woke

August 07, 2007 – 10:04 PM

It is unfortunate that you never fully appreciate someone’s life and impact until they are gone. The 6 years we had were far too few. Our sincere condolences to the Prosser Family and to the numerous lives that Skip touched.

Rachel and Jason Mersey

August 07, 2007 – 10:13 PM

I was stunned to hear the news of Coach Prosser’s passing. He was a man who personified class and grace. My thoughts are with his family.

Joe Camp Ph.D. ’80

August 07, 2007 – 10:58 PM

<Our sincere condolences to the Prosser family…may God’s comfort and peace abide with you always.
Coach Prosser was a man of great character whose values in life will forever be his legacy.

Bill and Shirley Wiggins

August 07, 2007 – 11:20 PM

I was devastated to learn about Coach Prosser’s tragic death. Any parent would be blessed to have his son coached by such a gem of a human being. God bless Skip and his family.

Chris Heim ’98

August 08, 2007 – 01:28 AM

Everything everyone has been saying about Coach Prosser is absolutely true, he really was a great man. I’ll never forget when he opened Project Pumpkin in ’05. Afterwards, like a geek and the huge fan I am, I went up and asked to get my picture with him. He was just so friendly and more than happy to take the time to pose for a quick picture. I still have it framed on my desk.

Amy Hoeg-Class of ’09

August 08, 2007 – 01:44 AM

My thoughts and prayers to the Prosser family.

Stephen Harrison

August 08, 2007 – 06:43 AM

My grandson attended basketball camp at Wake, and I was so impressed that at the closing ceremony, he told them that there was more to life than basketball–that God should come first, and their family, and academics in that order–then their passion for basketball!!! He truly embodied the Wake Forest Spirit!!!

Sylvia Gilley, class of 1957

August 08, 2007 – 08:01 AM

We offer our prayers and thoughts to the Prosser family. We were very saddened by the news of an individual we never met but felt we knew. We have always been proud to have him on our sidelines and as part of our community. He was a wonderful representative of Wake Forest.

Keith (JD 00) and Lisa Zanni (JD 01)

August 08, 2007 – 08:07 AM

My sincere sympathy goes out to the Prosser family. I enjoyed watching Coach Prosser lead the WFU basketball team, and I think he was an excellent representative for our university. I understand that he was an even better person than he was a coach; and I thought he was a great coach. He will be sorely missed.

Wray Brawley, Class of \’87

August 08, 2007 – 08:42 AM

My heart goes out to the Prosser family and friends during this sad time. May God bless you all. Our world was is a much better place because Skip Prosser was here, even for such a short time. His memories and dedication to helping people will endure always.

Nancy Via

August 08, 2007 – 08:56 AM

Our hearts and prayers are with you.

Brad Hale

August 08, 2007 – 09:03 AM

I’ll never forget eating lunch with Coach Prosser at 1st Street not long after he joined Wake, discussing the upcoming season. He was the most humble, approachable and pleasant individual I met at Wake. He will be missed.

Berry Hiott ’05

August 08, 2007 – 09:06 AM

Our thoughts and prayers are with the Prosser family as well as the Wake Forest family. Coach Prosser was a remarkable individual who always represented himself and the University with class. Coach Prosser you will be missed and we can just picture a tie-dye heaven. RIP we love you!!

Demon Deacon Fans ’11

August 08, 2007 – 09:29 AM

Basketball will not be the same! Our thoughts and prayers are with your family. May God grant you His presence, comfort, and peace!

Dennis & Sylvia Knight (’68)

August 08, 2007 – 09:39 AM

What a top-class gentleman and excellent representative of our university. We mourn with you, Prosser family. God bless.

Dean Headley ’84

August 08, 2007 – 10:08 AM

If only there were more coaches like Coach Prosser, who put God and his family first. Fortunately, the mark that he has left on Wake Forest will never be able to be erased. Thank you for sharing him with us. May it bring you some small measure of comfort to know that you are in the thoughts and prayers of Demon Deacons everywhere.

H. Andresen (Class of ’99)

August 08, 2007 – 10:49 AM

Although we never had the pleasure of meeting Coach Prosser, we gained a real respect for him as we followed the basketball team. He was a true role model for all NCAA coaches and players alike.Our deepest condolences.
May his memeory live forever.

Kathy and John Liadis, parents of Steve Liadis ’06

August 08, 2007 – 11:24 AM

Although I never had the opportunity to meet Coach Prosser personally, I am an avid basketball fan. He was an incredible coach and I hoped that he would remain at Wake Forest for many decades. I hope that you know that your family is in the thoughts and prayers of all Wake Alumni.

Mark Long ’91

August 08, 2007 – 11:58 AM

Thank you, Coach.
Well done, good and faithful servant.

L Sollars P’07

August 08, 2007 – 12:35 PM

Thanks a lot Skip for making all my 4 years at wake so memorable and enjoyable and revolving so much around basketball. My thoughts and prayers go out to Skip’s family and friends, God bless all of you.

Chris Nelson ’06

August 08, 2007 – 01:00 PM

I’m happy to say that we had a chance to meet with Skip several years ago and spend just a little bit of time with him — he was a genuinely super guy. Our thoughts and prayers go out to his family and loved ones. The Wake family lost a great man but we’re proud to say that he was on our team.

Rob and Dianne Wilson ’00, ’01

August 08, 2007 – 01:49 PM

What I appreciated about Coach Prosser was that, in addition to being a great basketball coach, he was a sensitive and caring human being who cared deeply for his fellowman. He will be missed by the Wake Forest family.

David Wheeler Allred \’63,\’77

August 08, 2007 – 02:13 PM

Coach Prosser’s passion for the game, the school, and most importantly his players, was inspiring to all observers….whether Demon Deacons or not.
Deepest condolences to those closest to him.

Paul Markle JD ’80

August 08, 2007 – 02:50 PM

The Wake Forest and Winston-Salem community are thankful for the presence of a delightful,respected and personable coach we have had in our midst. Thank-you for your example and inspiration! Godspeed.
Wake Forest alum, Winston-Salem, NC

Susan Griffin Stockton

August 08, 2007 – 03:25 PM

We will miss him tremendously as both a coach and a representative to Old Gold & Black. Our family’s thoughts and prayers are with his family in this difficult time.

Chuck & Stacey Wilson ’88 & ’89

August 08, 2007 – 03:32 PM

I had the pleasure of working for coach Prosser at the WFU Summer basketball camps and he treated us with the respect and courtesy he showed his regular staff. Wake has suffered a tremendous loss and my family’s prayers go out to his family and the family’s of his assistant coaches, players, and staff. God Bless

Daymond C. Lindell

August 08, 2007 – 04:05 PM

Coach Prosser was a great competitor and a wonderful representative of Wake Forest University. He will be greatly missed.

Terry L. Brooks ’63

August 08, 2007 – 04:15 PM

An unimaginable loss of a great representative of Wake Forest. Our prayers go out to the family, staff, and players.

Charles and Lu Snipes

August 08, 2007 – 04:21 PM

Both as a fan, and as an alumnus, Coach Prosser made me proud to be associated with Wake Forest. He represented the motto, pro humanitate, well. My prayers are with the family.

David Wallover, ’80

August 08, 2007 – 05:16 PM

We will miss Coach Prosser deeply and on many levels. His leadership will allow our program to continue to succeed, but his ambassadorship for WFU basketball, the school, and what its people are all about, will be very tough to ever come close to replicating. We all can only hope that we carry ourselves with the character, poise, and dignity (and sense of humor and history) that Coach Prosser demonstrated.

Ed Balogh ’88

August 08, 2007 – 05:38 PM

We are both saddened by the death of Coach Prosser. He always came to Kernersville for the FanFest and I enjoyed talking with him and having him sign posters. He will be greatly missed, but we will all be carrying the banner left by Coach Prosser with our new coach, Dino. This choice is a great tribute to Skip.

Larry & Jeanie Martin

August 08, 2007 – 06:37 PM

Coach Prosser was a gifted human being. We are fortunate to have had him to counsel and coach our student athletes. Our prayers are with his family.

Joyce and Butch Hassell, ’64

August 08, 2007 – 07:44 PM

Coach Prosser always conducted himself as a true gentleman,no easy task with the myriad frustrations coaching must entail.His players appeared always to respond positively to him.
He will be truly missed by all who had the privilege to come in contact with him as well as the Wake Forest family as a whole. My deepest simpathies.

Bill Townsend ’69

August 08, 2007 – 08:36 PM

My prayers are with the family, coaches, players, and administration as they mourn the death of a great coach and an even more wonderful human being. May the God of grace and mercy pour His love out on all of you during this most difficult time.

Chuck Engstrom ’79, ’83

August 08, 2007 – 08:38 PM

It is a shame it takes a tragegy such as this before Skip truly gets the recognition he deserves, not as a coach, but as a person. It is a small wonder that Wake found Skip – someone who sincerely represented what we are as a university. I thank him and his family for all they contributed to our community.

LV ’84 Parent ’10

August 08, 2007 – 09:05 PM

We will truly miss Coach Prosser. It takes a special coach and man to be successful at Wake Forest, and he was both. He was a winner in both basketball and in ways significantly more important than games. Our sincere condolences to the Prosser family.

Jim (’65) and Marilyn (’67) Clayton

August 08, 2007 – 09:24 PM

Truly a difficult time for the many who knew him and his family. We offer our thoughts and prayers to the Prosser family and close friends. I am a proud alum who values all that WFU and it’s staff stand for and accomplish.

Tom (79) & the Forkner family

August 08, 2007 – 09:30 PM

Few people in this world are so fortunate as to bring such great entertainment to so many folks, while molding young men’s character and teaching them life’s rules through sport. Coach Prosser provided us many great time at WFU basketball games. He will be sorely missed by many.

Bonnie and Gus Poindexter

August 08, 2007 – 09:31 PM

Skip’s passing is a tragedy beyond what words can describe…but the positive impact he has had on all of us, students, alumni, family and friends, is truly amazing. His legacy and spirit will not be forgotten.

Matthew (’97) & Tara Beldner

August 08, 2007 – 11:36 PM

My condolences to the family of Coach Prosser. He was fun to watch as a coach because you could see that he loved his players as a teacher/father figure more than just as a coach. He never seemed angry at his players & his demeanor suggested that he always gave encouragement to his players even after a mistake. He will be missed & it’s nice to know that nice guys can get the respect they deserve from their peers & the public. My prayers are with each family member. Just have faith.

Thomas W. Alston ’80

August 09, 2007 – 02:10 AM

Skip was a strong individual that we will miss deeply. Our thoughts can only be with Nancy and the Prosser Family .. “We can close our eyes and pray that he return, or open our eyes to see what he left us” Our prayers are with with all his family, friends and admirers. Love, Robert and Victoria

Robert and Victoria Helms

August 09, 2007 – 02:20 AM

Coach Prosser always had time for people. One day my son and I were at the Central YMCA. I saw Skip and said hello and introduced him to my son Seth. He was so warm and friendly and touched so many people in Winston-Salem. I will miss him.


August 09, 2007 – 10:02 AM

My prayers are with you. Coach Prosser was a great coach with a nice manner. My family and I will miss seeing him.

Teresa Newsome Bondurant

August 09, 2007 – 01:43 PM

Three memories: (1) It was mid-day and Skip was jogging on the track at Kentner Stadium. I needed to share something with him, but didn’t want to interrupt him, so I fell in behind him, trying to signal that I didn’t want him to stop. He stopped, I’m sure because he was concerned he was in better shape than I. (2) During a press conference, Skip shared something I had written about him. I thought it was a “take” no one else had recognized and received my confirmation when the man himself chose to borrow my line. (3) At the conclusion of one of the men’s basketball banquets, I approached Skip, having been especially moved by his comments. The Sports Information Director attempted to “protect” Skip from my approach, but Skip leaned toward me to hear, “You’re a piece of work, Skip – reminding Wake Forest what it is to be Wake Forest.” Grinning from ear to ear, Skip replied, “You’re the best, Cameron.”No, Skip. You’re the best.

Cameron Yow \’68

August 09, 2007 – 02:44 PM

As I read these entries, I can’t help but have tears well up in my eyes. As a Cincinnatian and Xavier fan, we have really missed Skip since his departure from here. I was pleased to see him have such success at Wake Forest and know that he brought a part of Xavier with him to WF and the ACC. It is clear to me that he was both cherished and respected at Wake. We mourned from a distance up here eventually having the opportunity to honor him at a beautiful Memorial Mass at the Cintas Center just before his burial in Cincinnati. On some level it feels like your Dad or a favorite uncle has died and it is just too sad to think that such a great guy was taken so early. Thanks Coach for leading by example, teaching us to choose the difficult right over the easy wrong. Your course has ended up being too short a class. Your example will forever change the manner I will coach those athletes entrusted to me. Cincinnati will take great care of Nancy and your boys. Enjoy that pint and I hope you allow yourself the pleasure of having more than two.

Dave Monaghan

August 09, 2007 – 03:40 PM

Mrs. Prosser, Scott and Mark,
Since I do not have an address to send you a personal letter of condolence, please express my deepest sympathies here on the internet. My heart is broken for you and your family and for our Wake Forest family at large. I only had the pleasure of meeting Skip Prosser, but never really knowing him. It was evident , however, that he was the finest representative we could have as a basketball coach for our game and the development of the young men who we want to leave WFU better people. The night he passed away I read every internet article I could find and amidst the shock, there was nothing but amazing things written about this man. Not just who he was a a coach, but more importantly who he was as a person. i have never been prouder to be a Deacon knowing how he represented us for his time at the University. Please know my family’s thoughts and prayers continue to be with you.

Jennifer Black, ’86

August 09, 2007 – 03:57 PM

I’ll miss calling in to speak with Skip on Mondays/Thursdays. Skip always added a literary reference to make sure I was paying attention! I very much enjoyed speaking with Skip in Miami in the concourse prior to kickoff at the Orange Bowl (quite an ambassador for WF). Heartfelt condolences to the Prossers.

James A.

August 09, 2007 – 09:48 PM

Since I live in California, it has been such a pleasure to observe your professionalism and ability to interact with the players.It made me more than ever proud to be a DEAC. My sympathy to your family and close friends. I will miss you as it was obvious that youwere a special person.

Dick Odom ’59

August 09, 2007 – 09:57 PM

Skip always put sports and basketball in perspective and his candor was refreshing. We were blessed to have him at Wake and he is already missed.

Andy Hudnell

August 09, 2007 – 10:23 PM

I’m so sorry for your loss. May God bless you and your family.

Lesli McNamara ’81

August 10, 2007 – 01:44 AM

We were stunned to hear the news about Coach Prosser. What a tradition he became at Wake in such a short time. When playing basketball, we all want to win the game; but it is not always about winning the game. We had a winner with Coach P., and all who played under him were “winners”. They were winners because they learned the real values in life and how to be fine upstanding young men – along with how to play the game. This is a difficult time for you all and the Wake family. May God bless you and give you peace.

Tye and Dee Tucker

August 10, 2007 – 07:50 AM

We are so sorry for your loss. Coach brought us much pleasure as we watched him mentor and lead WFU players over the past few years. He was a class act whether winning or losing, because we could see that for him, it was about how you played the game. Please take some consolation from the honor and respect in which he was held by the greater Wake Forest community. We will keep you in our prayers.

Mary Jo Sweeney ’77

August 10, 2007 – 09:24 AM

Coach Prosser has been described as a “teacher” first. As a former student of his at CCHS, I can truly say that he was a teacher above all else. He has touched so many lives and will be deeply missed.


August 10, 2007 – 12:09 PM

Thank you Coach Prosser for all you did for our university, on and off the basketball court. You made us all so very “Proud to be a Deacon.”

Meade Browder ’85

August 10, 2007 – 03:50 PM

Thanks Coach!I couldn’t even imagine were Wake Forest Basketball would be without you. Thanks for all of the great memories!


August 10, 2007 – 04:26 PM

Thanks to Coach for everything he did for Wake Forest. We appreciate all the things he did for our school on and off the court.

Gary, Tammy, Kathryn, Jack, CALawson & Emma Muller

August 10, 2007 – 07:27 PM

My Prayers go out to Mark, Scott, and Nancy, but most of all to his mother Jo Prosser. She has been a great person to me over the years as i have known her. The reason Skip was such a great man is because he had great people to guide him. Thank you Skip for the great memories i have about you and you will be greatly missed by all.

Anthony Skrabak

August 10, 2007 – 11:18 PM

We who watched and admired Skip knew by his words and deeds that he certainly loved Wake Forest in every way. I fondly remember Skip buried in a sea of tie-dyed shirts at a season opening practice game on campus. Hard to tell who was having the most fun, Skip or the students. We who are left behind are deeply hurt by his departure, but as our pastor would say, Skip has received his “promotion” from this life to the presence of the Lord. Our prayers go out to Skip’s family and the extended Wake Forest Nation.

Bradd (’83), Janet, Austin and Andrew Craver

August 11, 2007 – 09:54 AM

Coach” Will be missed and I will continue his memory forever.Very classey and loved by all!Class of 1953″…Cary, N.C.

Robert (Bob) Lowry

August 11, 2007 – 01:43 PM

Deepest Sympathies.

Kedran Garrison

August 11, 2007 – 03:51 PM

Mrs. Prosser & Sons,
Our prayers are with you. May God’s grace srengthen you.
Tate [55]

Tate Bennett

August 12, 2007 – 12:59 PM

We too were shocked with the news of Coach Prossers death. He was one of the “good guys” and will be greatly missed at WFU. But his legacy WILL live on………..God Bless his family.

Debbie & Bob

August 12, 2007 – 01:58 PM

My deepest sympathy on your loss. I enjoyed seeing him coach with enthusiasm and class.

Carol Clark 1984,1992

August 12, 2007 – 03:52 PM

Our deepest symphathies and prayers are with you and your family.

Lou (’71) and Richard Wagner

August 12, 2007 – 06:25 PM

I have long followed Wake Bball and have been absolutely delighted in the character of our coaches. Skip’s passing is a blow to all WFU family. Our prayers have been with the family and players/staff.

Bryan Slater

August 12, 2007 – 07:30 PM

As parents of a Wake student 500 miles from home who is now a rising senior, Skip was the decided face of WFU for us. We subscribed to the sports channels that carried the basketball games, and when we tuned in, it was always reassuring to see such a decent and affable man leading the team and the fans. Skip was our connection, and though my son never met him personally, he symbolically became a parent figure to identify with. Perfect in this secondary role, he was a consummate diplomat, and the embodiment for all the good that Wake represents…
Plus, he looked like he was related to my Scottish my mother-in-law! Our deepest condolences.

Mary (and Roger) Erra

August 13, 2007 – 12:45 AM

He made us proud to be Deacons. You are in our prayers.

Betty Anne Whisnant

August 13, 2007 – 09:41 AM

When Coach Odom left for South Carolina – and having spent a good deal of my life in Cincinnati – I told my brother “My first choice is Skip Prosser”. Unlike anything else I might “want”, it did happen. And he was such a quality person, he did not disappoint. Now I can’t imagine a time when the Prosser family was not part of our Wake family.My depest sympathy for your personal loss.

John M Vuono